
Monday, December 10, 2012

Cheers, Cavanaugh and Movie Trivia

Ever attended a Christmas party where you bump into the person who was always there for you during the last year. You’d thank them for being such a RockStar, right?

If there’s one person in the Blogisfear who you want to say cheers to, who would it be?

For us, it was a no-brainer: Alex “no hyperlink needed” Cavanaugh.

Alex is an awesome blogger who’s helped hundreds of us via book releases, guest posts, guest interviews and always positive comments. While we can’t have a live part-ay for the Ninja Captain, we can host a BlogFest.

In +/- 20 words, what does Alex look like? He's lean, medium height around 5'8" to 5'10", and has dark brown hair just above collar length.

In +/- 20 words, who could play Alex in a documentary? (Living or dead.) Viggo Mortensen

In +/- 20 words, who does Alex remind you of?

Alex reminds me of a family friend that we’ve known for years. He’s just a comfortable guy, someone you want to hang around on a regular basis.
In +/- 100 words, (excluding the title) write flash fiction using all these prompts:


This is where the fun begins . . .mwahaha. Just kidding. :-)

Ninja Captain Cavanaugh flew his Cosbolt on a mission of utmost importance: to bring good cheer and encouragement to planet Blog.
Fighting off the evil villains of doubt and insecurity with ease, but Ninja Captain Alex wanted to share the fight, so he recruited pilots to help him with a monthly IWSG.
Leading his squadron each month, Alex used  his telekinetic powers to subdue his foes, and taught all in his squadron to do the same.
At the end of the long fought battle, Alex celebrated the victory with a rockin’ guitar solo.

 For Bonus Points:
In +/- 40 words, leave a comment for Mrs. Cavanaugh - thanking her for sharing J

Dear Mrs. Cavanaugh, Thank you for sharing Alex with the blog world. I hope that you get to spend lots of time with him daily. I know you must be a tower of strength and encouragement for him. Thank you.

Join the Linky List
Be a follower.
Post your 200 (total) word contribution Monday, Dec. 10.
Have Fun!

Two winners – chosen by Alex – will each win one prize:

FIRST PLACE: A signed copy of CassaStar. (Or CassaFire)

In further honor of Alex, I have a few movie triva questions from 80's teen movies. A few of these should be pretty easy. What movies are these quotes from?

1. "Two Dollars. I want my two dollars."
2. "Doc, you built a time machine... out of a Delorian?"
3. "Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop & look around once in awhile you could miss it".
4. "Greetings Starfighter. You have been recruited by the Star League to defend the frontier against Xur and the Ko-Dan Armada."
5. "Stay gold, Ponyboy. Stay gold".

Answers will be listed on Wednesday.

The Hobbit is here Friday! M Pax and I are hosting Hobbit Fest, and we would love to know the answers to these questions:

If you could choose between a scrumptious second breakfast and a perilous unexpected journey – which would you prefer?
Have you ever left behind something on a journey (expected or unexpected) and wished you could have it over and over again? (a pocket handkerchief?)
What is your Favorite part or quote from the book that you hope will be in the movie?


  1. My wife is my strength! And Viggo - I'll take that.
    As for trivia-
    Better Off Dead
    Back to the Future
    Ferris Bueller
    The Last Starfighter
    The Outsiders
    You rock, Tyrean - thank you!

  2. Love the salute to Mrs. Great post :)

  3. Excellent tribute - and my answers to the trivia:
    1. ?
    2. Back to the Future
    3. Ferris Beuler's Day Off
    4. The Last Starfighter
    5. The Outsiders

  4. Very nice post and tribute to both man and the woman behind the man :)

  5. Great entry, Tyrean!
    I'm useless when it comes to movie trivia...

  6. Alex - You're welcome! and Thank you for all you do, Alex! (BTW - you're right on all answers)

    Julie - Thanks!

    mshatch - Thanks! and you have 2-5 correct!

    Siv - Glad you liked it!

    michelle - I often feel that way about movie trivia too. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. Viggo Mortensen, you are the second to mention him, well - the other said Aragorn, but same thing. *Grin*

    Um, I know number two. That is Back to the Future, but I don't know the others. The first sounds familiar though...

  8. Nice tribute, Tyrean! Loved your answers and flash fiction.

  9. Oh, wowzer, Viggo Mortensen? I'm so watching THAT documentary. :)

  10. I think you nailed Alex's characteristics! And certainly the essence of who he is. Great post, Tyrean!

  11. Of course he ended with a guitar solo. Thanks for the fun post.

  12. I totally agree with Alex being like a family friend you've known for years!

  13. A lovely tribute.

    Not very good at movie trivia I'm afraid but think 'Back to the Future' is in there!

  14. I'd go hang with Viggo. And look at that - Alex answered all of the trivia questions. Big surprise.

  15. Love that you included a movie trivia tribute! Perfect for Alex. I actually know some of these :)

    Back to the Future, Ferris Bueller, and The Outsiders. Don't know the other ones, but I'm sure Alex did. I'll have to scroll back up and see ;)

  16. got super specific with that description. Do you know something the rest of us don't?

    haha...great tribute!

  17. Sweet! Glad I know all those quotes. Every child of the 80's should, right? Thank you for participating! :)

  18. AWESOME! Your flash fiction piece is my favorite so far. Nicely done!

  19. It's amusing to read how everyone sees, Alex. Viggo is a great pick.

  20. Yeah, I can see Viggo as Alex. Alex will be pleased. Nice flash fiction and a nice touch with the trivia - I suck at it. I'm all set for the Hobbitfest!

