
Friday, March 6, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things

This week, I'm celebrating:

1. The act of walking into a local bookstore to ask for a book signing.

2. The awesome owner of the local bookstore (who has helped me before) not only said, "yes," but also invited me to a poetry reading event to celebrate National Poetry Month with local poets and writers! (Two gigs out of one friendly conversation!)

3. IWSG!

4. Submitted five hint fiction stories to @7x20 (unpaid twitter market) and a flash fiction story to Imaginate (paid market) last Saturday - just before the deadline for Write 1 Sub 1. :)

5. New blue jeans - two pairs - a much needed addition to my wardrobe. I was down to one pair without holes, stains, or other issues.

6. Permission granted to start exercising slowly. I get to try walking for a 1/4 mile, and I get to try riding a stationary bike with no resistance. Yay!

7. Milo James Fowler, Speculative Fictioneer, let me hijack his blog on Monday! I'm so thankful!

8. Training for the Gig Harbor Canoe and Kayak Nationals Racing Team starts tomorrow and my daughters are excited to get paddling (even on cold ocean water in March). One of their international level team-mates (best teen canoeist in the USA and 3rd place winner at the Pan-American Championships) just had his picture on the cover of a local magazine, and we're excited for that because not many people in our own community know about our racing team - even though they've won Nationals three years in a row.

Tips on asking bookstore owners for shelf space coming next week!


  1. Awesome you got two gigs out of the event!
    I know what you mean about the jeans...
    Good luck to your daughters. Hopefully more people become aware of the event.

  2. That's awesome about the book signing! I should probably buy new jeans but I want to lose weight first...guess I'll stay in the yoga pants for a while.

    1. You are so brave - yoga pants are comfy, but I don't like how I look in them so I broke down and bought jeans, even though I haven't lost the weight I wanted to beforehand.

  3. Wow, well done on the book signing. And YES! to new jeans. When you find the right pair, life is good. :)

    1. Thanks! I know what you mean about the right pair - I've been buying the same brand and style for a few years now, but decided to try on a few different brands yesterday . . . and went back to my old brand that fits me right. :)

  4. Congrats on your success with the book store owner! It's great that you're on the move again. Good luck to your daughters! Sounds like it will be an exciting season for them. Can't wait to read your asking for shelf space tips. I'm going to need them soon. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks, Lori! All the twenty tips I put together boil down to three areas: preparation, friendliness, and having a good attitude (even when things don't go well).

  5. Sweet deal with the store owner. Good deal getting all on the submissions in before time.
    I'll check Milo's link! Have a fun weekend.

  6. Wow! Lots of reason for celebration. Take the exercise slow so you don't have a set back. Book signing news is wonderful.

    1. It's been a good week - well, except I'm behind on writing and revision goals, but I keep moving forward.
      And yes, I'm trying to take it slow - my doc said "no five mile sprints out of excitement" - and I tried not to laugh at the unlikelihood of that.

  7. What an awesome bookstore owner and my favorite jeans are worn, but still wearable. Congrats Tyrean!

  8. Congrats on the bookstore gigs! That's great news! IWSG really was amazing - I love that hop. Yay for new clothes, for submitting your tweet tales, and for getting to exercise angai. National Champs 3 yrs in a row? Wow! Good luck to your daughters on training for that next championship!

  9. That's a lot of celebrating...and you deserve each one! :)

  10. Woohoo for the book signing! Very exciting! And I hear ya on the excitement of getting new jeans...there is nothing better than a good fitting blue jeans...I live in mine! Enjoy your weekend!

    1. I live in my jeans, too.
      Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Nice job getting to events from one conversation. The last time I attempted to do that, I chickened out before I could say anything.

    Great list of celebrations. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. It is pretty terrifying to talk to a bookstore owner, but it's possible.
      I hope you enjoy your weekend!

  12. What an awesome week for you! And good for you for getting the signing. That would terrify me. Have a great weekend! :)

    1. Thanks, Christine! I hope you have a good weekend, too! The signing conversation wasn't as terrifying as it was the first time I went in and talked to the same bookstore owner about a year ago. It gets easier after the first couple of conversations.

  13. Sounds like you had a great week! Good luck with the signing/poetry event!

    1. Thanks, Cherie! I didn't quite do enough writing . . . but I'm making up for it now . . . well, as soon as I get off the internet again. :)

  14. Yep, we definitely have to celebrate the little things! This world tends to be on the offensive a lot!

    1. Celebrating the little things is just a good way to keep a good attitude - at least for me, anyway.

  15. Honored to have you hijack my blog, Tyrean -- and congratulations on lining up another book signing! I don't know if I'll ever be ready for such a thing; I like the idea of living a hermit's life in the woods while my publisher takes care of selling my books. One can dream, right?

  16. You've been busy! Good luck for your upcoming appearances. You're lucky to have such a supportive local bookstore.

  17. Oh what wonderous things to celebrate. Good luck on your subs. I have my first poem coming out soon. And I haven't subbed since so I need to get back to that. I haven't been writing on my novel lately but I will. I promise. and what's up with jeans? What happened to Levi's lasting 100 years? Daggum it! Good luck on exercises and your kayak racing!
    Jamie Dement ( LadyJai )


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!