
Friday, April 28, 2023

Websites, Platforms, Branding, and an Online Anniversary!

 Is it just me, or does it seem like every year there’s a new “best platform” to use for writers, creators, or ecommerce peeps? How does anyone decide? Is it okay to switch things up? Does anyone stay on the same platform for a decade or more?

These are the questions running through my head today as I started to consider Substack vs. Shopify vs. Squarespace vs. Wordpress vs. My Old Blog For Over a Decade here.

Honestly, I started this account because I had just had a paid publication and I wanted to create a “clickable” name to have for my author bio. I was a little slow in the process (usual pace for me), and I didn’t have a “clickable name” until I had at least three paid publications. But the idea that I could create a place where people from all over the world could come and find out more about the stuff I was creating sounded pretty cool. 

At one point, I think I had at least four different blogger accounts: one for writing, one for homeschooling, one for a hint fiction series that went on for 210 episodes, and one I started and quickly abandoned. I was also a part of a few group blogs, and those have been fun, too.

 I went from blogger into Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, a brief moment on Youtube, a podcast, Wordpress, and Substack. I feel like I’ve been all over the place, and it’s a bit much to maintain. The question is, do I want to? Or do I want to buy into one platform and stay there forever. (hahaha. Who am I kidding? I don’t think any site or platform offers permanency)

If I don’t want to keep all of them, the question is, which platform or platform combination works best for me?

To know that I have to know my “Why” and my “How.” 

One would think I would have these basics of “branding” covered by now, after having stuff published since 1992 (a college newspaper before clickable content), blogging since, oh when was that… oh yeah, April 30, 2009. That means I’ve been online somewhere for 14 years! Whoa. 

I didn't realize that when I started this post. 

My first post here consisted of two sentences, which stated the purpose (the why) of my blog. I guess I did know something about branding before I had ever heard the term. 

But I am re-refining my old "why" and "how". I’ve done it before. I go through these growing pains/spurts every 2-4 years, and I feel a need to reinvent/reconsider/refine my why, my how, and my goals. 

I’m going to keep this blog

As it stated in that first blog post, I was looking for community. I found some, and I'm still adding to my community. 

I also want to have a commerce side to my online presence because I do want to have a space specific for my books beyond the ‘zon and the other online stores, so that’s something I’m still working out. I may end up with a Squarespace account and I may end up closing my Wordpress one. I’m not sure yet. 

I’m still learning and I’m okay with admitting that. 

What are you learning these days? And do you have all the platform options figured out? Is it every okay to close up one site and go onto another one? 


  1. My first blog post was also super short. And a bit dorky.
    Glad you're keeping the blog. This year marks fourteen years of blogging for me as well. Still my favorite platform.

  2. I'm at about 13-14 years of blogging, too. The only other social media accounts I have are my Amazon Author Page and Goodreads. I'm sure I've missed out on stuff, but at this point, I'm okay with what I've done and not done. :)


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!