
Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Extremely Late Realms Faire Wrap-Up with Prize Notifications (and some news)

As a first year host for a Realms Faire game, I loved it! I admit that with crazy, busy life being what it is, I didn't feel like I spent enough time in the blog-world to truly host well, but I appreciated all the awesome responses to my hero's dilemmas.

Thank you for sharing your amazing creativity and talent!!!

The randomly picked winners from each day were:
Day 1: Yolanda Renee
Day 2: Cherie Reich
Day 3: Arlee Bird
Day 4: Nick Wilford
Day 5; Alex J. Cavanaugh

And, if you participated but didn't get a prize, you might find a little something extra in your inbox later today. :)

Again, I apologize for my lateness. I have been swamped a bit with life (my kids attended a three day kayaking and canoeing training intensive in Seattle aptly named "Frostbite" with some amazing local and Olympic level coaches and I drove them every day), and then I finished my weekend with a nasty stomach/digestive bug that's going around my area. For good humor, I tried to remember all the different slang terms for vomit . . . power hurling, urping, ralphing, etc. You probably don't want to know all those terms.

Anyway, I'm on the mend, but I'm a little behind in e-mails, including getting prizes to winners. I'll be trying to get that back on track today.

Also, I have newsish type stuff.
Next week, I'll post twice. 
One of those posts is super-important to me.
It's for a book that I proofread.
Although the writer is a multi-talented guy - musician, game programmer, and pastor - he's been holding back on publishing his book for a few years now. 
(He would be a great member for IWSG, but he doesn't blog.)
I would really like to support him in his book endeavor.

So, please, if it's a matter of commenting on this post or Monday's post . . . don't comment today, please comment on Monday. 

Here's a sneak preview of his cover (literally, I'm one of four people posting it anywhere):

So, if you never pictured Abram of the Bible as a young warrior dude with an attitude, well . . . this book might just hold some surprises for you. :)


  1. Congrats to the winners! Glad you're feeling better. Will be sure to stop back on Monday.

  2. Glad you're on the mend. Stomach bugs are draining--literally!

    That is one beautiful cover. Congrats to your friend for diving into the publishing waters.

    1. Thanks, Laurel!

      And, I'll be sure to let him know you like the cover. :)

  3. The book looks awesome!! I'd read that.
    Sorry you were sick.
    Sounds like a great opportunity for your daughters.
    And I was excited to win.

    1. Cool!
      I'm getting better - so that's good.
      And, it was!
      Sweet! One of these minutes of the day, I'll actually e-mail out some prize info.

  4. Congrats to the winners.

    That is a gorgeous cover. The artist is really good.

    1. I think so, too! I think the artist was found online, and after the image purchase, the author created the rest of the cover.

  5. What an awesome cover!

    Hmm...I better email Mary and make sure I did all that I was supposed to do. You think you are out of the loop. I think I'm hanging by a loop!

  6. Peter's cover is great.

    Congrats to the winners. The Faire was fun to participate in.

  7. Glad you're on the mend.

    And I love the cover.

  8. Oooh I'll come back Monday to check it out! Congrats to the winners! And glad you're on the mend. ;)

  9. The cover is really great! Definitely makes me curious about the book. :)

    Congrats to all the winners. The Realms Faire is such fun!

  10. Glad to hear you're feeling better. Stomach bugs are nasty. That looks like an intriguing book. I'll stop back next week. Congrats to the winners! Have a good weekend!

  11. Aw, sorry you've been feeling so ill, but I'm glad you're on the mend now, at the very least!

    And wow, what a fantastic cover!

  12. Sorry you weren't feeling good, but glad to hear that you're doing better. I downloaded the sample for the book (I'm currently on book buying prohibition... at least until my TBR folder is less than 100 books). It looks great though. Very nice cover.

  13. Sorry to hear you were feeling bad that always is a big obstacle to overcome. That cover for The Breaking is really well done.


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!