
Friday, February 27, 2015

Do You Have Goals Update and Celebrations!

 Many thanks to Lexa Cain, Katie, and LG Keltner for keeping this hop hopping, and many thanks to Viklit for starting it!

I'm celebrating everything below in this post, and for this hop, specifically:

1. Shelley Sly's sweet review and interview on Monday.
2. C. Lee Mckenzie's Opening Lines guest post here.
3. Getting done with a novella on Wednesday night at 11:24p.m.
4. Lexa Cain's shout-out for my "Seedling" story freebie. Thanks, Lexa!

 Write 1 Sub 1: I have today and tomorrow to make this happen. Agh. I'm working on a few hint fiction stories because that's the length my brain can handle outside my longer projects right now.
 This is my personal goals banner for the year. And, I've been working on those foundations every day!
Official Goals Update for Do You Have Goals, hosted by Misha and Beth:
1. Finished the novella project.
2. Received rejection letters (at least three, didn't want to count more), but that meant I submitted work, right?
3. Re-subbed a hint fiction story.
4. Re-entered my curriculum project - ultra copy edit time.
5. Really happy with publishing A Jumble of 500+ Writing Prompts and it's sibling projects: A Pocket-Sized Jumble of 500+ Writing Prompts, Jumble Journal 1, and Jumble Journal 2.
6. Relational: I have a few bloggers guesting here next month! But I haven't invited anyone for May yet. (Skipping April for A to Z) And, in the HD/real world, I need to get invitations going for March.
7. Exercise: minor floor exercises: leg lifts, sit ups, etc. No walking/biking allowed by docs yet. Next month.
8. Spiritual: Ash Wednesday talk at my church, Children's Message at a Sunday worship, daily time - most days with prayer as the focus and some Biblical study.
9. Marketing . . . some twittering and regular posting here. Using the free version of the Buffer app for pre-written twitter posts.

So, do you have goals? How do you put foundations under them? And, what are you celebrating this week/month?

If you are looking for a few writing prompts, A Jumble of 500+ Writing Prompts is only 99 cents for e-readers at Kindle, B&N, and Smashwords.


  1. You can make Write1Sub1 happen!
    Glad the Jumble books are doing well.
    And if you need someone for May, I'd be honored - I think I'm on a quest for the longest running blog tour ever...

  2. Wow, you're busy and getting a lot done. My goals hit a snag not of my making so I have to reset on some things.

    1. Resetting goals can be tough, but it just means that you're flexible enough to roll through the punches and get back up again. :) Picture Neo bending back as bullets fly over his head, just to bounce back up on the balls of his feet and charge his enemies. :)

  3. I'm having a difficult time focusing lately. Deadlines help me, so I'm revising some of my work for a writing competition and two writing conferences. I'm also taking 2 grad school classes and am having a hard time balancing that with family and doing the writing I wanted to do. I love the idea of Write1Sub1 and sign up every year, but I never get to it. I kind of want to sign up right now. I think I will. I know I don't have time, but I'm going to do it anyway!

    1. Wow! Tonja, you have lots going on with life and writing! It's tough to balance everything. Currently, my house is a little unsightly . . . but tomorrow is Saturday (housecleaning for two hours in the morning day).
      Best wishes with all that you're doing!

  4. That's wonderful that you finished your novella! I'm going to try to come up with novella-sized ideas instead of novels from now on 'coz I love that "I'm done!!" feeling. Sorry about the rejections, but I'm sure acceptances are right around the corner, so keep subbing!

    1. Novellas are definitely a different sized project. It seems strange, but every time I change word count length, I have to readjust, whether it's hint, flash, short story, novella, or novel-length - each type has it's own pacing.
      And thanks for the vote of confidence!

  5. Sounds like you have some good, clear goals there. I try to set myself manageable weekly goals, but some weeks it's just impossible.

    1. My yearly goal is at that almost impossible range, and my monthly goal is, too, but I'm going to have a slightly more restful April for writing because of the heavier blogging for A to Z.

  6. Congrats on the lovely review and on finishing your novella! I love the castle on the cliff photo. Good luck with your Write 1, Sub 1. I hope you get there!

  7. I loved C. Lee McKenzie's Opening Lines guest post. That was brilliant, Tyrean. Thank you for hosting that. All of these are wonderful celebrations. You must be proud... (smile)

    1. Thanks, Dixie. I'm not sure if I'm "proud" - I'm kind of swinging between - "excitement to get stuff done" and "whoa, I must be insane to think I can get all this stuff done."

  8. Love your inspirational meme. I love to daydream. It's just fun.

    Glad to hear you're healing! And congrats on the subs- you're right, it shows you're trying. I always figured the doors would open when they were meant to and not a moment too soon or late.

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth! And yes, the doors will open at the right moment. :)

  9. You are doing so well with your goals, I wish I had half your energy and determination! I'm hoping the spring will bring me a little more get-up-and-go.

    1. Well . . . the energy I would normally put towards exercise is all going towards getting stuff done at the moment and trying to motivate myself to do simple floor/sitting exercises. I'm kind of being forced to sit by an injury and sitting drives me nuts . . . at least, when I have to sit. I've been reading less lately than I normally do, and I think it's because I'm supposed to sit down a lot and 'rest" so I'm rebelling in small ways.

  10. Love your personal goals banner! You go girl. Keep up the terrific work!

  11. Still working toward my goals, but a little detour has appeared. Celebrating - the birth of my sons. Feb 22, and March 2 - Awesome young men! So proud!

  12. I'm celebrating two releases this coming weekend. Whew! And I plan on celebrating with sleep...

    Good job on your goals!

    1. Wow! That sounds like a good celebration after all that work!

  13. I like your personal slogan. Sounds like you are busy but organised as well. Good luck with all your goals.

    1. Thanks, Suzanne! I keep trying to be organized, and then I find one, two, three things that I haven't done.

  14. Thanks for linking to my blog! Wishing you best of luck with your goals. That's great that you're getting so much done!

  15. So much that you've got going on. My goal last week was to relax. Didn't happen.

    1. So sorry it didn't happen. I hope you get some rest this week!


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!