
Friday, April 1, 2011

B is for Blessings, and 365 Days of Blessings, Day 307

My poem, "april second", is out today at Every Day Poets. Just click here: april second at Every Day Poets to check it out. I'm pretty excited about this one, even if my faith seems a little clouded with bitterness at the beginning, I think it begins to come clear near the latter half.

On a side note - I apologize for the length of yesterday's post. I understand, especially now after reading so many, that during A to Z, I might need to keep my posts a wee bit shorter. And now, on to B.

B is for Blessings!
Blessings are amazing in number, variety, size, and strength. Once you get started looking for them, they are everywhere.

I challenged myself nearly a year ago to start a 365 Day Blessing Count Challenge, and it has been an interesting adventure. I can't say I've been succesful in finding brand new, completely original blessings each day, but I keep trying. And in trying, I've found blessings from the blessings.

Have you ever tried to count your blessings or develop an attitude of gratitude? How did it go?

Do you see any blessings around you right now?

These are just ten of the many blessings I've received from counting blessings:

1. The Blessing of a better attitude.

2. The Blessing of deeper faith.

3. The Blessing of sweeter relationships with my husband, my kids, and my whole family.

4. The Blessing of encouragement from friends and family.

5. The Blessing of brighter hope.

6. The Blessing of rainbow moments - finding the good in the midst of the rain.

7. The Blessing of living a "surround sound-HD" real life that has become more clear with every count.

8. The Blessing of joy.

9. The Blessing of growth.

10. The Blessing of thanksgiving that is like a gifts that keeps returning and spreading.

Blessed Scripture Blessings (there are really too many to add here):

"Rejoice in the Lord always. Again, I say: Rejoice!" Philippians 4:4


  1. Counting blessings sometimes are the only way to make it. God is good!

  2. 365 days of searching for blessings whether new or old is very encouraging.

  3. I kept a "Five good things that happened to me today" journal for a while, and sometimes I use that as a parent. I think it's a good idea to keep you grateful and thinking positive.

  4. Hi there

    I can't tell you how close I came to doing 'Blessings' as my B word. Despite lots of health problems, I count them every day.

    Good to make your acquaintance.

    Best of luck with the challenge
    warm wishes

  5. This is an awesome B post. Glad I found it. Blessings!

    Penned Pebbles

  6. My particular blessing today is having a family to take care of me. Yesterday I injured my knee and cannot walk on it at all. With a knee brace and crutches I am managing, but my family has jumped right in to care for me. I also have the blessing of my husband having just bought me a laptop on Monday, so I have the portability to be able to keep up with this blog challenge. God does indeed provide for all of our needs, and a whole bunch of our wants!

  7. I like that - 'develop attitude of gratitude.' Shall try harder! ;-)

  8. May your blessings be with us and never abandon us.

  9. Counting my blessings is the only way to get through a bad day sometimes. God is good and that's the best blessing of all.

  10. What a great thing to challenge yourself to! Counting and recognizing blessings is something I probably need to work on. I try! :)

    Thanks so much for stopping by today and for the bday wishes!

  11. Gregg – I agree! God is good, and God is great!!!

    Tea – Thanks! I hope I can encourage others too, and not just myself.

    Jennifer – That’s a great project! I am planning on having my daughters start one of those types of journals. Thanks for the idea!

    Debbie – Counting Blessings on the hard days makes life more joyful and complete. I hope that your health improves. Best of luck on the challenge to you too!

    Penned Pebbles – Thanks!

    Sheila – I am so sorry about your knee. I hope you heal quickly and completely. Families are wonderful blessings, especially when they help!

    Talei – Thanks!

    Leovi – Thanks!

    Kari – God’s goodness is definitely the best blessing of all. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    Donea – Thanks!

  12. It's great that you're trying to see the positive every day.

    East for Green Eyes

  13. It is funny that I almost posted about blessings for my letter B, but although I chose another word still I did comment on how we have to count our blessings.
    Thanks for such a great post. I will have to come later to read it again, so I don't forget certain things.
    May God bless you.
    A big hug from Spain.

  14. Counting your blessings gives you a postive outlook on life. Thanks for visiting my blog!

  15. A beautiful post. We should all count are blessings more often!

    Ellie Garratt


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!