
Wednesday, April 5, 2023

IWSG April 2023 and a Bit of Poetry


Many thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh for starting this hop and this community. And many thanks to those helping co-host this month: Jemima Pett, Nancy Gideon, and Natalie Aguirre!

If you would like to sign up for IWSG, go HERE.

April 5 Optional Question (s): Do you remember writing your first book? What were your thoughts about a career path on writing? Where are you now and how is it working out for you? If you're at the start of the journey, what are your goals?

I remember my first childhood book, one that I destroyed before I let many people read it. My second start on a novel ended up similarly discarded. My third, written in my late twenties, came after a series of novels started without finishes, and it still resides as an extremely messy draft, a 1.5 version I had edited by someone from an editing class. 

Before I ever wrote a book, and while I wrote my first books, and still, today, I wrote and still write short stories and poetry. My first publication was a poem. My second, a short story. These short works kept me going as a writer, despite doubts, setbacks, and curveballs. 

My first finished, edited, and published novel was Champion in the Darkness. I had so many doubts through the process of writing it that the before-editing final was the fifth or sixth draft. I thought if I could sell 100 copies a month, I would be doing well. 

I didn’t understand the way indie authors have to market their work or how much confidence I would need to have to keep writing even when my books sold far fewer numbers. 

While I don’t regret many decisions along the way, I can say I spent a lot of time learning. My only regrets include not believing in myself enough, not getting my work out into the world sooner, and maybe that one conversation I had with a fellow traveler who was interested in my writing at an airport years ago - in which I said I would never write romance and then I found out he was an agent for romance authors. (Yeah, that was embarrassing. He gave me his card. I was too embarrassed to ever send him anything, and again, back to regret #1.)

 I have learned that no matter the level of editing, a book will have typos. I have found that the amount of success an individual book has does not have an equal comparison to the amount of sweat I put into that book.

I have learned that the ideas I have are numerous, and I need to prioritize them as I go, because I’m still just getting started, even though I’ve published fifteen books, not counting serializations. 

My latest book 25 Impossible Tales of Survivors, Flawed Heroes, and Annoyed Villains is a short story collection because while short story collections often don't market well, my short stories have kept me going as a writer, and I want to continue to honor them, so when I get a number I like, I collect them together and put them out there into the world. One of my ongoing projects this year is poetry collection, beginning with the poem that made me an "award-winning" poet. I plan to publish that collection next year. 

Where are you in your writing journey? 

Based on what I've learned, these are my tips for fellow authors: 

  • Have confidence in your voice and your stories.
  • If a fellow traveler asks about your writing at an airport, tell them briefly and then ask questions, and don’t say you will “never” write any particular genre.
  • Think about your legacy of books, even if you are on your first.

Writing News:

After my older daughter's wedding (this event is worthy of much writing, but I don't have time here), I had a week of exhaustion, but I am writing a poem a day for April and working on some science fiction projects. I have a few Kindle Vella serializations still moving along.

But, due to many events of the last few months, I am pushing back some of my timelines for publications. I had hoped to release Rayatana 3 and 4 this year, but... I will be happy to get 3 out in the fall. 

Likewise, I had hoped to take one of my Kindle Vella serializations and turn it into an ebook and paperback, then release it in June, but it's already April and it's not ready. :(

So, I am continuing to write and work, but I have to recreate my goal schedule, and I think that's okay. 

I'm sharing my poetry drafts for National Poetry Month at my poetry Instagram account and on Substack, but I'll also share a few here: 


  1. The older I get, the more I've learned to "never say never." I just wish I'd known that when I was younger. :)

    Good luck with the April poetry and the future poetry collection!

  2. There are definitely a few things I'd do differently if given the chance to redo the start of my writing journey.

  3. Love this synopsis of your journey! I like trying out new genres/styles too. I never expected to have so much fun staying in one lane but for now, my small-town romances are where I want to be.
    I always figure real life gets the priority and the rest fits in around it. Have fun with the poetry!

  4. We never stop learning in the writing world. I love that about it. Thanks for sharing your journey and advice.

  5. Madeline - Same, and thank you!

    Patricia - yep. Speaking to the choir. :)

    Jemi - Thank you! I love that you've found where you want to b.

    MJ - Yep, learning and learning again. :)

  6. There are things I would do differently. Not waiting so long between books is one of them, especially between my fourth and fifth.
    Just keep believing in yourself. God does!

  7. I think it's a great attitude to learn from things rather than regret them.

  8. You offered up some great tips. Thank you. Best wishes with your poems. A poem a day seems hard...but rewarding.

  9. Just keep working on it.

    I met the agent for the Dummies series and we discussed a publishing book. Sadly, I didn't follow up on it either.

  10. Thanks for sharing your poetry with us Tyrean. I see many similarities in some of the posts on this question. No one claims it has been an easy ride...and it's not.

  11. Beautiful poems. Each had a calm feel to it, soothing. My favorite is the first. Your career progression is one I find reassuring for obvious reasons. I definitely winced about the agent in the airport. What a small world, though.

    Congratulations to your daughter and to you!

  12. Yeah, indie takes a LOT of work. Gotta do the work of ten people every day. Usually while also holding down another full-time job or two, plus family and friends and hobbies...
    That's why we invented the 92-hour day 🤔
    Oh, wait... we didn't. I knew something wasn't right.

    Happy IWSG day! Here's a giveaway-
    It's April, so I'm focused on the #AtoZChallenge.
    Proof of Existence, book two in my dark urban fantasy series, is out this month.
    I'm running another giveaway on my blog.

    J Lenni Dorner (he/him 👨🏽 or 🧑🏽 they/them) ~ Reference& Speculative Fiction Author, OperationAwesome6 Debut Author Interviewer, and Co-host of the #AtoZchallenge

  13. Love your thoughts. I can relate. And your positive attitude shines. I went Indie my first published book and fell very short of marketing. And the crazy thing I used to marketing for my clients. But my insecurity held me back. I'm on the journey with my latest manuscript to find an agent and go that rough and also beefing up my social media presence. Loved your poem too.

  14. Congrats on your daughter's wedding. My daughter is getting married in August. We all have those bad first stabs at writing. I'm glad you've learned along the way. That's what's important.

  15. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I too appreciate what short stories have done for me. Thanks for sharing some of your poetry.

  16. Oh, the things we wish we'd known. Been there. Your poetry is very evocative.


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!