
Friday, October 31, 2014

Celebrations and Do You Have Goals?

Many thanks to Viklit and her team for hosting Celebrate the Small Things, and Many Thanks to Misha and Beth for hosting Do You Have Goals?

I'm going to combine posts, so hopefully it all makes sense, and is short enough to read. :)

1. Progress on Champion's Destiny sputtered and nearly died, and then I started up again - new plan, refreshed perspective.

2. I wrote a grouping of poetry/fiction/vignettes and submitted them at the beginning of the month, so my "short works" Write 1 Sub 1 goal is on track. Plus, a previous submission, "Cloud Download," was published at Espresso Stories.

3. I'm working on several "short" projects like: my micro-fiction series, Ashes Burn, a free, ongoing series; plus some re-pubs of individual short stories like "Seedling," "The Bridge Snap," and "The Horse in the Well" - which are all kindle select publications which I plan to use for my Friday Freebies. (Hint: wait for them to come up free on Fridays in the months to come.)

4. I had a sale on my books this month - trying to earn some coffee money, at least. Marketing seems to be a skill that has escaped me entirely, but I'm still persevering.

5. I'm signed up for NaNoWriMo. At first, I planned on focusing on Captain Wrath (finally), but now it looks like I'll be working on dueling plots: Champion's Destiny in the mornings, and Captain Wrath in the afternoons/evenings. I will get them finished, by hook or by crook. (does anyone else actually say that?)

6. The red carpet premiere of Ghost Noir - a little indie film that both my daughters acted in this last summer and fall. (2 pics at the end of post - added late)

What are you celebrating? And, do you have goals that you're working towards this year?

#FridayFreebie Dragonfold and Other Adventures - only free on Friday


  1. Sounds like you're on track and keeping busy!

  2. Hope the film went well last night.
    Good to hear you are working on Captain Wrath!

  3. Sounds like you're busy with writing. Good luck in Nano! Hope to see you around :)

  4. Sounds like you've got a lot going on with your writing. Good luck with NaNo!

  5. Miranda - yes, definitely keeping busy. :)
    Alex - Thanks! and Yes, finally Captain Wrath is going to have his day.
    T. Drecker - busy all around, but still have time to read, so it's good.
    Sarah - yes, probably too much, but still moving forward. :)

  6. Wow, you've got a lot on your plate. Good luck with your writing projects and with NaNo!

  7. Congrats on having your story published. And good luck with NaNo. I'm betting on you.

  8. Congrats and sometimes a crash-and-burn is just what we need for a refreshed perspective.

    1. Yes, sometimes a crash and burn is needed for fresh perspectives.

  9. Hope NaNo treats you well! Good luck and enjoy.

  10. I went and voted for your story this morning. Had to go and click confirm to set up the account, then got busy reading emails, then remembered a snippet I was supposed to review. Then remembered I wanted to order gift bags. And now it's afternoon and I'm back to say, good job!!

  11. Sound like you have a full pate - congratulations on meeting the goals and fine tuning others to forward your destiny!
    I'm enjoying my new home - winterizing this week.

  12. Well done on finishing so much! Best of luck with NaNo. :-)

  13. Sounds like you are making great progress!

    1. Thank you, Ruth! Sometimes, it feels like I'm treading water, but then I list out what I've done and it surprises me.

  14. You're a busy woman! Good luck with NaNo. I'll be cheering you on as I can't do it this year. Hope you're having a lovely weekend! :)

    1. Thanks for the cheers. I'll need them. And I hope you have a great weekend too!

  15. Aww love the pics of the movie premier. How fun.

  16. I'm not doing NaNo this year because I just won't have the time. I wish I did, I'm so jealous of everyone who's doing it! Best of luck :)

    1. There's a few alternate NaNo's going on - a poem a day, non-fiction NaNo, and RevMo . . . you might want to check those out.

  17. You've got to be a proud mama, Tyrean. Glad your WIP is back in action!

    1. Yes, I am a proud mama . . . I love my kids, and I just think they are awesome. :)

  18. Congratulations on your writing successes! I hope your weekend is treating you well!

  19. You've been up to quite a bit this last month!

    good luck for NaNo - I'm participating too! :D

  20. Good luck with NaNo. I'm doing it to (again).

    I try not to celebrate too much when I hit goals, as I know this is more of a marathon and not a sprint. Even keel is how I try to keep it.

  21. I'm on board for NaNo too. Good luck to you and everyone!


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!