  21. Great post Tyrean. Hmmm...Viggo - that's a good one. Loved the flash piece.

  22. Aw the only trivia I could pick were Back to the Future and Ferris Bueller.
    I loved your flash fiction!

  23. Jack - Viggo and Aragon - very cool!!! grin:-)

    M.L. - Thanks!

    Luanne - Me too. :-)

    Morgan -Thank you!!!

    Brinda - yes, he ended with a guitar solo from behind the drum set . . .

    Nancy - Thanks. :-)

    Sherry - He just seems to be that kind of guy.

    Suzanne -glad you liked it, and Back to the Future is definitely in there.

    L. Diane - definitely not surprised that Alex knew all the answers - they were probably way too easy for him.

    Cassie - Very good, and yes, Alex knew all the answers!

    Tamara - LOL - no, I just looked at the picture in the dark that's on his blog on the "about me" page . . .you can't really see features, but it helps with the guesses.

    David - Glad you knew them. Thanks for hosting!

    Emily - Wow! Thanks!!!!

    M Pax - it is pretty funny. Hopefully it makes Alex smile.

    Gwen -Thanks, and I'll see you Friday too.

    Susan - Thanks!!!

    Lynda - right on those two, and Thanks!

  24. Awesome choice in Viggo, I LUV HIM! :) Great post.

  25. Awesome post. Love the trivia tribute but can only get two:
    Back to the Future and Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

  26. Planet Blog: perfect!

    And the trivia in Alex's honor? Nice touch!

  27. Love the good cheer and encouragement part! And the trivia's a nice idea - eek! Definitely not my area of talent though.

  28. Viggo Mortensen awesome choice! And nice touch with the movie trivia. (:

  29. I think you summed up Alex very well.

  30. Trisha -Thanks!

    Livia - me too :-)

    Marta - Thanks! You're right with those two.

    Jeff - Thanks!

    T. Drecker - Thanks, and the trivia's not really my specialty either - but I thought it might work for Alex.

    Elise - Thanks!

    C.M. - good!

    Tara - Thanks! :-)

  31. Love the Planet Blog! Alex truly is a rockstar. :)

  32. I love that you tied in Alex's books with your Flash Fiction. Great job.

  33. Viggo Mortenson--good pick. Nice touch with the movie trivia :)

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  34. Laura - Glad you liked it!

    cleemckenzie - I did? Oh, yeah, I guess I did. Thanks!

    Allison - Thanks!

    Donna - Thanks! :-)

  35. Did you know Alex would know the answers to those trivia questions? I only got a couple of them, and I had to look up to see who Iggo is. Good interactive post.

  36. Viggo--oooh, good choice! Nice answers, Tyrean.

  37. 2- Back to the Future and
    4- The Last Starfighter

    I'm not so great at these quizzes.

  38. Nicely done, Tyrean. Alex blew through the trivia, of course. I only knew #2. That was a great addition to this post.


  39. Fun flash fiction! Wow, I actually know the answers to the movie quotes, without cheating (this never happenes!): Better of Dead, Back to the Future, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, The Last Starfighter, The Outsiders.

  40. Love the descriptions! I could so see Viggo as our Ninja. and what a beautiful comment to Mrs. Alex. :)

    Movie trivia, Yay!!

    1 Better Off Dead
    2 Back to the Future
    3 Ferris Bueller's Day Off
    4 The Last Starfighter
    5 The Outsiders

  41. Alex is awesome. I rarely get his trivia, but I think I got 4/5 of yours. Yay.

    Thanks for the hobbitfest reminder. My teen daughter wants to go to the midnight showing with ME!

  42. Nancy - Glad you liked it, and I had a feeling that Alex would know all the trivia.

    Joylene - Thanks!

    D.G. - you did good!

    Rawknrobin - Glad you enjoyed the trivia and of course Alex knows all movie trivia. :)

    Michael - Awesome job on the trivia!!!

    JJ - Cheers!

    Melissa -Thanks, and you are 100% correct on the trivia!

    Tonja - Good job on the trivia!!! And my daughters have wrangled me into a midnight showing too . . .not that they had to try too hard.

  43. Hmm, I can see Viggo playing him. :)

  44. I never know the quotes from movies. Can't wait for the hobbit.

  45. Trivia is a perfect salute to Alex! :D

  46. Great bonus trivia questions! Of course you couldn't stump The Ninja! Julie

  47. As for the trivia, Ditto what Alex said.

    Perfect ending to your flash fiction. Isn't that how guitar players end everything?

  48. Enjoyed the flash, being one of the first recruits, I salute you!

  49. Loved your flash fiction. And I know #1 from your 80's movies- Better off Dead. That's one of my all time favorite movies. The lines in that movie just don't get any better.

  50. Great post, Tyrean.
    Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

  51. Nice flash fiction piece! Of course, when I think of a rockin' guitar solo, I always think of Bill & Ted (EXCELLENT!).

    And oh my goodness, it's been a million years since I've watched 'The Last Starfighter'. Maybe during the holidays...

  52. Definitely enjoyed reading your posting in the blogfest! And on the salute I only know #1 Is from Better Off Dead, #2 is from Back To the Future. I'm not sure on #3, but I think it was from Ferris Buellers Day Off, not sure! I give up on the other two!

  53. I have to agree, Alex is like a family friend. Someone you've known for years and can count on! Fun flash fic piece. :)

  54. So fun! Loved the honorary movie-trivia questions. :)

  55. OOOhhh, Viggo Mortenson. Very good one! Nice entry, Tyrean.

    Tina @ Life is Good

  56. I love how you did this! The movie segment was wonderful~ Well done :D
    Yes, cheers to Viggo, I mean Alex, lol

  57. Blog--that does sound like a planet name in the same vein as Ork. That blogfest list was a long one.

    Wrote By Rote


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