
Monday, February 9, 2015

Wow! Very Inspiring Blogger Award, Liebster Award, and Party!

So, I was . . . blogging when I should have been grading papers, and I found out that I received two awards in one day. Whoa. Totally unexpected.

Thank you, Jeff and Hannah!

Jeff Chapman, who inspires me with his excellent writing and amazing tenacity in the realm of submissions and queries, nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. I'm very thankful for his blog posts and his friendship. Thank you, Jeff!

The rules for accepting this award are as follows:
1. Thank the person who nominated you, and link to their blog.
2. Display the award logo.
3. Nominate at least 15 other blogs (more or less) and provide a link where they may be found.
4. Then, go to their blog, leave a comment to let them know they have been nominated, and where to find the information they need to accept (rules).
5. Mention three things that inspired you the most during the past few weeks.

Three things that have inspired me recently:
1. My oldest daughter's ability to generously love and help her friends in times of trials and in good times, too.

2. My youngest daughter's determination and forthrightness. When she decides to charge towards a goal, there's no stopping her.

3. Rain. Yep, I complain about it sometimes, but I like it, too. It keeps everything green and growing.

I'm nominating:
Hannah Heath
Milo James Fowler
Elizabeth Seckman
M.J. Joachim
C. Lee Mckenzie
Natalie Aguirre
L. Diane Wolfe
Cherie Reich
Misha Gericke
Laurel Garver
Shannon Lawrence
Lexa Cain
Suzanne Gourley
Julie Flanders
S.K. Anthony

Wait, how did I get this award? See #4? I totally didn't expect it . . . but here is the sweet answer from Hannah Heath: "I’m tagging her anyway because I like her stuff." - Wowza! Thank you, Hannah!

Here are the 11 questions:

  • Have you ever been to California? Yes  - more than a dozen times and going this summer!
  • If you could get any famous writer/blogger to start following and commenting on your blog, who would it be? - R.J. Larson or John Flanagan. Or . . . C.S. Lewis (I know, but I'm imagining).
  • What kind of music do you listen to while writing? None, or instrumental/movie soundtracks.
  • What are your top three goals in life? Worship, Love, Live Life Fully!
  • What do you hope to gain through your blog? Connection with writers and readers.
  • Ebook, audiobook, or just a plain book? Book!
  • Is there a particular movie that you’re looking forward to seeing this year? The newest Avengers.
  • What is a pet hobby of yours (one that you don’t blog about)? walking, skiing, movie-going
  • If you had to dress up as any book character, who would it be? Velma from Scooby Doo, or Tigger from Winnie-the-Pooh. I know Scooby Doo is a show, but hey. 
  • What’s your favorite social media to use? Tough choice: Blog, then facebook, then twitter.
  • How many more followers will you need to gain in order to feel justified in throwing a huge party? Wow! Way past that point . . . hmm. I think I should throw a party. See idea below.

  • 11 Random Facts (Wait, didn't I just give some of those?):
    1. I drink tea and coffee with coconut milk and honey.
    2. I have more than twenty allergies and intolerances - some are the swell up and die kind and some are the rashy, nasty symptom kind.
    3. I'm a creative cook. (I have to be)
    4. I like movies - the blow things up, action adventure, superhero, fantasy and sci-fi kind.
    5. I may be a chick, but I don't like chick flicks unless it's a really good romantic comedy.
    6. I dig the Bard, especially the play that must not be named. :)
    7. I also like Calvin and Hobbes, Scooby Doo, and Winnie-the-Pooh.
    8. I've been in a dozen or so plays and skits and I like playing either the goofy sidekick or the villain.
    9. Many years ago, I played Mrs. Beaver in a musical version of Narnia - and I consider her a goofy sidekick in that production.
    10. My favorite solo I sang in high school: "Tom's Diner" by Suzanne Vega - the original, acapella version.
    11. My name is pronounced like Irene but with a T at the beginning. My parents wanted it that way and wanted it spelled without two "e" letters.

    Selecting 11 recipients for this award was hard for two reasons:
    1. I don't check numbers on other people's blogs. In fact, I rarely check that on mine. I was surprised to learn that these blogs didn't have more followers! Truly, they deserve more.
    2. I realized, with some regret, that I've been visiting bloggers that visit me, which means, I don't always visit new bloggers. So, I'm trying to branch out, now.
    Mackenzie Adix
    Jack Lewis Baillot
    Jeff Chapman 
    Madeline Mora-Summonte - she has just over 200, but she deserves more love!
    Haneen I. Adam - a new blogger I just met!
    Juneta Kay
    Sharon M. Himsl
    D.C. Relief
    Aunt Mary from the Easy Way Blog
    Toni Travis

    My questions for these Liebsters:
    1. Have you ever visited Washington State?
    2. Do you drink coffee or tea?
    3. Name your favorite Winnie-the Pooh character:
    4. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
    5. What's your favorite kind of movie?
    6. What song do you sing around the house/in the car?
    7. Have you ever seen a Giant Pacific Octopus in the wild or in an aquarium?
    8. What are your top three goals in life?
    9. What's your favorite writing utensil?
    10. Star Wars/Star Trek or both?
    11. Favorite movie soundtrack?

