
Friday, May 23, 2014

Celebrate the Small Things

Celebrate the Small Things is a blog hop dedicated to celebrating all the good in our lives - the big and the small, the book releases and the folded laundry. Many thanks to Viklit and her fellows hosts for keeping the celebrations going from week to week!

This week, I'm celebrating:
1. Sunshine and blue skies. We've only had a sprinkle or two of rain here in Washington in the last two weeks, and I am soaking up the sun, and loving the blueness of the sky. :) (Of course, as Friday morning dawns, down comes the rain . . . oh well, it will keep the grass green!)

2. My family. They are just wonderful!

3. Slowly but steadily, turning my lumpy hobbit-ish body into a bike-riding machine. It's exercise I can do without fracturing a foot or injuring myself. (So far: \no weight loss, but muscle gained)

4. Finishing all the grading for my co-op classes!

5.My daughters only have three subjects left to finish out for the year. (Oldest: math, history-literature combo, and French) (Youngest: math, history-literature combo, and writing) At this point, we are definitely into the end sprint for finishing our curriculum, although my youngest has been shuffling through The Odyssey, and may end up finishing her history-lit combo sometime in July at this pace. (She started this curriculum late because she was jealous of her older sister doing the "challenging" stuff and didn't want to be held back with easy literature so we went with the hardest possible curriculum - crazy=us.) Next week, I'll be posting about homeschooling because it's a bit on my mind at this point in the year.

6. My oldest daughter had a great time at her formal dance! (Pic may be coming next week)

7. The "How I Found the Write Path" blogfest (letter found in post below this one) I think my letter to my younger author self may have been on the self-catharsis side of things, but I learned a few things in the process of writing it. I gained insight and encouragement from all the other participants too. I hope the result of all of our letters will be an encouragement and a help to all writers.

What are you celebrating this week? Has the summer season come to your area yet? And, if you could write a letter to your younger self, what would you say?


  1. The How I Found the Write Path posts were all great, for the readers and the writers.
    Keep biking. Remember, muscle weighs more than fat, so it's all about the toning right now.

  2. Awesome things to celebrate. I liked the Write Path letters too. If only we could really tell our younger selves those things! I'm celebrating a long weekend here with absolutely no plans. :)

    1. A weekend with no plans . . . wow. I'm not sure I know what that feels like anymore. It sounds heavenly.

  3. The sun has been shining here too, it's been lovely. I love bike riding, I ought to start doing it more.

    1. Sunny days are wonderful! And yes, you should. :) It's fun.

  4. Sunshine! What is that? It's been raining for a whole week here, but the 'sound' is . . . nice? Let's just say that lol Glad you got the grading done, and yay for your daughters only needed the three subjects to finish. I've enjoyed reading the How I Found the Write Path letters :)

    1. The sound of rain is nice . . . for a while. :) I've enjoyed readin the letters too.

  5. Send that rain down to us in Northern California! We'll take very drop we can get. :)

    Y'all sound like busy bees trying to get the kids' courses wrapped up. That time of year I suppose. Off to read your Write Path post...

    1. Wish I could send it . . . but it's here.
      And yes, busy, busy bees.

  6. Hi, Tyrean...

    WE had a teaser of gorgeous weather for a couple of days, the temps dropped back into the 50's/low 60's and although the sun is shining it it still very chilly here in Chicago.

    The letters for this event as amazing. We've all learned so much and for new writers who read these, they will certainly get lots of insight. IF they learn from us. Youth and new writers can be a bit opinionated and thick headed when it comes to their craft... I was.... LOL.

    Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. I hope you get better weather soon. And, the letters have been great!

  7. I'm with E.J. we need that water very badly! Lovely celebration this week. Show us that new muscled body when you're finished biking it into shape. Good for you.

  8. The weather has been great here too. Have a fantastic weekend!

  9. Wow, you have lots to celebrate this week! Yay you! :)

    (And I'd gladly take some of your rain in exchange for the surplus of sunshine I have over here, haha.)

  10. I felt uplifted by the Write Path letters last week! They really reminded me of all the positive things about this writing game.

    I did History, Literature and French at A-level and History and French at uni. They were definitely my fave subjects (well, not so much French, I always thought I was better than I was!)

    And I emailed you about our weather earlier. One extreme to the other in a matter of minutes, par for the course in Scotland!

  11. Great things to celebrate. I hope to up the exercise this week. I loved the Write Path blogfest.

  12. Wow. Looks like you've been doing a lot of celebrating! Good for you. :) I just started the Celebrating the Small Things blog hop a few weeks ago and didn't realize I should be posting on Fridays. Doh! I'm sure there's going to be many summer celebrations to talk about over the next few months. I can hardly wait! As soon as I'm done hopping, I'm heading over to Amazon to pick up my book! Have a fantastic day, and thanks...I can't wait to start reading. Eva


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!