
Friday, June 6, 2014

Celebrate the Small (and the big) Things!

This has been a week of drama for me - exciting, fireworks drama, and taking pics of a CT scan machine while feverish kind of drama.

So, in order of events: I'm celebrating:

1. Champion in Flight - the book release!!! Thanks to everyone who has helped/is helping make this awesome!!! Thank you for the tweets, posts, google+, facebook updates, etc. Thank you for the e-mails, and the comments! You rock!


2. My daughters' upcoming roles in an indie film!!! Filming takes place in August, the film is being released in October at a local red carpet event, and then it will be released as a series on the web.

     Annabelle Veil, The Curator
 Kitty Temper, The Waitress    
Ghost Noir is a film, comic and web series set in the gritty paranormal world of Detective Camille Delatore. A world without adults. A world with secrets. Ghost Noir on Facebook.
3. Blog Blitz by the Blitz Team and DL - Wow!!! Totally an awesome surprise!!!
4. IWSG and all the awesome, super supportive comments.
(Somehow I'll get around to commenting back - that was the day I started to have pain and problems as well as a crazy busy family schedule)
5. Great and easy access to medical care just 2 miles from my house.
6. Good news: antibiotics, lots of fluids, rest, and an upcoming visit with another specialist are all that I need to get well - at least so far. For those who knew via my feverish facebook posts and the CT scan machine picture, thank you for your prayers. They were felt. (BTW: fever + boredom + phone = TMI danger zone)
7. Home is a good place to rest. At least for a day, and then I get to watch my youngest race in her kayak for two days in a row in Seattle. If you live near there, come to Green Lake to watch the races. I'll be doing my best to hydrate and sit down.
So, what are you celebrating this week? Did you manage a week without drama? Did you survive a week with drama? Have any highs or lows? Things to dance for or pray for?


  1. Glad you're doing better! Congratulations to your daughter. And your book is still appearing all over the Internet.

    1. Thanks, Alex! I feel so thankful that my book is out there, and yet embarrassed because I haven't visited much this week, especially the last few days.

  2. Glad you're feeling better! And wonderful news about, well, everything - from your book to your family's successes. :)

    Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption

  3. Wow. You've had a busy week. Glad you're better and wishing you some rest. Congrats to your daughter. I love ghost stories.

    1. This week has definitely been a roller coaster kind of week all week.

  4. You have had some drama lately! Here's to your book and to your daughters' film success.

    1. Thanks, C. Lee! I could do with a little less drama, but the good stuff is really good. :)

  5. Congratulations to your daughter, Tyrean. And ofcourse congrats to you too for the release of Champion In Flight. Hugs.

  6. Congrats to your daughters! Glad to hear you're doing better. And yay to your book busy-ness :)

  7. Congratulations on your books release, and to your daughters :)

  8. Congratulations on everything, especially the book. Sounds like you've had a pretty busy week. Good luck.

  9. Glad you're better. Congrats on the book release!

  10. Glad you're feeling better. :) And congratulations to your daughters! How very exciting! Lovely young ladies. :)

  11. I lot to be thankful for Tyrean! Congrats to you for the book release and your daughter for her budding film career. Have a super-excellent Friday.

    1. Thanks! I hope you have a super excellent Friday too! :)

  12. Congrats on the latest release! And how fun that your daughter got to be in an indy film. :)

    Glad you're feeling better too!

  13. SO many things to celebrate! Congrats to you and your daughters. How exciting for all of you. I'm just finishing off my antibiotics too. I'll be glad when this illness is totally out of my system. Rest up and feel better. Have a terrific weekend!

  14. How COOL. A real film. I'd love to watch it once it's out. I love scary movies.

  15. Wow, that's a lot to celebrate! Congratulations!

  16. Way to go on the release, and you must be a proud Mama. Hope you're back to feeling 100% in no time.

  17. Congrats 3 times, for the book, your daughter, and getting better. I'm even later than you, so I'm commenting here instead of IWSG. But at least I succeeded in following your blog! No small feat--Blogger keeps giving me error messages.

  18. Congrats on all your good news! Hope you are feeling even better after the weekend. Rest up and take care!

  19. Those are all wonderful things to celebrate, Tyrean. I am so glad to hear you are on the road to recovery. Congrats on everything. God bless, Maria @ Delight Directed Living

  20. So many wonderful things to be grateful for! God has been giving wonderful things your way from the sounds of it.

  21. What an exciting time! Lots of things to celebrate! But you need to also take care of your health...
    ...and congrats on your latest release too!

    1. Yes, and yes. I need to slow life down sometimes.
      And thanks!

  22. I'm glad you're feeling better. There's a lot to be thankful for. I always prefer drama-free times.

  23. Oh man, I'm so sorry about the health complications, but I'm glad you're feeling better.

    Now I need to go check out the Indie film your daughters are involved with. Very cool!

    1. Thanks, Crystal! I'm slowly getting better and my daughters are super excited to be a part of a film.

  24. Glad you're on the mend! And congrats to your daughters :-)

  25. Glad your new book made a splash. Cool adventure for your daughter. I hope you're feeling better.

    1. Thanks, Mary! I am beginning to feel better. It's going to take time.

  26. Yay for your book! Congrats to your daughters! That's so cool they're in a film.

    1. Thanks, Cherie! My daughters are super excited about the film. :)

  27. First, your girls are SO PRETTY. Wow! And second, I'm so very sorry for your awful health struggles. Gosh, how miserable. On top of everything too!!! And third, holy book release… Tyrean, amazing. You're doing it. You're living the dream and I'm SO proud of you!!!! I also want to thank you for your kind and encouraging words on my blog. They certainly mean a lot and have helped me. Thank you. <3


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!