
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Sensational Haiku Wednesday: Battle

Sensational Haiku Wednesday is here again! This week's theme: Battle.

Weariness clashes
With vigorous sword strokes that
Beat down enemies

Opponents silenced
The warriors pause, swords dropped
Waiting for the horn

Robust but hollow
The bellow releases them
Until the next call

Orginally when I saw this week's theme, I thought . . .oh, easy. Ha! I thought I would include something of my story here . . .but then I read the news each day, and battle seemed a painful subject. So somehow, I ended up with those three haiku linked together . . .and I'm not sure if that really makes a haiku when there are three of them connected. It's more  of a senryu, I think.

So, anyone else have a poem or a story go a different direction than you orginally intended?
Ever have the news affect your writing?

If you would like to join Sensational Haiku Wednesday or just know more of what it's about, see Jenn at You Know That Blog

Scripture Verse that's been running through my head this week: "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9


  1. I like these, Tyrean! There's a lot more to poetry than most people think. Thanks for sharing!

  2. They are very good. A continuation of the theme but each can stand on it's own.

  3. great job! reminds me of a medieval battle!

  4. Karen - Thanks! I appreciate your comments!

    Tara - Thanks! I'm glad that it does . . .I kind of had medieval battle in mind, and then I started thinking about wars that don't end.

  5. What Tara said!
    And like your closing Scripture verse.

  6. Yes is my answer to both of your questions ... I really enjoyed your multiple verse haiku!!!

    1. Helen - Thank you! Glad I'm not alone in finding that things change mid-write.

  7. Very visual Haiku. I can see these guys doing battle. I wish we would learn as I imagine everyone does.

    1. Ellecee - glad you could visualize it! I often worry that I don't leave enough sensory clues in my writing.

  8. Wonderful Haiku.
    My stories often end up heading into a different direction than the one I originally intended.

    1. Lynda - glad to know I'm not alone in having creative curveballs! Thanks!

  9. Excellent ~ well done haiku ~ and each can stand alone ~thanks ~ namaste, Carol ^_^

  10. Nicely done ... also reminds me of a Renaissance battle ... armors and all. I agree -- each could stand alone on their own merit. :)

  11. Great haiku!

    The news often affects my writing. That probably has something to do with the fact I write SF; a lot of it is so embedded in the way technology and society moves.

    1. Thanks! I think SF and Fantasy are both great places to explore society and technology from the real world with a different twist.

  12. Very vivid... I can actually see the armour and horses of a medieval battleground.

  13. Very visual and vivid as well. I can actually see the medieval battleground complete with gladiators!

  14. Sorry, computer giving me problems...


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