
Wednesday, July 7, 2021

#IWSG July 2021 Never Say Die! aka Quitting is Not an Option AND Know Your Why


Many thanks to Alex J. Cavanaugh and all of the July co-hosts:


The IWSG is a place to let loose our insecurities and to gain/give encouragement. 

OPTIONAL QUESTION FOR JULY: What would make you quit writing?

My answer: Never Say Die! Quitting is Not an Option.

This may sound extreme or like the titles to a Bond Film and a Motivational Ted Talk, respectively. 

Just hear me out.

I have "quit" writing for readers in the past. I have almost quit writing, but I couldn't really quit it. I kept finding myself scribbling out stories and poems on bits of paper, in my journal (note, I did give up my journal once, and I hope you did not interact with me then, it wasn't pretty), and well, everywhere. I couldn't stop thinking of ideas for stories. 

Even if all goes badly with my books, even if no agent ever is interested in any of my queries, even if I never go truly hybrid (I do have a novella out with a small press so I am partially hybrid), even if I stopped indie-publishing any of my books, stopped sending out poems and short stories, etc., I would keep writing for me. Even if I get arthritis, lose the sense of touch and my ability to type, even if I go blind, I will keep writing and creating stories via talk-to-text or other means. Even if my audience consists of me and God, I will keep writing. This is what it means to me to be a writer. I will always come up with stories. I will always want to create them and write them. Story creation is simply a part of who I am.

So, since quitting is not an option - I used to think it was, but now I know better - the question really is: what is my reason WHY?

The Why of why I write is what drives me forward and motivates me to actually put words to paper. The Why used to be amorphous. I wrote for myself primarily. But as I have written and continued to write, my reason for writing for a readership has become clearer. 

The main reason I write is: to provide entertaining, thought-provoking, inspirational, and empowering fiction, poetry, and non-fiction for a primary audience of young women and men (age 11-18) and a secondary audience of adults. 

If I could write for ages 1-10, I would. I admire Beatrix Potter (Peter Rabbit creator) and Corinne Luyken (modern picture book writer and artist), but most of my picture book ideas and attempts have not come off the way I wanted them to, so that audience isn't my primary focus.

In addition, as a Christian, I have delved deeper into why I feel so strongly about writing women characters with depth and strength - both as protagonists and secondary characters. I share that reason on my author page now since it is so important to me. 

Now, I wish I could put my reason "why" in saleable language. I've worked on it a few times. I'm still working on it, and some day maybe I will have my platform/brand named in concise, beautiful words. 

What's Your Reason Why? What drives your writing life? 



The new contest is on, right now!


An Author Highlight from Damien Larkin to celebrate his new book Blood Red Sand.
Come back next Monday to read more! 


Preparations for my next book release: Nexus.

The Rayatana, Book 2.

Amaya is supposed to bring peace to the galaxy. Which is tough when she’s being held for crimes against the Neutral Zone. Her imprisonment is on her own ship with her own crew. But close quarters create tension.

Honestly, her role as Rayatana is a mess.

She may never get to use her powers for anything good. Not if her teacher continues to keep secrets, and not if her powers keep harming others. Putting her mother in a coma should put her in prison, but she has a mission. She wants to bring peace to her people. She needs to become the Rayatana.

Release Date: October 4, 2021.

If you can help out with my book party (day of, and two weeks following), please let me know on my Google Form which I updated since I last posted it. I did take away a few of the original options because those were taken by some awesome people who already signed up! :) 

Thank you! 

Please share: What's your reason Why?


  1. Nexus! Cool title.
    God gave you a gift and you have to use it.
    You're also in the second IWSG anthology, so you are indeed a hybrid author.

  2. I honestly don't know what drives me to write. It's just what I do. Even when I quit (which I do frequently), I know I'm just going to turn right around and keep on writing. It really is just what I do.

    I like your reason WHY very much.

  3. You have a great attitude and that will carry you over all the hurdles this business of writing sets up.

  4. Nice cover.

    Someone needs to be a good influence on that age range. Our school system is doing a fine job of screwing with their minds already.

  5. I think writing for yourself is the best reason to write. Awesome cover. It's great that you have a new release to prepare for.

  6. Quitting writing isn’t an option for me, either. Publishing, maybe, but like you I’d always (at least) write for my myself.

    Very cool cover!

    Take care!

  7. I'm not really sure of the reason WHY I write, but I do feel the same way about always coming up with stories, and always wanting to write, even if it's just for myself.

  8. Alex - Thanks for the encouragement!

    MJ - it's like that for me, too, but I think my "why" keeps me going on the bad days.

    C.Lee - thanks! I plan on that happening. Leaping hurdles all the way, or kicking them over. :)

    Patricia - Thanks!
    And yes! That's a great reason to write. We do all need a break.

    Natalie - Writing for ourselves is definitely a good reason to write. :) And, thank you!

    Elaine - Thank you!

    Sarah - Glad to have fellow "must write" writers! :)

    Thank you everyone for commenting today! I was a bit slow on rounds because I have a sinus infection.

  9. It's good to know the why of it :)
    Congrats on your upcoming book release!

  10. I’m so glad you aren’t a quitter — your stories are great and I’m also glad you shared why you keep writing and your goal for amplifying female characters. i appreciate your Christian foundation

    ps - i posted a review at my place and am ready for more!

    Tara Tyler Talks

  11. Always great to have more strong female characters. Your story shows how difficult it would be to truly quit. The stories would just pile up in your head without anywhere to go.

  12. I find I can't not write. Better out than in, I always say, and I think writing is my salvation in that way.

  13. I understand what you're saying. I write for myself, but I revise for others.
    So I'll always be writing as long as I have ideas to write about, but there may come a point when no one else gets to see what I write.

  14. Lynda - thanks!

    Tara - Thank you so much for your encouragement!

    Nick - Exactly, and none of us need that pile up. :)

    Liza - Same.

    Chemist - Yes, I revise for others. :)

  15. Congrats on Nexus - the cover is awesome! Sounds like a great continuation of Lift Off.

    Professional writing (lawyer) gave me a good living. Now I write for pleasure, and hope that others will be entertained by my stories. And journaling has always provided the judgment-free zone to sometimes just be. I'll always write.

  16. I love the cover of Nexus! And I love that title.

    I’ve said, ever since I was little, that writing s a part of me. Even if I stopped publishing, I’d still be writing. :)

  17. No matter what, I will always be writing something.


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!