
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

IWSG: Wishing You a Blue Sky Day!

Many thanks to Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh and his cohosts:
And the IWSG Website!
This month, we are trying to get on the Writer's Digest Best 101 Websites List: 
 Please email them at, subject line 101 Websites, and suggest the IWSG -

The Pacific Northwest, specifically near (within a mile of) the Puget Sound where I live, has two main types of weather - cloudy or sunny. The clouds sometimes mix with fog and rain, and sometimes they stretch from horizon to horizon with no sky in sight for days.

And then, there are days like today - blue sky days - full of sunshine, green grass, blues everywhere - sparkling blue water (usually it looks dark green-blue), blue sky, and blue horizons (not dull gray, praise God).

Ironically, sometimes visitors call the days I call blue-sky days "cloudy" because there's a puff of white in the sky. To me, those aren't real clouds. Those are cotton candy puffs floating in the blue.

What does this have to do with writing? Or IWSG? or anything?

Well, on blue sky days, possibilities seem endless . . .

for writing, for rest, for rejuvenation, for adventure . . .

for flight!

So, today I'm wishing you a blue sky day - the kind of day where your writing and your life are filled with endless possibilities.

Happy Blue Sky Day!

And for everyone in the U.S.A. - Happy Independence Day!!!

What's your favorite weather? For writing? For reading? For life? For daydreaming?

If you haven't taken an imaginary flight on a griffin yet, you could always check out Champion in Flight, the second book in The Champion Trilogy. :)

And, if you like reading #free flash fiction, check out Brilliant Flash fiction's current edition. My story, "Seedling," and Christine Rains' story, "Soulless," are both there and ready to read. :)

Next week, I'll be doing a super short rundown of my book signing event, and the week after that, I plan on giving out a Sunshine blogger award! 



  1. I'll take a blue sky day. Of course here, that means it's also really hot and humid. But that happens with clouds as well, so might as well have the sun.

  2. Enjoy the lovely weather! We don't get many cloud-free days here in Britain, but today's sunny, so I'm taking it as a good sign! :)

  3. Down in Florida, we get a lot of blue sky days, which I love...especially when the humidity is tolerable.

    The sunrises and sunsets are one of the main things I like about vacationing down in the Keys, too :)

    Hope you don't have too many clouds and have a great blue sky day, yourself!

  4. We have mostly sunny days here, and I love them all, although I do enjoy a good rainy day now and then - one of my favorite times to curl up with a good book and a brownie. :)

    Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption

    1. Rainy days can be wonderful, but I'm reveling in the sunshine right now. :)

  5. Living in Florida too, so lots of sun shiny days and blue skies. Any weather is good for reading, in fact, it is a daily necessity for me. Writing I also try to do rain or shine, every day. I enjoy a good thunder storm tho.

    Happy Blue Skies to you too,
    Juneta at Writer's Gambit

    1. Any weather is definitely good for reading and writing, but there are days when it seems easier. We don't get many thunderstorms here . . . I wonder what it would be like to write during one.

  6. Awww I like this! Happy Blue Sky Day to you, too!
    I can find an excuse in any kind of day to read or write, my kids don't allow me though lol Looking forward to read about the book signing! :D

  7. Funny you mention this about the weather. I just wrote a piece on weather and how it affects my writing. I was going to post it on my blog one of these days. :-)

    1. We could have been IWSG twins! :)

    2. Yes. That would be lovely. Hope your 4th was great.

  8. Endless weeks of gray do wear on the spirits for sure. Wishing you some blue sky days, too.

  9. I'm also in the Pacific Northwest (Oregon), although I grew up near the Sound. I love my blue sky days, but I do tend to get more writing done when it rains.

    1. As long as I hit my word count before I head outside, I'm ok. :)

  10. Since I'm from the Pacific Northwest originally, I like rainy days. But those blue days are to be treasured.

  11. There's nothing prettier than sparkling blue water under the sunshine. What a lovely post for IWSG. Here's to lots of blue sky days ahead. :)

    1. Thanks, Julie! I wasn't sure it was "IWSG" enough, but I decided to go with it. :)
      Happy Blue Sky writing days!

  12. LOL, yes, I can relate to that Pacific NW weather, having lived in the Portland, OR, area for over 25 years! Love those blue sky days--and you're right, they are uplifting and inspirational. Anything is possible!! :)

    1. Glad you can relate and yes, blue sky days are wonderful!

  13. It's been hot here for the last couple days, huh? 96 up here on the Sammamish Plateau on the Eastside. Personally, I love the grey skies. Helps me write my dark thrillers. Not sure I could do that well if it were sunny all the time. God bless the PNW!

