
Wednesday, May 7, 2014

IWSG: Encouragement

This post was going to be terrible, until a friend of mine came up to me and said, "hey, I'm looking forward to your Celebrate the Small Things posts that I hope you'll be doing that again after A to Z."

Wow. Really? That made my day . . . especially considering that I didn't know that this "real world" friend of mine reads my blog, and she looks forward to some of my posts. Whoa. And she shares them with her young daughters who write . . . whoa. I know I sound like Bill and Ted in that old excellent adventure, but it's exciting and wonderful, and a little big, if that makes sense at all.

Before she came up to me, and before I had received some sweet feedback from some of my bloggy buddies (YOU), I was feeling down in the dumps about my blog and ready to go hide my head under a rock . . . or maybe up in a tree. I thought I needed to take up some old tree climbing habits to gain perspective since I used to have a favorite tree for that as a kid and teen. Instead, I received a super boost from my friends, stuck my head out of the gray clouds and witness blue sky horizons and sunniness.

Thank you, friends, for your encouragement and support. It means a lot to me.

So, now, I'm ready to celebrate the small things (and the big things too). I'm prepping a cover reveal for Champion in Flight for this Friday!!!! I'm also ready to host a wonderful lady writer named Jack this month, and try a video for her contest before May 14th (only 7 more days), and participate in both Unicorn Bell's Fairy Tale Genre Wars on the 12th and for the week of the 19th, Carrie Butler's How I Found the Write Path. And, on June 2nd, I'll be releasing Champion in Flight and hosting a Flight Fest! Info about Flight Fest will be forthcoming on Friday.

Encouragement really matters. Who have you encouraged today?

I'm headed out into the blogsphere and the real world today with that question in mind - who can I encourage? how can I encourage?


  1. Encouragement matters. So much. Glad you got yours when you needed it most and reminded the rest of us to exercise it too.

  2. It does matter! That's wonderful your friend reads your blog. Sounds like you are all set for this month. And can't wait to see your cover on Friday!

    1. Thanks, Alex!!! And yes, I think I am set for this month. I hope. :)

  3. It's a shame you didn't know before now that your friend read your blog etc. I don't know why people don't share things like that more often. Everyone can use a compliment or an ego boost now and then! :)

    Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption

    1. Yes, we all can use some encouragement. Thanks for stopping by, Madeline!

  4. So glad you got that boost! And what a lovely surprise to find out your words inspired your friend.

  5. Every kind word matters. Great post! :)

  6. Aww! I sometimes think encouragement finds us when we need it the most. That's fantastic your friend inspired you!

    1. You are so right. She definitely encouraged me when I needed it the most. :)

  7. I agree! We all get by with a little help from our friends. Plus, it's so nice when they show up just when we need them.

    1. Yes, that's so true. Friendships make a difference!

  8. We often forget what a kind word can do for someone. Happy you are in a good place again!

    1. Yes, I often forget, even when I know I need it too. And it is good to be in a good place again!

  9. That's a perfect attitude to head out with. That's why your friend reads your blog!

  10. That's great that your blog inspires someone and you didn't even know about it! You're definitely doing good things. Like the attitude in this post.

  11. I would miss you if you went and hid, but I do understand. Have had ups and downs with my blog, and just plain gotten tired of blogging. I'm not tired of the friends I've met (like you!) though, and that is one thing that keeps me going. You are right, a little encouragement can go a long way. Cheering you on in the journey! :)

    1. Thank you, Karen. Let's keep going together! Cheering you on too!

  12. You better keep blogging. I'd miss you. :) Honest. I'm glad you got a dose of encouragement.

  13. I'll be that was a nice surprise :)

  14. I always enjoy your blog. That was a really good post, and it cheer me reading it. Congrats on the book release. Happy Writings,
    Juneta at Writer's Gambit

  15. I love the positive message of encouragement so this post makes me smile! :D

    Your blog always provide us with great information, entertainment, inspiration, and encouragement so I'm not surprised your friend enjoys it as much as we do! :)

    S.K.Anthony: IWSG

  16. I am always encouraging my girls :)

  17. You're so right, encouragement goes a long way and is a big deal to those of us who receive it.

  18. How cool that a friend was able to express appreciation for your hard work! You earned it. :)

  19. Its always nice to know that our words encourage and inspire people. I love to hear those words as well as encourage others.

  20. It's nice to get that kind of unexpected feedback, especially from people you didn't realise read your blog.

    1. Unexpected, positive surprises are always nice!

  21. Wow, you've got a lot going on to celebrate.

    The right word at the right moment can really make a difference.

  22. Good luck with your cover reveal! Glad you got a dose of encouragement. We all need that once in a while. :D

  23. Yeah, it's easy to get down on ourselves and lose perspective. What a gift to have someone tell you out of the blue that they read your blog and were looking forward to what you wrote next. Awesome. :)

  24. My Latest post is about encouragement and support--- which spun off from another IWSG post, from Andrew Leon.

    That's lovely that your real-life friend knows about your blog and writing-- very few of mine do!

  25. What a great post Tyrean. You are so lucky to have some real life buddies that actually read your blog. Most.. no wait... basically all of my friend do not read or write. They support my blog but don't really take an interest in it. I am so glad you received that encouragement. You never know how your one sentence can make someone's day :) Good luck with your cover reveal and good luck with your novel!!!

    Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are.


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