
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

A to Z: T

The A to Z Challenge is underway this year, thanks to the awesome hosts and minions. Special thanks to Arlee Bird for starting this amazing blogging challenge!!! For more information about this challenge, go to the website!

Primary theme: World of Aramatir (Setting for The Champion Trilogy) Glossary
Secondary Theme: World-Building Questions and Thoughts

Talz – A Sword Guard on the Sword Council

Tamara – a former Champion of Septily

Taylor – one of Perren’s nephews, and falconer in training

Terter – a hawk in the care of Perren Hawksmith

Tessa  - Second Princess of Rrysorria, and sister to King Stephen and First Princess Kassa

Theran – the head of the Sword Council, and Commander of the Allied forces

Thrimble – a three stringed instrument

Torren – a griffin Shepherd of Aerland

Tristan – a Sword Apprentice in awe of Clara

World Building Thought/Question: What does your main character treasure most? or What is the "treasure" in your world?


  1. I've been on a blogging break until now and missed everyone's A-Z posts, but I love the question you pose here. It's so key to figuring out where our plots lead.

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Barbara. I think it is a key question to understanding plot. :)

  2. One character's "treasure" could be something purely sentimental or extremely monetarily valuable. It's also a great motivator for the character to keep it safe…and for the antagonist to seize and/or destroy it.

    1. Yes, that's very true. A character's treasure doesn't even have to be something physically tangible, it could be the sense of family or belonging, or something along those lines. And yes, treasure is always a good motivator for the protagonist and the antagonist. :)

  3. I like the question about what the main character treasures the most, I think I have that down but need to think more about it with my WIP. Also love the word thrimble! :)

  4. Great cast of characters and weapons. Loved the instrument name, Thrimble.

  5. My main character treasures her freedom. The T Glossary for your Champion Trilogy is awesome. I am super eager to read the book now.

    1. I think that's something that many of us treasure, Rachna - great choice for your character! And thanks!

  6. Replies
    1. Exactly! And it's a driving force in your first book!

  7. Ooo, treasure. I realized after reading Save the Cat, that all my stories are treasure quests. I never realized I was so into that type of story until then. :)

    1. Me too! Except I think I knew it already . . . Voyage of Dawn Treader, The Hobbit, and other book like that were my mainstay as a kid.

  8. The "treasure" in my world is my female MC. She's considered to hold the key to a cure for a horrible disease in her genes, so everyone's after her!

  9. Geez, fantastic T words in your novel. I totally heart Theran, Tessa, & Tamara! Okay, wait. I like them all.

    What does my main character treasure most? Hmm... I'll go with my current MG. I'd say her friendship with her best friend, Fleishman.

    Sheri at Writer's Alley

    Home of Rebel Writer CREED 2014
    Mighty Minion Bureau Team #atozchallenge


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