
Monday, November 10, 2014

So Thankful!

First, I want to say thank you to all the Veterans of the USA military. Thank you for your service and your sacrifice. And, thank you family members of those veterans - you have served and sacrificed too. Thank you for your dedication.

I'm also thankful for  an amazing weekend watching my daughters at Frostbite Camp. Olympic level coaching, international and national athletes, and cold weather made for an exciting but tough combination for the weekend, and my daughters learned huge amounts and grew in skill and technique. They also amazed me with their tenacity and dedication, as did all the athletes there. It takes determination to go out on a Sunday afternoon in 40-50 degree Fahrenheit weather, have it go from drizzling to pouring rain with wind, and still stick it out.

I am so thankful that my daughters have become a part of Flat-water Sprint Canoeing and Kayaking.  I'm kind of blown away by the opportunity that my daughters have had to do this really cool sport. It's one of those Olympic Sports that kind of goes "under the radar" of televised American sports because our last Olympian medaled in 1988 - my kids had the privilege of racing with him a few weeks ago at another race (although they were nowhere near him on the course, it was still cool).

Here's a bit of what the high level junior women's canoe looks like:

In addition to that, I am thankful for my new shipment of books coming safely and soundly in the mail from Createspace.

I'm also thankful for a friend who is helping me with bookmarks. I'm almost ready to go with two book signing events for next week. I've learned a few things like how to create QR codes, and I've been happy to learn that it's doable even for non-techies like me.

Also, an anonymous amazon customer reviewed Champion in Flight! It's the first review for my second book, and I am thankful for that too. :)


  1. They got to race against him? That is amazing. I bet they were so excited.

  2. It was an "open" race so everyone raced against each other - but it was still really cool. :)

  3. How awesome for the opportunities for your daughters. And it's great to remember to be grateful.

    1. It is good to remember to be grateful! Thanks for stopping by, Natalie!

  4. Yaaay on the books and Flat-water Sprint Canoeing and Kayaking Tyrean! I'll admit I've never even heard of that Olympic sport till now.

    1. That's ok. I hadn't heard of it either until my kids started in with the club - our enthusiastic coach had my youngest hooked on her first day in pouring rain on a cold March day earlier this year. :)

  5. I've LOVED seeing these pictures on instagram!!!! Your life is soooo different than mine, LOL! Love all of this. What a beautiful box of books. <3

    1. I love seeing your pics on instagram too. It's amazing what the visual landscape can share that words don't . . . or at least my words don't capture. I think I spend most of my life chasing my kids - but I'm good with that right now. I love them and we are on the countdown to college years next (ok, 2.5 and 5 years, but it is coming).

  6. I too, am grateful for our veterans and for their sacrifices. Thankful to their families as well.

    Congrats to your girls for hanging in there this weekend. You are a great mom! Thanks for sharing the pictures. Congrats on the books - so excited for you! :)

    1. Thanks, Karen! I try to be a good mom, and then I have my super "self" moments - but I think we all need those inner landscapes with prayer to rejuvenate us for life. :)

  7. Lots of good news, Tyrean!
    Congrats to your daughters.
    That box of books looks AWESOME! Hope you sell LOTS of books!

  8. Thanks for sharing these pictures! And yes, it's an important day to be grateful.

  9. That is such a coll sport! And in the coooold rain. They certainly do know perseverance.

    At the Middle School by my house they do a big Veteran's assembly every year and line the drive with signs thanking the Vets -- I get vaklempsh every time I drive through.

    Congrats on the box o' books!

  10. Wonderful things to be thankful for! Yay for the box of books! They look so pretty!

  11. We have much to be thankful for, and many Veterans who helped make it possible. And also, BOOKS! :)

  12. Your books are looking great! That is dedication. It was way too cold here last night. Brrr! We often take for granted that things that really matter. It's good to remember to be thankful.

  13. Congrats to your daughters. That's a healthy pile of books in that box. Are you planning on more book signings in the near future?

  14. Now that's a lot to be thankful for! Sure was a thought provoking Veteran's Day... Great news about your books too!

  15. I spent a good chunk of time sitting out the the cold and rain last weekend but it was football (and cheerleading and marching band - I have a grandkid in all three). Yours looks way more interesting.


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!