
Friday, March 14, 2014

March Goals and Progress

1. Finish Champion in Flight 3rd Draft - 2 + 1 chapter. Where did the week go?

2. Bike 120+ miles. - 11 miles + 24 miles - Friday miles not logged yet. (hoping for 10-15 more)

3. Fast from fiction (except stuff for teaching), and from chocolate. - started Wednesday, so far so good. Lots of Bible reading going on.

4. Write in my journal every day - good.

5. Laugh often - could always do more here. :)

6. Keep working at Write 1 Sub 1 - I think I'm only going to sub one this month but I have a short story mostly written.

7. Prep all my A to Z posts in advance - have topic, outline, and 5 posts finished.

Celebrate the Small Things
A great weekly celebration hosted by Viklit!

1. Progress made on goals - slowly, but surely.

2. My youngest started kayaking with a racing team. She's only been to practice one day, she's not even in a racking kayak yet, and the coach has plans for her to race at nationals either this year or next. Wow. Just wow. (not meant as a brag, but more of an unexpected wow.) She's not dancing anymore, but she's putting all that poise and balance to use in the kayak.
This is a pic of her practicing paddle technique in slow-mo for the coach.

3. Skiing on Saturday evening and an awards banquet for ski and snowboard instructors that evening.
Here's a pic of my oldest daughter on her last day as a ski instructor:

4. It's been a good week. :) My parents returned from a month long road trip - this time in a car and not on a motorcycle, and I had some great conversations with friends and family. Life has been full and fully blessed.

At the same time, I've been praying for some friends who have had some health issues lately, and for my sister-in-law who has had some skin cancer and reconstructive surgery on her face. Plus, every time I pick up the newspaper, I see another reason to pray. There is so much hurt in the world. I hope we can all find a way to make it a better place. 


  1. I don't think I laughed enough this week - must remedy that! :)

    And great work on the A-Z posts! I've got a hodge-podge of stuff done for it but really need to streamline and organize it.

    I don't think I could ever do the Weekly W1S1 Challenge. The Monthly version works much better for my creative muscle. :)

    1. Madeline - I'm with you on the laughter this week. :) Maybe next week I'll post some jokes or something . . .
      And although I wanted to do the Weekly W1S1 Challenge, it seems that the monthly one is just a better fit for me too.
      Have a great week!

  2. All we can do is pray.
    Congratulations to your daughter for starting out so well. Maybe kayaking is her thing?

    1. Very true, Alex.
      And thanks! I think kayaking might be her thing because she just loves it!

  3. Dance was good practice for her then. If it takes balance, that's another good reason I never tried kayaking. I can't even walk down a hallway without teetering off balance and careening into a wall.

    1. Yes, dance is good practice for kayak racing. Regular kayaks - like the ones for rent - are usually pretty stable once you get into them. You could do it! I run into walls sometimes too - especially if I'm tired.

  4. Sorry about your sister-in-law - hope she gets well soon. And well done to your family members for their achievements. I'm so not a physical being that just looking at those images of kayaking and skiing makes me cringe.

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks for your thoughts for my sister-in-law. And thanks! I don't know that I've ever been gifted with physical stuff, but I keep doing it anyway and loving it anyway.
      Have a great weekend!

  5. I'll keep her in my prayers.

    You should be proud of your daughter--she looks great out there on the water! I'd probably flip over.

    1. Thanks for your prayers.
      I am proud of her - and I'm thankful that she loves it so much.
      The racing kayaks flip easily, so she's in a training one right now.

  6. Sounds like it's been busy and productive. Way to go, and congrats to your daughter!

    Yes, lots of prayer - always lots of prayer!

    MJ, A to Z Challenge Co-Host
    Writing Tips
    Effectively Human
    Lots of Crochet Stitches

  7. So sorry about your sister-in-law Tyrean. But it's so cool that your parents can go on those long road trips.

    1. Thanks, Maurice.
      And yes, it's cool that they still are able to get around and do fun things.

  8. Congrats to your daughter ......and carry on laughing though I think I've forgotten how to at the moment.

    1. Thank you.
      And I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you remember how to laugh again soon.

  9. I'm with everyone. Congrats to your daughter, and sending positive thoughts your way!

  10. You are so right about all the hurt in the world. Prayers are always needed.

    Hugs and chocolate,

    1. Yes, prayer is always needed.
      Hugs and Chocolate! :)

  11. It's tough watching others suffer. Sometimes all we can do is pray. I like your goals, lots of positive energy there. Especially the laughter one...can't do enough of that one :)

  12. Wow, you're like a whirling dervish of getting things done! I think your goals are totally doable and best of luck with them.

    Totally agree that, more than ever, this world needs prayer.


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!