
Friday, May 29, 2015

Do You Have Goals? Celebrations? And Links for Writers!

"I've watched through his eyes. I've listened through his ears, and I tell you he's the one. Or at least as close as we're going to get."
Do you know the book that these first lines are from?

Last week's quote and answer: 
"When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I had only two things on my mind: Paul Newman and a ride home." 
from The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton.

It's the end of the month, and I have some celebrations and goals updates!

Many thanks to Lexa Cain, Katie, and LG Keltner for keeping this fest up and running! It's a fest that reminds us to celebrate the small things - from laundry finished to writing done.

Many thanks to Misha and Beth for reminding all of us to dream big and then put foundations under those goals!

1. Publication goals and celebrations:

For my writing classes, I prepared three private print run book publications with one book for each class. It was slightly time-consuming, but it makes my day to present students with their own work published into a book format.

My small press book deal almost took an upside down turn, but it's back on track - release date still unknown. Title: Eight if By Sea. Genre: MG Paranormal Fantasy. Extras: selkies, orcas, and a sea shanty. :) Here's a pic I've been using on my pinterest board to help me:

I re-pubbed a few of my short fiction stories at Quarter-Reads and with Kindle Select: "The Biggest Waterslide," and "When Okay is Enough" are out "there" now.

I sold a story to Imaginate which should be out in their June issue!!!

Underlying goal: To get work off my pc and into the world. (And a side one this month: to help my students know the joy of seeing their work in print.)

June Goals:  To re-pub my Summer Vacation Devotions booklets that I created way back in 2009 for my old church. Expected release date: June 25th. Pre-order available for 99 cents.

To private publish a collection of my oldest daughter's home-school writing from pre-school days to this year. She hasn't graduated yet, but she is off to a dual credit program at our local community college next year.

2. Writing and Write 1 Sub 1 goals and celebrations:

I attempted to submit five haiku for the 6th Annual Haiku Contest at Sometimes The Wheel is On Fire! Nate Wilson makes this a super fun yearly contest but I had tech issues. :(

Then, I subbed three hint fiction stories to the West Hartford Libraries Hint Fiction Contest.

And, I subbed a drabble for Boston Literary Magazine.

And, I wrote two chapters for a writing curriculum book, revised two chapters for another writing curriculum book, and inched Champion's Destiny closer to its finish.

Underlying goal: To strengthen my writing skills and finish several projects this year.

June goals:
Finish revision of Eight if by Sea - I need to add a few more thousand words of description for my editor.
Finish revision of C.D. and DW1, plus write and submit at least one story.

3. Marketing goals and celebrations:

I tried selling books at a small community vendor event that happens monthly. I sold one book. However, the other vendors told me that the best months are October, November, and December, so I will try again in the fall.

Underlying goal: To get better at this strange thing called "marketing." Making some $ from my writing would be nice, too.

June Goal: Apply for spot in book fair in July. Make action-items for the rest of the year. Guest post?

4. Exercise goal and celebrations:

I rode my bike for 20.54 miles on a flat trail last weekend! I was amazed I could go that far.

I've walked at least 20 miles this month, and biked at least 50 miles this month total. I'm not where I want to be yet, but I'm taking steps to get there.

Underlying goal: Health and fitness.

June Goal: Bike 150 miles, walk 50 miles, get yoga routine back, start swimming/kayaking. Drink more water (not while swimming/kayaking).

5. Invitational goal:

Hmm - kind of small stuff this month.
I invited family to my daughter's 8th grade graduation and my hubs and I offered to van-pool a group of home-school kids to the home-school formal - getting there involved crossing a toll bridge (expensive!) and I think it was more fun for the group to ride together.

Underlying goal: To have an invitational attitude.

June goal: Invite friends over for at least one backyard barbecue/grill session.

6. Spiritual goals: lots of prayer, some study, had fun helping the Youth Sunday School write and film their short video "So, You Think You Can Disciple?" for the youth Sunday worship that will take place in June.

Underlying goal: deeper, stronger faith and relationship with the Lord.

June goal:  Prayer, Bible Study, Cell group, look at volunteer opportunities.

Imaginate has openings for non-fiction, short fiction, poetry, and flash fiction for their fall issue. Submissions are due July 1st! This is a paying, professional market!

Every Day Fiction publishes a flash fiction story every day of the year and is open for submissions. This is a paying, professional market!

Splickety has ongoing themes for flash fiction. Lost at Sea is their next theme for submissions - due 7/10. I'n not sure if this is a paying market or not.

