
Friday, December 19, 2014

Deja Vu Blogfest, Celebrations, and Do You Have Goals Wrap Up!

Brought to us by the awesome Blitzer DL Hammons and the fantastic Nicole Zoltak, this fest invites us to re-post a post from this year!

Due to triple threat post I have going on here, I chose a super short one that was overlooked . . . mainly because I was late to the party that day. 

This was my "Endings Blogfest" post from January 9th, 2014 that celebrated the blogaversary of LG Keltner's blog.

When I saw this fest, I couldn't resist. 
However, due to a cold, waking up late, and getting the kids going on their lessons for the day (we homeschool and breakfast is planning time), I'm a little late to the party. Sorry.
And I have thought over what to say . . . but no idea seemed like the right one, until now.
The endings I like best are the endings with a sense of homecoming and a sense of open horizon - a look to the possible future.
Every ending like that feels like the one described at the end of The Last Battle:
"And for us this is the end of all the stories, and we can most truly say that they all lived happily ever after. But for them it was only the beginning of the real story. All their life in this world and all their adventures in Narnia had only been the cover and the title page: now at last they were beginning Chapter One of the Great Story which no one on earth has ever read: which goes on forever, in which every chapter is better than the one before."
What kind of ending do you like?

Celebrate the Small Things, originated by Viklit, has been an awesome part of blogging for me these last few years.

This year, I'm celebrating two things:
1. You, dear blogger buddies, who visit and comment. Thank you!
2. The continuation of blogging. It's been a struggle this year, but I have kept going. 

Do You Have Goals? is a blog hop that has helped me tremendously this last year. Misha and Beth have been wonderful encouragers, and I appreciate everyone involved in this hop.

To Wrap Up the year, but not get too long-winded:

We were encouraged to create huge, amazing goals, and then chase them down. :)

My goals were: Write and Publish two novels/novellas and some short works.

What I actually accomplished:
The finish and publication of Champion in Flight: the second novel in The Champion Trilogy.

The finish and publication of Light Reflections: a collection of poetry.

And, the publication of:
two articles on writing in How I Found the Write Path and IWSG Guide to Publishing and Beyond.

seven new short stories and poems: "Red Carpet, Take 1," "Red Carpet, Take 2," "Cloud Download," "Seedling," "Big Money," "Green Planet," and "Robot Sonnet." 

and three re-publications of stories in e-title format: "Seedling," "The Bridge Snap," and "The Horse in the Well."

When I list all that out, I realize that although I didn't hit my original goal exactly, I did accomplish a great deal, with more on my horizon ahead. 

What kinds of endings do you like? What goals have you accomplished? What are you celebrating? And, do you have a deja vu post?

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!! 
I'll be back for IWSG on January 7th.


  1. You did amazing, Tyrean! Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year! :)

    1. Thanks, Madeline! I think creating crazy big goals actually helped me reach them. Merry Christmas!

  2. The ending of The Last Battle is great.
    And I appreciate that you are still blogging since we've lost so many this year.
    Have a blessed Christmas, Tyrean.

  3. "The endings I like best are the endings with a sense of homecoming and a sense of open horizon - a look to the possible future."

    I love your description of a good ending. It matches my own. Thank you for re-sharing it for Deja Vu.

    And I would say you've done quite well against your goals this year! :)

  4. It sounds to me like you accomplished a ton! I don't think I like any particular types of endings, just as long as they fit the story.

    1. I think creating huge goals helped me get a lot done, and I just happen to like endings with hope at the end - or at least justice.

  5. Yes -- the best endings are really beginnings in disguise.

    You have accomplished a LOT this year! Congratulations!

    Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New YEar and also:

    Happy Deja Vu!

  6. For me it depends on the storyline, but mostly I like happy endings. However I do like a proper ending. I hate books (and films) when it's left in the air and it's up to me! x

  7. Wow, you accomplished a lot! I love the ending you posted! I have to say I prefer happy endings. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  8. You had the best list of things marked DONE! Here's to continuing to celebrate those wonderful accomplishments and more. Hope your Christmas is lovely and filled with joy.

  9. I'd say you can mark your to-do list as 'done'! Congrats and impressive. Here's wishing you a very blessed Christmas and New Year!

  10. That's a beautiful ending! Great choice for the deja vu hop ;)

    And goodness, you accomplished a lot, whoohoooo!!!!!

  11. You've been very busy this year Tyrean. A satisfactorily happy ending to The End of the year also.

  12. Wow, you've been busy.

    I'm good with most ending as long as they don't leaving me hanging (serious questions unanswered). A glimpse into the future can be a bonus.

  13. You have accomplished a great deal, Tyrean! Merry Christmas!!

  14. Congratulations on accomplishing so much this year. Happy New Year!

  15. 2014 looks like it was the Year of Achievement for you! Congrats! As for endings, I like to have all the loose ends tied up. I like all my questions to be answered. If there is to be a follow-up book, then at least I like to have a satisfactory ending that can hold me over until the next book comes out.
    Thanks for talking about endings. Perfect timing for the end of this year. I hope I can tie up my own loose ends before it's all over. :)
    Happy Deja Vu weekend,
    michele at Angels Bark

  16. Hi Tyrean - hope and justice for endings ... those I can agree on ... a future ahead - even if it's just for me the reader, as I can cogitate on any number of interesting ideas the book, programme or film etc has raised for me - like your open endings.

    Yes the idea of major goals seems a good standard to lay down .. I'd better start now so I'm ready in 2015 .. happy seasonal build up to Christmas - cheers Hilary

  17. Thanks for sharing the post that you originally used for my blogfest. You may have been late to the party, but I was glad you joined in! I hope you're having a great weekend!

  18. I'm celebrating some rest and relaxation. :) A very merry Christmas to you and yours.

  19. Congrats on your achievements! I like an ending that answers any questions we might have had along the way but allows us to fill in the blanks on what the characters did next. After all, as people, their lives don't end on the final page. (Unless you kill them off, I guess). Sorry, this comment got rambly. Hope you have a very productive 2015!

  20. I like endings that kick me in the gut or make me laugh or inspire me to ponder. 2014 was a busy and good one for you. Happy New Year, Tyrean!

  21. I think you're SO amazing, Tyrean. I'm loving getting to know you more. I always love all your posts and instagrams and everything. You are a beautiful person and I can't wait for 2015. :)

  22. Hi, Tyrean...

    Just stopped by to wish you all the best in 2015!!!!!!!!

  23. Happy New Year to you and your family, Tyrean!!

  24. You've achieved so much last year! Congrats! Here's to an awesome 2015 for us both. :-)

  25. Great blog fests and I love a good twist in my endings. Keep up the blogging struggle!

  26. I like ambiguous endings that allow the characters to continue having adventures in my mind! Well done on your achievements during 2014 and may 2015 be a happy and productive one.

  27. Wow. It looks like you're doing well with your goals. Keep it up.

  28. You accomplished quite a bit - and may you do the same this New Year!

    Have a great one!

  29. Yeah, I'd still say you went above and beyond this year! Congrats (and belated New Years!) Tyrean. 2015 looks like it'll be even more rewarding at the rate you're going... ^_^


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!