
Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday Blessings, 365 Days of Blessings Day 308

On Sundays, we take a break from the A to Z Challenge, so I'll be celebrating some random blessings today with no theme, no limit! :-)

1. Quiet mornings.

2. Two dogs and one cat excitedly purring and rubbing up against me for morning love, and taking turns . . . mostly.

3. The game Sorry!

4. Re-organizing some old videos so that I have a bookshelf dedicated to Worship and Music, and Homeschool Co-Op teaching - my working shelf, so to speak. This now separates our fun reads, and our general homeshool books and materials from materials I use for the volunteering and teaching I get to do. Hopefully this will help streamline my time, and allow for more sanity in keeping track of my papers.

5. A recognition of a need for a writing shelf. If the "working" shelf were bigger, I could put my writing books and notebooks on there too, but it's a half-shelf, a leftover from my college days when I couldn't carry a truckload of books with me everywhere. So now, I have plans for an Ikea trip. :D

6. Night reading. I love reading to my kids and our family at night. I have read many books that state that reading out loud is a healthy and mind-stretching activity at any age, and have experienced that to be true. We read serious, homeschool books both aloud and silently during the days, but at night we read for imaginative fun, and enjoyment. Plus, we read our Bibles out loud too. It means that I read out loud sometimes for an hour, but I wouldn't trade that time for anything else.

7. Waking up when the sky is dark and the house is quiet, except for the ticking of a clock, the beating of our dogs' tails against hard floors and the soft purrs of our cat.

8. We were given a wooden dollhouse nearly six years ago, and now my daughters are ready to give it away to another little girl, someone they thought of right away when they decided to pass it on.

9. We organized our garage sale piles yesterday. We have a big box of Barbies, and Barbie accessories including a car, a few dress up items, baby dolls and stuffed animals, a crate full of fun books, and a crate full of educational books. We're ready to give this all to the lady in charge of our dance academy garage sale, which will benefit our dance academy. My daughters are actually happy about giving this stuff away, and picked it all out and organized the toys themselves. I was amazed, especially when my youngest said, "I like my shelves and my room better now. I can see everything, and it looks pretty." They've inspired me to work on my own organizational projects. (On a side note, this does not mean I expect my kids to give away all their toys, or their meaningful ones any time soon. I still have some old stuffed animals and a doll from my childhood sitting on a shelf, and see nothing wrong with keeping those memorable lovies. I even have a few old toy cars, some wind up toys, and some dog-eared Star Wars cards.)

10. Today is the Lord's day, and I am thankful for being alive!

Scripture Blessings:

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13


  1. Great verse! I feel better already. And I like waking up whenits still dark and quiet too. About the only time I can get stuff done.

  2. I echo Stephen--great verse. And also a great list of blessings. Best of luck with your garage sale!

  3. It is a great verse and one we need to be reminded of. You make me jealous. You sound so organised. Gulp.

    Thanks for travelling to Bangladesh with me.


  4. I love your list of blessings (and of course the verse is brilliant)

    W.I.P. It: A Writer's Journey

  5. Ahhh. Oh, to be organized and get the kids to be organized. Love the list. I need to make a list. Thanks for making me jealous of the list.
    he he.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Love yours.

  6. It always makes me feel good to read thankful lists. And this one is lovely.


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!