    Were these questions random enough, do you think? 

    And here's that song (it's a hummy kind of song, like Winnie-the-Pooh might sing if he were a grown up lady in a diner . . . umm, okay, maybe that doesn't make sense to anyone but me)

    Ooh, and I'm going to have a PARTY for all of my Awesome Followers! I really don't know how many there are with blogger and google+ combined, but I know I have a wonderful group of people who hang out with me. Party Details coming soon for my blogaversary on April 30th.


    1. Congratulations and keep us updated on the party.
      And if CS Lewis starts commenting on your blog, let us know.

      1. Thanks, Alex! Yes, I'll let you know about that. :) He's just one of the thousands of people I hope I get to talk to in heaven . . . if we do any talking outside of just plain worship, that is.

    2. Two awards in one day? Wow, congrats! Goofy sidekicks and villains sound like they'd be fun to play, for sure. (They're certainly fun to write about, haha!)

    3. Congrats on the awards and nominating me. I appreciate the thought. And awesome how your kids inspired you.

    4. Congrats on the awards! The party sounds like a cool idea. I was thinking of doing something for my next blogiversary as well.

      1. Thanks! I'm still figuring out the details, but I figure it will be the end of A to Z and we'll all need a party. :)

    5. Aw, thanks, Tyrean! All of us at Shellshank appreciate the shout out. :)

    6. Woot for California. I was born there. And Velma--that's a great answer. Might have to watch an episode of two of Scooby now. Congrats on the awards.

    7. I agree. Tigger would be a super awesome character to dress up as. And I love blow-em up movies and the Avengers. No wonder you're one of my favorite Christian authors. =)
      Thanks for the nomination and sweet shout-out! I really appreciate it.

      1. Hannah - you are so sweet and encouraging. Thank you!!!

    8. Thanks so much for the shout out! I'm honored! Velma or Tigger? If that ever happens, I want pics! I love Tom's Diner - good choice! Have a great week! :)

      1. You're welcome - you deserve it! And, I have dressed as Velma, but without pics. Maybe next year. Glad to know you know the song. :)

    9. Congratulations! And thank you so much for thinking of me for the Very Inspiring Blogger award!

    10. Congratulations--two in a row--yay! And thank you too for the Liebster :) :)
      My first time hearing Tom's Diner--it's really different. I agree on C.S. Lewis as a blogger (yes, fun to imagine), but I'd never get anything done. I'd be at his blog all day long reading!

      1. That is so true. I would be at his blog all the time, too. :)

    11. Three cheers for the well-deserved blogger awards. And oohhhh, party, party, party!

    12. Congratulations... I'm so happy for you!! Loved your answers too.
      Thank you for the Liebster Award. I was having such a rotten day, decided to visit my blog, and wow!! I'd better to work on those questions... and a party?? :))

      1. Thanks! I'm sorry you are having a rough day - hope it gets better. And the party . . . will include virtual chocolate, maybe some extra giveaways, and . . . I'm not sure yet. The details are coming together.

    13. The end of April is a great time to have a part as everyone winds down from A to Z craziness.
      Thanks for the award. I'm quite touched.

    14. Congrats and coffee with coconut milk sounds pretty good actually

    15. Wow, thanks for the nomination Tyrean. It is my first. Great post. Enjoyed reading your facts.
      Juneta@ Writer's Gambit

    16. OMG! this is my first ever blog award, I know it isn't that big deal but it meant so much to me, thank you very much, you made my day :'')

    17. Thanks for the nomination. Yup, children can be very inspiring. You should try snow. It sticks around longer than rain.

    18. Sorry I'm late in coming by to see this wonderful award! Very kind of you. Thanks so much,

    19. The newest Avengers had me excited too. And I've had coffee with coconut milk as well, I really like it!!

      Thank you for the award!!! You're the sweetest ;)

    20. Thanks so much for the award! Your daughters sound wonderful. I love the rain too. It can be very peaceful.

    21. Thank you, Tyrean! "Live life fully" -- excellent goal. This year, I'm trying to refrain from asking "What's next?" and instead focus on "What's now?"

    22. Thank you for the award, and sorry it took me so long to come by! If it helps, my kids have Scooby Doo books, so that means it's legitimate.


    Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!