
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday Blessings! July 17, 2011

Sunday Blessings Count

This Sunday I'm especially thankful for:

1. A day trip to Mt. Rainier with my family. The challenge of hiking in the snow was fun and invigorating. Wish I could find the camera I took pictures with that day, but our house is topsy turvy at the moment.

2. We prepped the girls room for painting and re-flooring this week, and have finished painted the ceiling, above the closet area, and one wall blue. Later this afternoon, we will go green for the rest. These pics were taken with my husband's camera:

3. My house is nearly free of all carpet!!! With 2 dogs, 1 cat, and 4 people with mild dust allergies, we need easy floors - fake wood is better than dust-holding carpet. Only 1 room, and the stairway still have carpet, but the stairway will probably still have a safety runner when we are done.

4. Our dogs and cat are enjoying having the girls sleepover in the living room while their bedroom is being worked over for the week.

5. The 24/7 small group hosted worship today at our church, and they are riding in the Courage Classic in August to fundraise for the Intervention and Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect. Go 24/7!!!

6. Poetry Schmoetry Blogfest hosted by small town Shelly Brown was a fun, and encouraging blogfest!!! Thank you Shelly! If you want to re-read the week from the beginning, just go here: Writing With Shelly's Poetry Schmoetry Post Day 1

7. We went to see Harry Potter on Friday and loved it! We thought the Christian symbolism was handled well, and the closure with Snape brought tears to everyone's eyes. Now I'm reading the books again.

8. The ingenuity and humor of the filmakers who made the short film "Plot Device."

Plot Device from Red Giant on Vimeo.

9. We're getting really excited for our mini road trip to Creation Fest Northwest, coming mid next week.

10. Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world!

Scripture Blessings:

"Jesus said, 'Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.'" Matthew 19:15


  1. Your blessings made me smile, Tyrean. Sounds like you had a great family week. God is good!
    Pam at

  2. Pam - Glad to know they made you smile, Pam. We did have a great week. God is good all the time!!! Hope your week was good too!

  3. Extra Blessings I forgot to mention: We purchased an "educational" butterfly kit a while back, and raised 5 butterflies from pupae to adults. Released one yesterday, plan to release the rest tomorrow and Tuesday. Beautiful!!! And native species for our area.

    and . . . my daughters are choreographing their own tap and jazz combination dance for a video audition for a Disney show. Don't know if they will make it, but I am very proud of them for their efforts and their ability to work through all the "problems" together.

  4. OOOO love that color! We are going to see Harry Potter on wed. I hope it wont be too sad!
    Blessings, Joanne

  5. Sounds like a bushel full of wonderful blessings! Happy remodeling! :)


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!