
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Best Birthday Gift

I received one of the best birthday gifts of all a day early - and it's the same awesome birthday gift I received 43 years ago - life!

Yesterday after a procedure I won't describe, the doc told me that I'm completely healthy on the inside. I don't know what happened last June, but I do know that I don't have diverticulitis, Crohn's disease, colon tumors, or colon polyps.

I feel like that news re-gifted me with life.

I am so thankful for that news.

I am so thankful for life.

I am so thankful for all my family and friends!

I am so thankful for my savior, Jesus!

I am so thankful for all your prayers, kind thoughts and words that you've shared in the comments on my blog in this last week, in the last year, and in all the years I've been blogging.

Thank you for being a part of this awesome, amazing gift of life!

If it's not your birthday today (I know I share a birthday with a few), I'm wishing you a very merry un-birthday!

Celebrate this wonderful gift of life that we have! Stop and hug someone, smile, smell the roses, wade into the ocean/stream/lake of your choice. Enjoy!


  1. That is great news, Tyrean! Life is precious and a wonderful gift.

  2. Yay! What great news to receive around your birthday!

  3. Great news! And thanks for the reminder about appreciating our lives and how we should make the most of it all. :)

  4. So very happy for you and your good health.

  5. Good health is always worth celebrating. Huzzah!

  6. Glad you received such awesome news in time for your birthday! Had no idea you've been dealing with health worries like this. Definitely not a fun thing to struggle with!

  7. Wonderful news. I believe in the power of prayers and doubt they were at work for you!

  8. Glorious news!. God has blessed you.

  9. That is wonderful news! Such blessing, yay!!!!

    And Happy Belated Birthday!!! :D

  10. Good news for your special day and everyday! Happy Birthday---a little late.

  11. A toast to life. May you always appreciate the one you have and enjoy it to the fullest.

  12. That's great news! Happy birthday!

  13. Ohhhhhh… HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Tyrean!!! And wonderful news all around!!! And you're SO young. Baby young. So many adventures ahead of you! <3

  14. Way to go, Tyrean -- and happy birthday! You sure cheered me up. =]

  15. What wonderful news! Happy (belated) birthday! :)

  16. That's the best birthday news one could ask for!
    Love your upbeat post!

  17. I have a friend with Crohn's and I know it's a struggle. What a wonderful "gift" you've received Tyrean!


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!