
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

365 Days of Blessings - Day 52

365 Days of Blessings, Day 51

1. God cares about the details of our lives. As I read the last few chapters of Ezekiel, I am struck by the care that the Lord put into the offerings of his people. With Jesus we have a new covenant of grace through salvation, the ultimate offering in Christ Jesus has wiped away our sins, but I think that the Lord still cares about the details of our lives and our worship.

2. Winning another church softball game at the new playing fields in Gig Harbor. Fun, fellowship, and hey, winning feels good too.

3. Driving with a friend to Creation Fest Northwest. We shared conversation, laughter, and manage to trap the smell of skunk in our van.

4. My husband's willingness to drive his parents RV packed with three kids and all of our stuff. Our van is just an extra, and I find it easy to drive. John had to drive the monster RV, and he did it with ease.

5. The wonderful atmosphere of the Creation Fest campground. The conversations, the excitement, and the humor of tent-building "experts" all working with and against each other to create a tent and RV city in a cow field.

6. Having Creation Fest Northwest in Enumclaw. I woke up to the smell, the feel and the sights of my childhood home town. I know those barns by the field because I used to ride my bike by them three or four times a week. There is something satisfying about coming home to an old home.

7. The humor of hearing my family, and our friends react to the "smell" of my old home town. Yes, there are dairy cows nearby.

8. My husband's enthusiasm for filming "B roll" footage for Creation Fest. He's got his camera out and rolling for campground life.

9. Being blessed by hubby's parents with the use of their beautiful, spacious, and comfortable RV. They are so gracious to allow us to use it year in and year out.

10. Looking forward to taking my "crew" to some of my old stomping ground spots, or at least one of the following today: Mt. Peak/Pete, Deep Lake, on a drive by my old elementary schools/church/house/etc.

"Fruit trees of all kinds will grow on both bank of the river. Their leaves wil not wither, nor will their fruit fail. Every month they will bear, because the water from the sanctuary flows to them. Their fruit will serve for food an their leaves for healing." Ezekiel 47:12

Bonus Blessing: Arriving early for a great camp site.

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Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!