
Friday, January 23, 2015

Celebrate the Small Things, the Necessary Edition

Hosted these days by Lexa Cain, Celebrate the Small Things is going strong! I didn't think I would be able to post on Fridays, but here I am.

Life went a little crazy on Wednesday night.

Or, maybe it started on Tuesday . . . when both our working vehicles broke down at the same time. One went in for an oil change and ended up with the transmission out. Then, the other smelled like burning oil and needed a strange part replaced.

Three days without transportation does not work well in my house.

Then, on Wednesday night, I fell down part of our stairs while carrying a ginormous load of laundry. I landed on my left foot (that left foot-argh!) wrong, and then hit knee, elbow, and then shoulder with a bit of head whiplash.

Yeah, fun. (NOT!!!)

So, how is this a celebration post?!!!

Well, here's what I'm really celebrating:

1. Super amazing helpful friends and family. All transportation needs were taken care of by them.
2. One helpful foot doctor with an open appointment! (And so far, just major soft tissue damage found)
3. I already owned the "boot" of shame for my foot and had kept it in a plastic bag in my closet for four years (just in case - my husband made me keep it).
4. I have ibuprofen, ice packs, and coffee, and my hubs is taking care of the grocery shopping while my girls are helping me keep the house clean(ish).
5. I have plenty of time to write on Fridays now . . . my schedule of teaching ski lessons has been cleared completely. (not my original plan for Fridays, but I'm going to make the best of it.)
6. We have one running vehicle now thanks to my husband's awesome mechanical skills and a quickly ordered part.
7. The van is supposed to be ready to be picked up today or tomorrow - which is good, since I can't drive a stick with a "boot of shame."
8. We had full coverage on the van. (not our normal insurance way, but this is a huge blessing at the moment. My husband can fix cars but taking a transmission out takes time and energy that he doesn't have right now.)
9. In the midst of all of this, I only got whiny once or twice . . . well, maybe three times if you count the initial rolling around on the basement floor by the laundry room saying "ow, ow, ow."
10. Lots of prayer from friends and family.
11. God's grace is enough. Yep. I'm thankful for the blessings at this moment in this time.

So, this is the Necessary Edition of Celebrate the Small Things. I'll be around on Fridays now . . . so I look forward to celebrating more. :)

What are you celebrating this week? Have you ever found it necessary to celebrate the small things?


  1. Sorry you tumbled down the stairs!!
    Glad you have one running vehicle now. Keep practicing with the stick. (At this point, I might not know how to drive an automatic...)
    God is good, all the time.

    1. I love driving stick - just not with the "boot" brace. :)

      God is good, all the time. :)

  2. Aw, bless your heart and your foot! I've done that... laundry tumble before... So glad to hear you've had help.
    You teach skiing? That's remarkable, and on the back burner, as you say. Hope you heal quickly!!
    I agree: "Praise God from whom all blessings flow."

    1. I just went through training to be a ski instructor for the first time this year for a once a week gig, but instead, my daughters and my husband are teaching without me.
      Thanks for the hopes and prayers!

  3. Wow, what a week! It's wonderful how things worked out -- no serious injuries, family and friends stepping up, one vehicle running, the van's breakdown covered. What would we do without the angels watching over us? Enjoy your writing time and your weekend!

    1. Yes, I definitely had some angels looking out for me. :)

      Thanks Lori!

  4. No fun being car-less. Great that things worked out in the end. And then a sore foot, too. Ouch!! Sometimes things pile up against us, but 'Yay' for friends and family. Hope the writing day goes well :)

  5. OMG - I'm so sorry to hear about your car problems and your fall. I hope you feel better soon. You have quite a list of gratitude considering all you had to go through. It always helps to see the bright side, right? Have a wonderful weekend! (And no more falling down the stairs!!)

  6. My dear you certainly need a break. Good you have such loving family & friends. Take it easy and enjoy your weekend.

  7. Oh no! Sorry all of that happened to you. At least it seems that things are finding a way of working out.

  8. Oh my goodness, what a week you've had! And how wonderful that you can find the little blessings hidden amongst it all. I've hurt my foot before (stress fracture) and had to wear the boot. No fun! Hope it heals quickly and everything works out with your cars! :)

  9. Awww sorry to hear about your fall but very pleased to hear you have at least one mode of transport fixed and sorted. I had a different kind of celebration today, as I got read of a monstrous beast that had been haunting my driveway for far too long. Well, I say monstrous beast it was quite small as cars go, but still. I am glad to be rid.
    I hope you are back on your feet and back in your ski's soon. :)

  10. I hope you're feeling better! (and how sad is it that I read twisted ankle and think how awesome it would be to have an excuse for being lazy? I am so sad!)

  11. Yikes, sounds like an awful fall. (could always be worse, right?) God Bless!!!

  12. Sounds like you've had a busy week! Glad to see you're choosing to see the glass as half full :)

  13. No, not the "boot" of shame! Hope you heal up quickly. I haven't had the best start to the year with the flu two weeks ago and now a cold, but hey: we've got the rest of the year ahead of us, right?

  14. Sorry to hear it has been a difficult week at your place. Hope you have the cars fixed real soon and that the foot heals. Glad you will be around for the weekly celebrations.

  15. I'm sorry all this happened, and I'm glad some things were sorted out and you can find the positive in all this.

  16. You had a tumble? Ouch. Sorry to hear...
    The one good thing is that you'll have more writing time on Fridays... and I hope all the car problems are sorted out soon!
    Love the positivity!

  17. Ouch, indeed! You had some definite downturns, but it looks like you also had some great things to celebrate! Hope that foot is better fast and that the car didn't cost an arm and a leg. That's supposed to be humErus.

  18. Yikes. I don't feel so terrible about slicing my foot open and needing stitches that week.

    Not fun. So yeah, I'm celebrating the little things to keep my sanity.

  19. Ugh, sounds like a not very good week, but I'm glad the vehicles are up (or almost up) and running. I hope you heal fast and well.


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!