
Wednesday, February 2, 2022

IWSG February 2022: Inspirations!


Purpose: To share and encourage. Writers can express doubts and concerns without fear of appearing foolish or weak. Those who have been through the fire can offer assistance and guidance. It’s a safe haven for insecure writers of all kinds!

Many thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh for starting this blog hop! 

Many thanks to this month's co-hosts! Joylene Nowell Butler, Jacqui Murray, Sandra Cox, and Lee Lowery!

If you would like to know more, the sign up is HERE.

OPTIONAL QUESTION: Is there someone who supported or influenced you that perhaps isn't around anymore? Anyone you miss?

I am thankful to have had many storytelling influences in my life. There are too many to list properly, but I will give some mentions here:

1. Grandma Pearl - I retold one of her stories in the short eBook: Horse in the Well. I miss her, but I hope to have some long storytelling sessions with her in heaven. 

2. My parents - they both love books, reading, dance, theater, music, art, movies, science fiction, and storytelling in all forms. 

3. My favorite children's librarian for the City of Enumclaw Library, which became a branch of the King County Library System. I did get a chance to thank her in 2014 when I visited the library months before her retirement. In the 70s, she turned a damp basement in an old building into a wonderful paradise of books for children, including story times. Later, when the library moved, she finally had a bright, airy space in a big building.

4. So many teachers it would take a while to name them all - they influenced my reading or my writing through their reading, storytelling, and feedback. I have a list of a bunch of them in Nexus: The Rayatana Series, Book 2

Maybe someday, I will give them each a fictional counterpart in one of my stories. 

Life Update: Things are looking up in a myriad of ways this month. I am thankful to be past the beginning of 2022 and have hope for a better rest of the year.  

I am on a quest for wellness, courage, and creativity this year, so my long look at my commitments continues as I make sure I keep a good work-life-volunteer balance.

The post is short this month because last month's post was longggggg, and I've decided to pour more into my newsletter these days. If you would like to see a sample and sign up, it's HERE. The next newsletter will be a wee bit shorter. 

Dark Blade, my Kindle Vella Novella is still building, so you can read it HERE.

The Rayatana Book 3 is getting the print, read out loud, and highlighter treatment this month. After that, it's one more round of solo revisions, and then the next step will be to ask my editor when she's available and get it into her. 

You find all my links at my Linktree or on my about page



  1. I'm so glad things are looking up for you. I hope 2022 is kind!
    I didn't relate this question at all to "real life". My mom was my biggest influence on my love of books and words. She's still with us but dementia has stolen her and sadly, she doesn't even know I write

    1. Jemi - Thank you! I'm glad your mom gave you the beauty of books and so sorry for the hardship of dementia. Hugs, friend.

  2. That's great you are retelling your grandmother's stories. Excellent way to pass them along.
    Here's to a healthy 2022 for you!

  3. Love the story about your librarian.

    Kindle Vella makes me curious, but I'm too afraid to post my work without sending through editing.

    1. Melissa - the librarian was wonderful!
      I have been using an grammar program, but yes, it's hard to catch all the things...

  4. That is an awesome list, Tyrean. Librarians don't get enough credit.

    1. Joylene - I agree. I don't think librarians get enough credit. Let's all.go thank one!

  5. I'm so glad you were able to thank the librarian before her retirement. My town's library sounded a lot like yours—the children's library started off in the basement, but now it's a much nicer space.

    I'm also glad to hear things are looking up for you! Hope that trend continues!

    1. MJ - it's amazing how much kindness and enthusiasm can shape the way we see the world. The librarian did that for me.
      And, thank you!

  6. You had so many wonderful supporters in your life. How fortunate you were.

    I wish you success in your quest for 2022. You have chosen some beautiful things to include in your life this year.

    1. C - that's true. I am thankful for all the great people!

  7. So glad things are looking up for you. It's awesome that your family, teachers, and librarian were supportive of you and your writing.

  8. There are several teachers in my past who encouraged me.

    I hope things continue to look up.

  9. Wow. You've had so much support in your life. Each one was fun to hear about, too.
    But even on the writing end, you keep chugging away, by the sounds of it. Good for you!

  10. How lucky you are to have so many supporters in your writing!

  11. Congrats on having a cheering squad like this. Librarian's are awesome

  12. Oh, the magic of a good librarian! I think if I wasn't pursuing writing, I'd want a job at a library.

    Glad you are feeling better!

  13. There are definitely people who have passed that I wish I could still talk to and ask questions. I suppose though I still ask the questions, and in a way life provides the answers:)

  14. What a fantastic list of mentors! I, too, am grateful for the librarians in my life.

    So glad to hear you're on a quest for wellness, courage, and creativity this year. Those are great goals for all of us.

  15. I'm glad you had a chance to thank that librarian. I wish I had had a chance to say something to the high school librarian and all the teachers who encouraged my writing.

  16. I'm glad that things are looking up for you, Tyrean! How fortunate you were to have so much encouragement throughout your life!

  17. HI Tyrean - so pleased you're working yourself into 2022 in an easier place of mind. I think I'd love to have been a librarian ... but quite see what you're saying. I would love to have spent more time learning from my elders, but life wasn't easy and I tended not to want to jump into their water. Take care and all the bet for this year - cheers Hilary

  18. What a great list! I love that you've been able to retell stories from your grandma. Good luck to you on work/volunteer/life balance in going forward. I think you've already shown bravery in getting out there and trying new things (case in point: Vella). Here's to even more bravery!

  19. You're lucky to have had such great inspirations. I think it's still crucial for children to have free access to a library especially for households that can't necessarily afford books. Librarians are really important.

  20. Thank you for this lovely mix of positive energy and real world balance as you continue to write, yet look back with thanks for those who have nurtured you! Yes, I think we all would appreciate a 2022 that brings us at least a sense of healing from the pandemic and a return to 'normalcy'! Write on!

  21. I love your quest for wellness, courage, and creativity this year. I might join you! Best wishes...for everything!

  22. Glad 2022 is shaping up to be a better year for you! My city recently announced 'nonessential' status for its libraries. I'm officially moving out out of this town.

    Happy IWSG Day!
    Julie Quay

  23. Cheers on those fine supporters and on your goals for work/ life/ volunteer balance. I always seem to be striving for balance myself!

  24. It's great that you have so many people who encouraged you with your writing. I was lucky that way too. Glad to hear 2022 is looking up for you.

  25. You've had so many wonderful storytelling influencers.
    Exciting to hear The Rayatana Book 3 is in the works.
    Also excited to be reading Champion in the Dark for the IWSG book club this month.

  26. I am soo happy to hear things are looking up for you! I am committed to being healthier this year too. I've started with exercise. Now, if I could just stay away from the candy jar.


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!