
Wednesday, October 6, 2021

IWSG, the Cling to God Cover Reveal, and the Nexus Book Party Continues!



Many thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh and the awesome co-hosts for the October 6 posting of the IWSG are Jemima Pitt, J Lenni Dorner, Cathrina Constantine, Ronel Janse van Vuuren, and Mary Aalgaard!

October 6 question - In your writing, where do you draw the line, with either topics or language?

I will read nearly everything, but when I write I tone down both my language and my romance level for my readers who are primarily young adults. As a tutor and teacher, I have had many students read my blog and read my work. Because of this, I used to be hesitant about hosting book promos for certain types of romance, but I have fewer students these days so I am loosening up a bit on that. 

I never mean to write gory violence, but I do write action-violence in my books - fistfights, spaceship battles, laser beam weapons, etc. I try to keep it PG to PG-13. 


Cling to God Cover Reveal

Cling to God: 365-Day Devotional

Link for ebook

Take advantage of the pre-order and pick up your ebook for only $2.99 The price will go up after launch.

Or, if you’d like to join my review team, I’ll send you a free copy. Just leave your email in the comments.

365 days of inspiration and Bible wisdom to lighten your heart.
365 devotions to bring you peace in uncertain times.
365 ways to Cling to God.

This special book is a year-long journey with inspirational messages and uplifting scripture. It includes short Bible-based teachings that will encourage and refresh. It is faith building and thought provoking with reassuring reminders of God’s love.

A great companion for individual worship or for group Bible study.

The perfect gift book or personal keepsake that will be cherished for years to come.

Start each morning with Cling to God to brighten your day and draw closer to God.

Author Bio:

Lynda R. Young accepted Jesus into her life in her early teens and has been active in her faith ever since. She has written multiple Christian articles and other inspirational non-fiction, given Bible-based talks, and is always looking for other ways to encourage and uplift. She is also an author of fantasy novels, an editor, game developer, artist, and dabbles in photography and all things creative. She lives in Australia with her sweetheart of a husband. You can find her here: BlogTwitterGoodreads

I highly recommend Cling to God - I read the original and I've been reading the current version as part of the review team! It's a great book for quiet devotions, and a great gift for people you love. (I'll have more of an official review when it comes out.)

The Nexus Book Party Continues!

Amaya is supposed to bring peace to the galaxy. Which is tough when she’s being held for crimes against the Neutral Zone. Her imprisonment is on her own ship with her own crew. But close quarters create tension.

Honestly, her role as Rayatana is a mess.

She may never get to use her powers for anything good. Not if her teacher continues to keep secrets, and not if her powers keep harming others. Putting her mother in a coma should put her in prison, but she has a mission. She wants to bring peace to her people. She needs to become the Rayatana.

 Nexus: The Rayatana Book 2 is available all online, retail, and e-book platforms. Published by Tyrean Martinson with Wings of Light Publishing, LLC. Young Adult - Science Fiction/Adventure/Sweet Romance. ISBN for Kindle: 978-1-7357695-5-4,ISBN for  Paperback: 978-1-7357695-6-1, and ISBN for EPub: 978-1-7357695-7-8.

Book Links:

Amazon US:

Amazon UK: 

Amazon AUS: 

Amazon Canada: 






10/6 Moveable Book Party Continues!

Guest Post on Romulan Ale at Alex J. Cavanaugh's Blog

A Guest Post About Klah from Dragonsinger on Lynda Young's Blog

Tara Tyler Shout-Out with Post about a Favorite Sci-Fi Writing Beverage

In-person Book Party at the author table at BBQ2U in Gig Harbor. 11-1, and 5-8. 

10/7 In-person Book Party and Youtube

At the author table at BBQ2U in Gig Harbor, 11-1 and 5-8 with Sci-Fi Movie Trivia and Silly Swag at 7. 

Youtube Video: Nexus Intro and First Chapter Reading

10/8 The Moveable Book Party Continues!

A Guest Post on Cathrina Constantine's Blog

In-person at BBQ2U's author table, 5:30-8. (Other hours may vary.)

10/9 In-person Book Party 

At the author table at BBQ2U in Gig Harbor

Hours may vary on Saturday. Might be there at lunch. Definite times: 5:30-8.

10/10 In-person Book Party

At the author table at BBQ2U in Gig Harbor

Hours may vary on Sunday. Might be there from 11:30-2. Definite Times: 5:30-8.

10/11 Moveable Book Party Continues!

