
Sunday, August 8, 2010

365 Days of Blessings - Day 72, and Sharing!

Shared Blessings are wonderful! When we share blessings, we multiply them into an infinite number that can't be counted.

So do you have blessings to share? If you do, please share them in the comment section and I'll post them the next day in Shared Blessings.

Shared Blessings:
1. Shannon said she is thankful for healthy children, a good dog, an occassional cool day during a hot summer, coffee, and the world's greatest mother-in-law! Thank you for sharing, Shannon! Shannon has a blog called Book Dreaming - check it out!

365 Days of Blessings, Day 72

1. God's Word is a treasure!

2. God's Word is true!

3. "Adam-rado" - a song written by Mickey, dedicated to Coach Adam from PLC's God Squad 2 softball team, sung to the tune of Desperado, and heard by everyone after church on Sunday. Laughter, fun, and great fellowship . . . perfect.

4. The Wednesday night prayer group at our church . . . sure, I know it's not Wednesday, but this particular group of people has blessed our congregation with constant prayer during a financial and congregational crisis this summer. They are wonderful.

5. The dedicated organizational skills of Jordan, the director of VBS at our church. I've probably mentioned them before, but his skills and his love for the Lord impress me, would be impressive for anyone of any age, and he's 22. 22, with a better handle on stuff than some of us who are much older. Of course, he has a super mom and super dad encouraging him every step of the way.

6. Being a part of a small group of people gathered around someone hurting in our church last night. I wish she wasn't hurting, but I'm glad we can be there to tell her that she is loved.

7. Giving my husband big, squeezy hugs because I am so thankful that he is who he is, and he's mine. (well, he belongs to God first, and then he's mine)

8. Waking up early to write!!! I'm only getting in around 250 words a day on my WIP at this moment, but I'm getting a little done eacy day.

9. Getting ready to wear Bible times clothes today, and carry a heavy chain. Do you know which Bible story I'll be re-telling today?

10. The many blessings of facebook friends.

Scripture for the day: "But you are near, O Lord, and all your commands are true." Psalm 119:151 VBS Scripture for thd day.

Website for the day: Peninsula Lutheran Church - where VBS starts today, at 9a.m.


  1. 250 words a day isn't bad at all. Bible time clothes and a heavy chain--I can't guess what story it is. Hmmmm.

    Some of my blessings: Everyone had a good time at the Mother/Daughter camp out and no one got lost, sick or hurt. (I was in charge, and I was worried.) My oldest son is a senior and all set to go on to big things! (I'm a little freaked out, but it's good.)

  2. Those are awesome blessings Angie!!!
    The Bible story yesterday was . . . from Acts 12, Peter's escape from prison.


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!