Brilliant Flash Fiction is hosting another contest with the theme: Equality. A cash prize is available for the winner of the contest. They are also open for ongoing submissions as a non-paying market.

EspressoStories.Com is an excellent market for hint fiction. Nonpaid, but friendly, ongoing market.

Nail Polish Stories is another excellent market for hint fiction based on nail polish color names. Non-paying, but friendly, quarterly market.



  1. What an impressive list of goals. I need to be so inspired. Have a great weekend.

    1. I'm not sure if its inspiration or just crazy big dreams and ideals.

  2. Wow! That's a lot of goals. I'm really impressed with your exercise goals. I'm doing good on that too-walking 50 minutes a day.

    1. That's great, Natalie! I know the exercise goals are huge, but if I add up daily miles, I think it will work. :)

  3. You have so much going on with your writing - awesome!!

    1. Thanks, Alex! I'm just doing one project after another - or simultaneously.

  4. Good luck with all your goals! And I had to laugh at the drink more water, but not while swimming/kayaking. Yeah, it's not good to drink water then. :)

    1. Thanks, Cherie! And, I'm glad I made you laugh. :)

  5. The writing front is a whirl for you! Enjoy :)

  6. Wow, I'm so impressed, both with your list of goals and the way you're achieving them. What an inspiration you are!

    1. Thank you, Lori! On a daily basis, I have a tendency to jump from project to project, which sometimes makes me feel as if I haven't finished anything.

  7. OMGoodness, Tyrean, you're very busy. I feel like such a slacker compared to your goals you've set forth. Good Luck with them all!!!

    1. You are definitely not a slacker. My goals are just a little extreme for this month - they may end up being two month goals.

  8. Well done! You've definitely zipped through May at speed. All the best with July. :-)

  9. Congrats on the walking and biking goals! Getting a bound copy of your book would be an amazing feeling so I'm sure they loved it.

  10. You cycled 20 miles??! Holy cow! That's awesome! I'm so impressed with all your accomplishments and celebrations. You're really getting your work out into the world. Keep it up - you're such an inspiration to us all! :)

    1. 20 miles on a flat, flat trail - the only trail I could survive on for that mileage.
      Thanks, Lexa!!!

  11. You've done amazing! Way to go! :) Good luck with your June goals. I believe you're on the right track all around. Have a terrific weekend!

  12. Congratulations on a productive May. Best of luck with your goals for June.

  13. You really are an inspiration, Imaginate sounds like a cool way to get yourself out there!

    1. Thanks, Spacerguy! I just keep putting one word down after another. Imaginate seems like a great market and it's new.

  14. The exercise goals impressed me, since I doubt I'd be able to do anything like that. At least not without a year or so of training for it. Anyway, good luck.

    1. I think you'd be surprised. For me, the key element in riding 20 miles was the flat trail. I don't bike uphill very well.

  15. I really do need to sit down and write all my goals down the way you have. This is very impressive.

    1. Thanks, Patricia! I've found that creating both the gigantic dream goals and the smaller goals within them really helps me accomplish things.

  16. You sound like a busy bee Tyrean! Wonderful celebrations and goals...enjoy the rest of your weekend!

    1. Thanks, Katie. I have been pretty busy, and I plan to keep it up through the summer, which might be a bit hard.

  17. Congratulations on your short story sale...and so glad your publishing deal is still on track. :-)

  18. Congrats, Tyrean! Sounds like you life is ON TRACK... Good for you!

    Thanks for the links for shorts. How you June is full of wonderful surprises.....

    1. Thanks, Michael! I keep trying to keep it organized and that helps.

  19. Writing down your goals and aspirations for different parts of your life seems like a good idea. I bet it helps keep focus. I bet your students are thrilled to receive their work in books. Great idea.

    1. It definitely helps with keeping focus, and my students really liked their books - it's really fun to put them together.

  20. I need to go look up what hint fiction is. I'm probably going to have a duh moment when I find it, but it's not ringing a bell right now. Congratulations on your goals. You accomplished a ton with your writing!

  21. good to hear your small press book deal is still on track. And congrats on everything you've achieved so far!

  22. Love what you're doing for your students! I'm sure that opens their eyes to what they're capable of doing. I didn't know about your book deal. Yay!!! If you want the book to be spotlighted, just let me know. We'll work something out.

  23. A great set of goals and good to see you have so much to celebrate!


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!