
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

365 Days of Blessings - Day 73

Shared Blessings are Awesome! Please feel free to share some with your friends, your family, and everyone you meet. Plus, if you share them here, they'll be posted here.

Shared Blessings:
1. Louise, a friend of mine, said, "fishing, fishing, fishing!" She's on a fishing trip, and having a great time!
2. Angie, a sweet blog friend, said, "Everyone had a good time at the Mother/Daughter camp and no one got sick, lost or hurt while she was in charge! Plus, her oldest son is a senior and is all set to go on big things!" Both of those are awesome blessings, Angie! Check out her cool writing blog at Notes From the Writing Chair

Thank you for sharing Louise and Angie!!!

365 Days of Blessings, Day 723(from me)
1. God's Word is Comforting!!! Let's Go! (VBS Bible Point, Day 2)

2. Having fun while sharing God's word in an interactive way with groups of 20+ kids and leaders for four rotations yesterday morning.

3. Having a great partner for Bible Voyages - interactive drama storytelling of the Bible.

4. Having extra time in the script so we can actually open up the Bible and read the "real" story from the source.

5. Having two enthusiastic helpers for Bible Voyages this year. This is a first! We have helpers who want to run the sound cues, help with special affects, and even take a few lines!!!

6. 120 kids plus adult and teen helpers, singing praises to God on a Monday morning . . . and later today too!

7. My oldest daughter had a great time as a pre-school crew leader!

8. My youngest daughter had fun being a camper.

9. My husband took lots of pictures and got to make kids laugh . . . one of his favorite past-times.

10. My mom, whom everyone calls "so cute and energetic" helped lead a crew yesterday and had a great time too.

Extra Blessing: Today we get to tell the story of one of Paul's shipwreck experiences. Yesterday, if you wanted to know the answer to my hints: I played Rhoda, and the story was from Acts 12, when Peter escaped from Prison.

Website for the day: Adam-rado on Youtube
This is a video from youtube, of the "Adam-rado" song, written for our church softball coach and team, and performed by two softball players.

VBS Scripture Verse for the day: "Your promise revives me; it comforts me in all my troubles." Psalm 119:50

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Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!