
Wednesday, January 14, 2015

The Business of Self-Publishing, Part 3*: Keep the Window Open and Sudden Secrets

Section of Girl Reading Letter by an Open Window by Johannes Vermeer 
(public domain) Full Picture Found HERE

Keep the Window Open

Some of the discussions about publishing that take place online are purposely inflammatory to draw out a long conversation of incendiary comments. Since my blood rises hot under my skin during some of those discussions, I've finally decided that it's best not to read or take part in them. 


I want to keep the window of publishing opportunities open. My dream of writing and publishing includes becoming a completely hybrid author with books on the big traditional, the small press, and the indie shelves. 

I self-publish short stories, novels, and collections of work. Also, I submit work to magazines and anthologies. Currently, I am writing a novella in a series for a small press publisher under the wing of a novelist who wrote a bestseller as a teenager.

This last project came from a direction I didn't expect, like a heavy curtain drawn back to reveal a hidden window of bright sunshine opportunity. It came at an unexpected time and from an unexpected place, but I wasn't going to close the window or draw the curtain back over it. I've throw the shutter open and leaned out into the air.

I love being a self-published writer, but I also just love writing and getting published. :)

How do you keep the window of opportunity open? And, what's your progress in writing, submissions, publishing, marketing, etc. this week?

For a similar theme, check out Lynette Labelle's post on the Number One Rule of Publishing (Be Nice).

Also, if you didn't know already, there's this amazing hybrid author who writes incredibly wonderful teen fiction and her latest book is out!
Sudden Secrets by C. Lee Mckenzie at Amazon and Evernight Teen!

Tiny Update on Writing Submissions: I had one story rejected, and a series of hint fiction stories accepted since last Wednesday. Several short stories are hanging out there in the submission ether, and I haven't written or subbed for Write1Sub1 this month yet. I'm keeping all the windows open and enjoying the breeze. :)

.*Next month, I'll be changing this series to "The Business of Writing and Publishing." I'll still have some tips on here for self-publishing, but I think this is a better name for a series of posts meant for all writers.


  1. Good luck with all of your projects! I'm definitely trying to stay open to different opportunities and possibilities in writing and in life. :)

    My monthly W1S1 has been written and subbed - whew!

  2. Wahoo for Lee!

    I'm totally with you, be nice! And while you're at it, never close the door on a potential opportunity. It's hard to know which ones to pursue and which to let go, but I think the more seasoned you become, the easier it is to balance all the demand. I tell you what, I'm LOVING the short story market lately. Too fun.

  3. I think you're approach is a good one. And I know authors who have self-published who go on to get agents and hopefully other publishing options. Glad you had a door open you didn't expect. Those can be the best.

    With my job search, there isn't any time for writing right now. Hopefully once I get settled in a job, I'll have time for it.

  4. I've seen some really mean and nasty discussions online since I became a writer. I completely avoid them even if I agree with one side of the argument. You're exactly right about keeping all windows open.

    1. Yes, I found myself commenting on one of those about a year ago and felt so foolish afterwards. It's just not a good idea to get into them.
      We need all those windows of opportunity. :)

  5. I'm like you. I just love to write. I have no idea what the future holds. I've always said when God opens doors, I go through them. I won't force any open or cry that no one opens them for me. I'll be content where I am and move as I feel His will guiding me.

  6. I'm keeping all my options open because I have no idea what will happen in the future. Hopefully it will include my actually getting around to finishing my book.

    1. You will finish, Chemist Ken! Just keep on working at it!

  7. You never know where opportunities come from - awesome you are working with a best selling author.
    Congratulations to Lee!

    1. That's so true. And, she was a bestselling author at 17, but has struggled since then. However, she still keeps writing and helping other authors.

  8. Tyrean, you've become a writing ninja. I feel like a slacker. It's wrong to bite hands and burn bridges. The industry is in constant flux. I'm open to publishing in all ways. Seems my intentions of going for the hybrid thing keep getting delayed by new projects of my own.

  9. What a wonderful opportunity.

    I keep the window open by realizing that no matter what happens with each appearance, speaking engagement, etc., something more will come from it.

  10. Yup. I tend to stay away from any big debates, because I want my windows open and my bridges intact. It can get frustrating sometimes, but it's important.

  11. While I have no idea about publishing (I'm not a writer), I think it's great to stay away from things that you find negative in your if there are discussions that are going to affect you this way...find another discussion to be a part of :) Good luck to you!

  12. Congrats to Lee ;)

    That is great that you have the opportunity to work on that novella with a best selling author. And I agree about keeping a window open to different opportunities, we just never know what can fly in and change our world. ;)

  13. I love being a hybrid. I have learned so much by doing this publishing business in both ways that I wouldn't change anything I've chosen to do so far.

    Thanks for the spot on your wonderful blog.

    Keep up the great attitude and never close the window. :-)

  14. Great attitude Tyrean. Always keep the windows open.

  15. The great thing about all the options for publishing these days is the freedom it gives authors. If we're forced to pick an option and stick with that, it takes away some freedom, doesn't it.

    Hey! I still owe you a bookmakr from the Realms Faire! (Sorry if you sent me your address & I didn't see it). you can let me know where you'd like me to send your bookmark her:

  16. Hey, when opportunity knocks, you answer! Next week I'll release the last book in my trilogy with Curiosity Quills (a small press), but for my next book, I plan on shopping for an agent and publishing with a bigger house *fingers crossed*


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!