
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Blessed by the Every Day Life - 365 Days of Blessings, Day 61

365 Days of Blessings, Day 61
The day after a birthday celebration is usually a day that includes half rest, and half clean up in our household. So today, I have been blessed by the Every Day stuff of life, some of which marks me as one of the richest people in the world - maybe not compared to Miley Cyrus, but definitely when compared to many people around the world who don't have what we consider to be basic necessitites.

1. God is my refuge, and my strength. He is my shield, and my portion. All the rest of this stuff is extra icing.

2. My husband is a wonderful man. He is faithful to our marriage. He believes in the Lord. Although at times he can get crabby, just like me, he is a very loving, kind man. I am very blessed to have him in my life.

3. My children are happy, healthy, and able to get a good education at home. We have the ability to choose how they are educated, and that is a great blessing.

4. My parents are happy and healthy, currently on another adventure, but this time in our country with their RV and their Motor Scooter.

5. My parent-in-laws are happy and mostly healthy. My mom-in-law is a cancer survivor, and they both have more energy than most people I know.

6. We have a wonderful family and friends.

7. We have indoor plumbing, with both hot and cold clean water available at the twist of our fingertips. There are many places in the world where this is not an option.

8. I have an in-house vacuum cleaner. Did I mention this one already? I'm not a great house-cleaner, my husband and I both have problems with stirring up dust (sneeze attacks galore), and the in-house vacuum makes our lives a lot easier. Now, if I could just in-house vac. all my shelves without sucking up any nicknacks and life would be perfect.

9. I have two bookshelves bursting with books, a library down the street, and most importantly, I can read the Bible in my own language in several translations. Not all people have those kind of luxuries.

10. I live in a country where freedom is defended valiantly by men and women who are willing to sacrifice their lives for liberty.

Bonus Blessings: I live in a safe country, where justice prevails most of the time, and children are not usually forced into slavery, or prostitution.

Shared Blessings:
A dear friend, Louise, told me she is thankful for a forgiving God.

Scripture for the day:
"The Lord is my strength and my
my heart trusts in him, and I am
My heart leaps for joy
and I will give thanks to him in

Psalm 28:7


  1. Hi Tyrean,
    Wow, that's great what you're doing here. There's a lot to be thankful for...listing it out like this would really help one to realize just how much we don't even see.

  2. Thanks Brandon! I'm hoping that instead of boring others with my lists that I'm encouraging others to keep them. Hope you are having a blessed day!


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!