
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Teaser Tuesday

Just wanted to share a few short teasers from books I've recently read, or that I am reading . . .


"Justus felt his mouth tighten as the impossible situation began to gather around him like the tangle of a rough net, ending every opportunity for escape." - Wilder Mage by CD Coffelt

"Magical. Hmm. Mack certainly was special . . . but magical? She glanced at the cup of coffee someone had served the priest just moments before. Oh, phooey. Maybe she'd set it there out of habit in anticipation of his arrival."  - Ma Tutt's Donut Hut (A Mack the Magical Cat Mystery) by Lyn Perry.

"There's nothing more common in the spiritual life than starting out right and then going wrong . . .
And then we're stopped by something beautiful - child, friend, stranger; cloud, song, fragrance . . .
 Wrapped up in ourselves, we had forgotten entirely about God; we now see ourselves as wrapped up in the bundle of God, with Nabal reduced to nothing more than a footnote to the text of our life." - Leap Over a Wall by Eugene H. Peterson (context 1 Samuel 25)

What have you been reading lately?


  1. "Justus felt is mouth tighten" is a powerful line, but is that a typo?

  2. Great reading choices! And Carol's sequel to Wilder Mage just came out, so you can follow the characters' further adventures! :)

  3. Lyn is working on a sequel to Ma Tutt's Donut Hut. That's a fun book.

    1. It is a delightful book. I'm enjoying it so much after two stories that I decided I wanted to savor the next one. :)

  4. Sorry to disappoint, but I'm on a two part bio of Teddy Roosevelt.

    1. Why is that disappointing? Sounds like a good book (series?).

  5. I love sneak peaks at books!!

  6. Interesting snippets but I would probably need a bit more...

  7. I recently finished Jodi Picoult's new one, LEAVING TIME, and it is wonderful! Almost done with an ARC of a YA novel called THE WALLED CITY that I'm really enjoying. Happy Reading!


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!