
Wednesday, January 4, 2023

IWSG January 2023: Word(s) of the Year and Book Celebrations!


IWSG: Words of the Year

Many thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh and all the co-hosts this month: Jemima Pett, Debs Carey, Kim Lajevardi, Sarah Foster, Natalie Aguirre, and T. Powell Coltrin!

January 4 question - Do you have a word of the year? Is there one word that sums up what you need to work on or change in the coming year?

So, if you've been here before, you know I have a hard time picking just one when it comes to favorite books, favorite anything, and a single word for the year, so I usually pick a phrase, or a combination of words.

In 2019, my phrase was: Small Steps.

In 2020, it was: Creative Confidence and 6 Impossible Things Before Breakfast

In 2021, my phrase was: I have an invitation and a choice to experience healing and to help others heal.

2022 was: Wellness, Creativity, and Courage - not necessarily in that order.

For 2023, my phrase is: Courageous quests, healing, compassion, and creative entrepreneurship.

You might notice some repeat themes there. :)

In fact, it is in many ways, a culmination of all the other years rolled into one phrase. 

It's taken me a while, but I think I'm beginning to notice which themes are important to me in my life and in my life's work. 

However, themes that aren't mentioned here are: hope, justice, and just mercy. These also show up in my work. Hope for a righting of brokenness, which is a different type of healing for the world, and which I believe also takes courage, compassion, and creative thinking. 

If you like these themes, consider checking out some of my work.

Book Celebration

I have a tough time remembering to celebrate the finish of my books. I'm not talking about Book Blasts and Book Blog Tours. Those are celebratory, yes, but they are also hard marketing work.

I mean, a true celebration of work being finished including friends, family, feasting, and fun. 

While I know short story collections often don't do well in the world of analytics, I am thankful for the stories in my new collection and proud of putting it together. So, I am celebrating this week with a dinner, a gathering, and some fun. 

If you would like to help me promote my book, that would be an awesome bonus, but I'm not sending out all the book blog promo materials. 
Instead, if you would like to help, please consider the following tweet and image, choose what you would like from there, and tag me in anything you send out into the world. 

Escape to strange landscapes and new worlds!
25 Impossible Tales of Survivors, Flawed Heroes, and Annoyed Villains: A Collection of Science Fiction and Fantasy by @tyreanmartinson will take you to 25 new places!
#scifi #fantasy #shortstories 

Escape to 25 New Worlds!

In 25 Impossible Tales of Survivors, Flawed Heroes, and Annoyed Villains, you can escape to 25 different landscapes in fantasy and science fiction! Find out more HERE.

For the next book I publish, I'll do the big ask for promo help, but for now, I'm happy to simply celebrate. BTW, the next book will be coming out this year... but not yet. 


  1. I've tried picking a word for the year in the past, but I tend to forget to write it down and then forget it entirely. LOL

  2. The only way I remember is creating vision boards and sticking them to the wall. Otherwise, I would forget.

  3. Why be limited to one word? LOL. You've got the right idea, Tyrean!

  4. Use as many words as you like!
    I intend to feature you book in my post next week.

  5. In 2021 my words were: Reach and Build. Last year it was: Shift. This year, I haven't decided on one yet.

    A big congratulations on your release! Your collection is definitely worth celebrating.

  6. Courage, Compassion & Creative thinking - love that!!! The world (and many people) would benefit from a hefty dose of those!
    Picked up my book today - congrats!!!

  7. Having more than one word for the year is great, especially with the awesome words that you chose. Congrats on your book release. It's great how you're celebrating it.

  8. Sometimes we need multiple words.

    I think I tweeted about your book through DLP's Twitter. (Since I don't have one.)

  9. Congratulations on your latest release, Tyrean!!

    Love your phrase for 2023—wishing you much luck with it!

  10. Gwen- thanks for your encouragement!

    Alex - Thank you!!! I'll send and email with some deets.

    Chrys - I like your past year's words. I think it takes time to find the right one(s).

    Jemi- Thank you for all of your help and great encouragement!

    Natalie - Thank you!

    Diane - Thank you for the retweet!

    MJ - Thanks!

  11. You have amazing words to work with and toward this year, Tyrean. Bravo! And you are right. We should celebrate finishing a book, a story, a draft. And yes, marketing is very, very difficult. All the luck in 2023!

  12. Congrats on your collection (am tweeting). How neat that you've been able to keep running phrases over the years, and these are probably wiser than single words.

  13. Congrats on the new book!
    Choosing just one word for the year can be tricky. The fact that I came up with one for myself was a fluke.

  14. I've never picked a word for the year before. Never even heard of doing it. I'm amazed at all the wonderful answers. Best wishes in 2023.

  15. Tonja - Thank you for the tweet!

    Sarah - Thank you! Picking one is tough.

    Diane - Best wishes to you, too!

  16. Hi Tyrean - I can see it'd be easy to move along - you've done your bit the writing thereof, but then the rest ... still definitely worth doing - we never know where the world is taking us. My word is Soothing ... but good to you and your publications - cheers Hilary

  17. Congrats on your latest release, Tyrean!
    You have been so consistent with your writing and promo/marketing. It's really inspiring to watch your progress.

    I've never had a 'word of the year'. But I believe in perseverance. So maybe that will be my ongoing word for years to come.
    All the best for 2023!

  18. Celevrating a book release! Yes, I've forgotten when I last did that. Must do it for the next one.

    Happy new year!


  19. Hilary - yes, the end is kind of anticlimactic, especially when exhaustion is pretty normal after all the hard work of finishing a book for publication.

    Michelle- Thank you for your encouraging words! I think perseverance sounds like a great word, for this year and onward.

    Jemima - Yes! Celebrations are worthwhile, even if they are small, maybe especially when they are.

  20. I like finding more than one word for the year. It's more of a complete thought and easier to recall--for me anyway. Enjoyed your blog post. Have a great 2023!


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!