
Friday, September 19, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things

Many thanks to Viklit and her awesome team of celebrators!

This week, I'm celebrating:

1. Two projects 99% complete and in use. My books of notes and assignments, although not as polished as I would like them to be, are done and are in use for two of my co-op classes this year.

In response, one young man said, "You wrote this! You wrote all of this, this summer . . . for fun?!"  Then, he turned bright red, as if he realized he had insulted my idea of "fun."
(The reality is that I have some serious control freak issues in the area of teen writing curriculum . . . either that, or incredible arrogance.)

2. All the awesome votes I received for Champion in Flight for the categories of "Best Kickbutt Main Character" and "Most Evil Villain" at Indie Recon Live! Voting is closed, but I feel seriously loved. Thanks!!!

3. I jumped off a cliff jump-started a project I've had in the works since early spring - an experimental micro-fiction serial entitled Ashes Burn. The first season Ashes Burn: Away is pre-loaded and will start "airing" on October 6th, with three "episodes" a week. (It's super experimental and super short so it's super scary, but I really want to get it out there anyway.)

4. How I Found the Write Path is out and is FREE in e-book format everywhere!!! The amazing Carrie Butler put this project together with some help from PK Hrezo. It's a huge honor to be on the list of sixty authors in this book.

Here’s the lowdown on this project: To celebrate Carrie's third blogoversary, she decided to pay it forward by inviting the writing/blogging community to help those just starting on their publishing journey. Why? Because it’s one of the most crucial periods in a writer’s life—full of nerves and hope we refuse to acknowledge. We’ve all been there.

That’s why over sixty of us have written letters to our past selves, candidly sharing things we don’t always discuss in public. The hope is that those of you who haven’t published will learn from our experiences. And those of you who have published? Well, you just might realize you’re not alone.
Links for free download:

Have you picked up your free copy of How I Found the Write Path? Ever had anyone be surprised by your writing habits/idea of fun? Ever heard of micro-fiction? And, what are you celebrating this week?

And for those who think I have a cheerleader life and a naturally sunny disposition, please note that I spent Wednesday this week feeling super grumpy, in pain, and finally, I went to bed with a book and some ibuprofen (and I don't like taking any meds unless they're absolutely necessary) and I made my family fend for themselves for dinner. We all have days like that.
I'm thankful for the stuff we get to celebrate and for Viklit who reminds us to celebrate!


  1. Congrats on all the good stuff!

    And you're right - we all have days where crawling into bed - or under it - is the best move. Then, when we crawl out, we're better able to face the world and appreciate all the amazing things it has to offer. :)

    Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption

    1. Thanks, Madeline! And yes, if I let myself rest on a day of "grump and slump," then I'm more likely to face the world with a brighter view afterwards. :)

  2. Great things to celebrate! And we all have our own definitions of what is fun. :)

  3. "Ashes Burn: Away" sounds exciting Tyrean!

  4. You've got loads to celebrate. Enjoy!

  5. Yay for the votes and the love! I think Ashes Burn serial will be awesome! Glad you're trying it out :D

    S.K. Anthony

  6. Yay to all the writing, and the votes and everything! Wow - it's a lot. People no I have a strange idea of fun, so I don't think anything I do really surprises them anymore. And writing is cool!

  7. It sounds like you have a lot to celebrate this week! Have a great weekend!

  8. Hurray for those votes! That's wonderful.

  9. Congrats! And I'm looking forward to the anthology. Looking to learn a lot from everyone.


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!