    1. I love the gray skies on some days, and then I long for the blue. I grew up near the foothills of Mt. Rainier (on the west side in a town that will not be named) and it seemed less cloudy there - I get the marine air where I live now. And yes, God Bless the PNW - it's green. :)

  14. Thanks for the blue skies! And happy 4th to you and yours :-)

  15. I love blue sky days, especially when it comes to writing - they don't come around very often, but that just makes them so much more special.

  16. Hey, it worked! Truly, we had one of the most gorgeous summer days here today. Amazing how my mood picks up when the weather is perfect. :)

    1. Yes, I agree. Sunshine helps! However, we had a sprinkle of rain last night and that was ok too . . . on the 4th of July it's good to have a little dampness.

  17. I hope you've had a wonderful blue sky day yourself! :) I love to daydream on those days, but I love to write on snowy or rainy days. Thank you for mentioning my story. All the stories featured are great. I've even submitted another story for the next edition! :)

    1. Thanks, Christine! Best wishes on your next story!

  18. I honestly don't have a favourite weather, I don't care if it's rainy, snowy or sunny as long as I can sit out in the garden, blankets and all, and read and write. However, that rotten rain when it's also gale force wind so the rain comes down sideways - that I'm not so keen on, makes it nigh on impossible to enjoy!
    Suzanne @ Suzannes-Tribe

    1. I love your attitude! I think if I had a good porch to sit on, I might like every kind of weather too. :)

  19. We're hoping for blue skies for the 4th tomorrow. I love sunny days but I get more writing done on rainy days when the outside doesn't tempt me.

    1. Yes, sometimes it's easier to write when the sun isn't beckoning. :)
      We actually had some gray come in last night during fireworks - but I like a damp 4th of July - I have less worries over the fireworks.

  20. Thank you for the blue skies wish, Tyrean! I'm visiting from the IWSG. I grew up in the cloudy grey east, and when I landed in Northern Ontario in the middle of an electric blue sky day with snow sparkling everywhere, I knew I'd be a permanent sun seeker. I love our vibrant, deep blue Colorado skies! Happy writing!

    1. Happy writing! Glad you enjoy that Colorado blueness. :)

  21. Love those beautiful sky days. They really uplift your spirits.

  22. I find God's awesome creation of the skies incredibly inspiring too!! No matter what the weather I love to write. Stormy, cloudy days are my favorite though. When the sun is shining (and it's not humid) I like to be outside with that sun shining on my face, rather than stuck inside working on the computer. :)

    1. I do like to be outside when the sun is out, but I usually am so excited about life that the energy pours over into my writing time too. :)

  23. I live in Alberta where we are known for sunny skies, yes, even in the winter. Our summer days are very long which makes for more time to write, write, write. LOL

  24. I enjoyed "Seedling" very much and look forward to reading about your book signing. Even though I live in sunny SoCal, I like cloudy days for writing. Sure, they're few and far between, but they slow me down and help me contemplate stuff.

    1. Thanks, Milo! Cloudy days can be good for getting writing done - I agree. I just get heartily tired of them and ready for sunshine by the time it comes around. (Although the sprinkle of rain we had on the 4th, and the bit we had on the 5th were nicely refreshing - I'm glad to have the sun back today)

  25. In the 70's with partly cloudy skies so it doesn't get overly sunny--that's my kind of weather. A cold rainy day is nice for staying inside all day for reading.

    Tossing It Out

    1. That sounds like a great kind of day, Arlee! And yes, rainy days are wonderful for reading. :)

  26. I like cold and miserable days for writing and reading. Nothing's as nice as curling up in front of the fire with a good book. :-D

    1. That's very true, but I'm more likely to read than write on some of those days. :)

  27. Those blue sky days everyone is out gathering sun. They are beautiful days to enjoy!
    Thanks for your visit :)


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