Guest Post on Pan-Galatic Gargle Blasters at Patricia Josephine's Blog

The Role of Food and Beverage in Fiction Writing, Part 1 at Chrys Fey's Blog

Shout-Out at L. Diane Wolf's Blog

10/12 Moveable Book Party Continues

Shout-Out by Toi Thomas, highlighting her favorite food or beverage in science fiction

The Role of Food and Beverage in Fiction Writing, Part 2 at H.R. Sinclair's Blog

10/13 Moveable Book Party Continues!

The Role of Food in Fiction Writing, Part 3 at MJ Fifield's Blog

10/18 Moveable Book Party Continues

Fave Food and Beverage in Science Fiction with Jemi Fraser


  1. I too will read just about anything, but don't write it.

    I don't see a cover for "Cling to God." :(

  2. I think our lines in the sand have a whole lot to do with our intended audiences :)

  3. I'm with you - I keep it rather tame and PG.

  4. I just know my mom and grandmother are looking over my should when I write. That keeps my language and romance on this side of appropriate.

  5. I too will read just about anything....except...poorly written stuff. It's like a scratchy record...after awhile it drives ya nuts. Also gratuitious porn or gore.

  6. HR - I know, somehow I goofed up this morning, but it's fixed now. Thanks for the catch!

    Jemi - yes, it's about the audience!

    Alex - yes, tame and PG is what I can write - although some of my action scenes I have to tone down.

    C. Lee - that's cool. It doesn't work for me since my grandma had some books on her shelf that were in the spicy romance level, which I discovered at age 10 when I accidentally started reading one. (She said I could read anything on her bookshelf...well, except that.)

  7. Hi Tyrean - I prefer tame too. Congratulations to Lynda for her book, and then you too - your Nexus - good luck to you both - cheers Hilary

  8. I relate to the line "write tame and PG" to describe my spoken as well as written words.

    Hope all goes well in your writerly life. You are so supportive of others and I hope good will returns to you in full measure.

  9. Congrats on your book release—looking forward to hosting you next week!

  10. Linda's new cover is lovely! Congrats on the re-release.

    You are certainly busy with your schedule with Nexus. Don't forget to breathe once in a while.

    Gratuitous swearing, sex, or violence is not welcome in my genre, and that works for me.

  11. I think knowing people who might read your books definitely helps to get the tone right :)

    And I loved your post on Romulan ale :D Good luck with the book!


  12. Leigh - I get that.

    Hilary - Thank you!

    Patricia - Thank you!

    HR - yes!

    Talklady - Thank you!

    MJ - Thank you for all of your encouragement!

    Lee - yes, Time to breathe is good.
    And thank you!

  13. Hi Tyrean,

    Congrats on your book release! So exciting! I caught your excerpt at Alex's blog... Excellent! All the best!

    Congrats Lynda! In these troubled times, I am sure your book will bring hope and inspiration to many people. We need spiritual support now more than ever.

  14. I liked your guest post on Romulan ale.

  15. I can see why you watch your language when students are reading your blog and books. I'm careful too because I write MG and YA too.

    It looks like you have a fantastic tour scheduled to celebrate your book release.

  16. I can understand wanting to keep your writing a bit tamer when you know your students might be reading it.
    Congrats to you and Lynda!

  17. I like the sound of spaceship battles and laser beam weapons! Stopping by from the blog hop.

  18. I am definitely adding this to my TBR list!

    I have only put down a couple of books and they all had violence at the very start before I knew anything about the characters at all. Violence as part of an action scene that furthers the plot or helps move a character's arc is obviously necessary, but gory stuff for the sake of a hook, not so much.

  19. Congrats on your new release. I prefer violence off screen, so to speak. I don't need to read it.

  20. Thank you Tyrean for your support with my cover reveal. I'm thrilled people seem to like the cover. It's always scary putting it out there for the first time.

    And a huge congrats on your new release too! I love book 2's cover so much!

  21. That’s a very pretty cover.

    I’m looking forward to having you on my blog next week, Tyrean. :)

  22. A PG rating is about right! Great way to sum it up.

    Is there a way to send your devotional book as a gift?

  23. Congrats on your new book! I, too, loved your post about Romulan Ale. While I have a few personal lines I won't cross, basically if language and events fit the story, they work. Since I write for adults, that hasn't been a big issue. Writers like you who write young adult have a much more difficult journey during the writing in order to keep it more kid friendly.

  24. I'm with you on the PG13 writing;) Good way of putting it.
    NEXUS sounds intriguing.
    Best wishes to you and Lynda:)


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!