
Friday, May 30, 2014

Celebrate, Goals, and Upcoming Flight Fest

With many thanks to Viklit and fellow co-hosts, this week I'm celebrating:

1. Active happiness! Bike-riding makes me happy. Church softball makes my husband happy. Dance makes my oldest daughter happy. Kayaking makes my youngest daughter happy. And then, I'm quadruple happy that we can all be active and happy.

2. The amazing encouragement I've received for the release of Champion in Flight! Thank you! It's just a few days away!!! Squeal! Dance!

3. Having goals - see below.

4. My "No Tracks" hint fiction story made it into the top 20 at Robert Swartwood's Hint Fiction contest - and any votes that can push it into the top ten would be appreciated! Out of the top ten, three prize winners will be chosen. Vote here!

4. Finalized formatting for Champion in Flight, and pre-orders through Smashwords this week!

Many thanks to Misha Gericke for dreaming up and hosting this hop!

My crazy big dream goal for this year was to publish 2-3 book titles for this year, plus find publication for some short fiction and poetry.

Progress: Light Reflections poetry collection book at Lulu (planning to get the ebook uploaded someday), Champion in Flight out in ebook this coming Sunday/Monday (Smashwords Sunday, with Kindle showing up Sunday/Monday)! Plus, two poems and one hint fiction story published! And, another hint fiction story up for voting at Robert Swartwood's Hint Fiction Contest. Votes for "No Tracks" are appreciated, and voting closes tomorrow.

Moving forward: Flight Fest Week next week, Champion's Destiny rough draft (already in outline form), and three writing books for homeschool co-op/curriculum. The reason behind these last three books is that I write up and print out over a hundred pages of lessons every year for each of my students so I actually think that writing books or booklets would be less expensive for printing costs . . . crazy, huh? And, who knows, maybe someone else would be interested in purchasing and using some of my teaching materials?

Come back tomorrow for a big cover reveal from Miss Jack Lewis Baillot and her newest book!

Do you have crazy big dream goals? What are you celebrating this week? Are you interested in joining Flight Fest? And do you know Miss Jack Lewis Baillot?

BTW, Flight Fest had a linky, but at this point, anyone can join in - just shoot me an e-mail or leave a comment next week.

Flight Fest Questions (answers in 100 words or less): What's your favorite way to fly and why? Griffin? Millennium Falcon? E.T. with bicycle? Cessna? Ercoupe? Glider? Dragon? Giant Eagle? Space Shuttle? The Enterprise?


  1. Great achievements Tyrean. Congrats. I have too many crazy big dream goals.

    1. Thanks, Rachna! I think crazy big dream goals are encouraging and inspiring!

  2. You had a good week. I'll go vote and bump you up higher.

  3. Lots of great celebrations here, congratulations.

  4. Congratulations! You are doing super with everything! :)

    Madeline @ The Shellshank Redemption

  5. You have a lot of things that make you happy. I think you're just happy by nature! As to flying. . .I'll take a glider ride any day. Silence with a beautiful view.

    1. A glider sounds wonderful . . . although I've never flown with one. :) And yes, sometimes I'm happy by nature, and other days . . . I just don't post. :)

  6. Having goals is a good thing to celebrate, I'm lost if I don't make goals for myself :)

    1. Yes, goals give us milestones, and even the big ones help us celebrate!

  7. Good luck with your goals! Congrats on Champion in Flight almost being released!

  8. Great things to celebrate!
    Congrats on No Tracks, hope you do make it into the top ten . . . or three ;)
    Best of luck with your goals and with Champion in Flight. It will be awesome!

  9. Good celebration stuff. I went over and voted for you.

  10. This is a great set of goals Tyrean. Congrats! A hundred pages of lessons every year would be expensive! I hope you have a most excellent Friday!

    1. Thanks, Maurice! And yes, the copy costs have been crazy so I think making a booklet or book will be better! Hope you have a great weekend!

  11. Voted!

    I'm amazed by you home schooling moms. I could never in a million years be organized enough to do it. Though, I will say, I spent a lot of hours adding to homework curriculum over the years. I wanted my kids to appreciate knowledge, not just make the grades.

    1. Thanks, Elizabeth! I'm not really that organized during the school year, so I spend time prepping from June through August - it's the only way I can get the organization part done.
      And I can definitely tell that you want your kids to appreciate knowledge - two valedictorians - wow!

  12. Life gets in the way of my goals, but this time it's a good thing. Much Success on your book release and so wonderful to have an active family!!

  13. Replies
    1. Thanks for voting and thanks for stopping by! You have had a good reason to take a break from goals!

  14. Active happiness sounds cool.
    Congrats on the book coming out.
    That hint fiction -- wow! That's the most inspiring and intriguing page of shorts I have ever seen.

    1. J. Lenni - Thanks! And yes, hint fiction is interesting. :)

  15. It's always good to have goals. Have a great weekend!

  16. Wow you've made awesome progress! All the best with your new rough draft. :-)

  17. Just voted for you! Also, good luck with your goals! You seem to be making great progress so far... :)

  18. Wow! That's an amazing list of things to celebrate :)

  19. You have been incredibly busy. Well done and good luck with your goals.

  20. I like that you're happy that your family is happy :) It's good when we're all happy together!


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!