
Thursday, February 20, 2014

Ubuntu Blog Hop, #Write Motivation, and Celebrate the Small Things

Michelle Wallace is celebrating her 3rd Blogaversy with the Ubuntu Bloghop!!!

What is ubuntu? "In Africa, there is a concept known as UBUNTU – the profound sense that we are human only through the humanity of others; that if we are to accomplish anything in this world, it will in equal measure be due to the work and achievement of others." – Nelson Mandela.

Michelle, in her wisdom and generosity, gave us a number of ways to take part in this wonderful blog hop.

Since I've been on "random" this year, I'm going to just put some random thoughts out there.

Have you ever noticed a boost in creativity when you are surrounded by other creative and busy people?

The blogsphere is filled with writers, teachers, filmmakers, indie and small press publishers, musicians, and all around creators. It's amazing. It's life-giving. It's inspiring.

I've noticed that when I give, I receive double-fold.
When I teach teens about writing, I gain new knowledge and perspective.
When I host a writer's workshop, my own writing is rejuvenated.
When I help my daughters with their dance, writing, and acting, I feel inspired.
When I help my husband with his video projects, I find myself amazed and thankful for this wonderful partner that God has given me.
When a friend asks me to proofread their novel, I become immersed in words in a new rhythm and a new way that helps me in the pacing of my own writing.
When I visit your blogs, I'm inspired, amazed, given new life and new knowledge.
When I read your books, I'm drawn into new worlds and inspired to create.
When I hear your music playlists, I'm inspired to dance, sing, daydream, and envision new places.

I just realized that all may sound "braggy," because there's a lot of "I" in there. However, what I'm trying to say is that "I" am only at my best when I'm in the midst of others who create, and live life fully.

Thank you for being a part of my community, my Ubuntu.

And please visit Michelle and celebrate her blogaversary with her in Ubuntu!

#writemotivation and Celebrate the Small Things together (trying to post slightly shorter here)
I'm not going to list out my #writemotivation goals unless they fit in the Celebration this week. Next week, I'll give a full rundown.
1. Ubuntu!
2. A mention at Alex J. Cavanaugh's blog for my poetry book, Light Reflections, on Monday.
3. An interview with Nutschell at Wednesday Writer's Workspace!
4. A letter to the editor published in my local paper: World Needs a Variety of Grain Options
5. Two tiny stories written and submitted to Nail Polish stories.
6. 4 miles walking, 6 miles biking, yoga, lots of lunges, push-ups, sit-ups, etc.
7. Lots of snow in the mountains! (Unfortunately, my youngest severely sprained her wrist earlier this week so she and I stayed home from skiing).
8. Both of my daughters acted as "extras with lines" on a local web show set last weekend. The acting dream is still alive. :)
9. My oldest daughter choreographed a flash mob dance for a birthday party, and my husband produced the teaching video. (I am in the "second wave" back up dancers, and it made my dieting/health goals take on new purpose - nothing like seeing myself jiggling around on screen to do that - agh.)
10. Lots of great proofreading and content editing help came in and I revised chapters 1-14 of Champion in Flight again (mostly small things, with a half chapter change for chapter 1), and wrote a completely new chapter 14. Chapters 15-24 will hopefully not have as many problems.
11. Lots of prayers have been answered lately.
12. Meeting with my cover artist today! Looking forward to seeing the cover art for Champion in Flight.

Many thanks to all of you who are a part of my Ubuntu! And many thanks to Michelle and Viklit for hosting these wonderful hops!


  1. Not bragging at all! It takes a community to make an author.

  2. Alex - It definitely takes community to finish a book. :)

  3. Congrats on your celebration worthy events!
    #3 - I adore her! I've been featured there as well. :)

    1. Thanks! I adore Nutschell too. She is a wonderful resource and source of encouragement to all writers!

  4. Wow, you have a lot to celebrate this week! Also, I love your post for the Ubuntu blog hop. I agree, witnessing others' creativity is definitely a great way to feel creative yourself!

    1. Somehow all the good stuff (except my daughter's wrist injury) all piled up this week.
      Thanks! Creativity seems to spread when we share it!

  5. Lots of great things happening for you. I'm really envying all your exercise. I'm dying to get out and walk but our roads are too ice and snow filled.

    And yes, the writing community is such a supportive community that inspires us on.

    1. Natalie - it seems like things are just coming together lately. However, I know last week I struggled to find my "celebrations" so it seems to come and go.
      I hope you are able to get out and walk soon. Maybe you could try some lunges? (I don't like forward lunges much and prefer the fencing "side" type lunges, but they do work the legs)

  6. I absolutely feel more inspired and creative when surrounded by creative people and/or in the presence of people who are passionate about what they do.

    And good luck with the subs at Nailpolish Stories - love that colorful little ezine. :)

    1. Madeline - your story at Nailpolish Stories inspired me to try writing a few pieces for them. Your "China Doll" is an amazing story. Thanks for sharing your creativity!

  7. The teacher usually learns more than the students.

    I hope the meeting with your cover artist went well.

    1. Teaching is one of the final ways that we learn information - it's like when we teach, all the pieces of the puzzle finally fit together. Or, at least that's the way it works for me.
      And, I actually "posted ahead" and I'm meeting with her today-Friday . . . so I'm hoping so too. :)

  8. your ubuntu celebration of giving and bonus getting in return is a wonderful reflection! and happy, productive celebrations for friday too!
    flash mobs look so fun!
    your daughters are wow. just wow.

    happy friday!

    1. Thank you!
      And thank you for your sweet compliments for my daughters. :)
      Happy Friday!

  9. My goodness, you have a lot to celebrate today! We truly are at our best, when we let others bring it out in us. Such a lovely post!

    MJ, A to Z Challenge Co-Host
    Writing Tips
    Effectively Human
    Lots of Crochet Stitches

    1. Yes, it all came piling in, which is awesome and exciting. Next week, though, I'll probably count "matching socks" as my celebration. It seems to come and go in waves. And yes, we are definitely at our best with the helps of others.
      Thank you!

  10. It's so true! Living life to the fullest while giving of yourself to others, that's the best way to tap into your inner creativity. I hope your cover art is exactly what you dreamed up!

    1. :) Living life to the fullest is the best way to find creativity!
      And I hope my cover art is great too. :)

  11. Congrats on your achievements Tyrean! That article on grains is really thought-provoking since bread is a staple around the world and feeds a lot of people.

    1. Thanks, Maurice! This is one of the weeks when it's felt like everything has been coming together in a good way. :) I'm glad you liked the article. I did a little research for that one, but mostly it's stuff that I have to know to deal with living in an ultra food intolerance household - wheat, corn, dairy, eggs, soy, tapioca, rice, and other foods have to be avoided by one or more members of my family. Getting to know alternative grains and their benefits is just a part of my everyday life, but it still surprises me when study groups forget to go beyond corn, wheat, and rice for food staples.

  12. Wow, so many wonderful things to celebrate. Congrats!

  13. What a wonderful sentiment. Being a part of a larger network of creative people is such a blessing!

    1. Thank you! I think it's wonderful to be a part of a creative group.

  14. I love the concept of Ubuntu and have seen it everywhere today. Wish I could have joined, but I'm in computer misery right now and not sure if this creaky laptop will hold up much longer.

    1. Oh, I wish you could have joined too, C.Lee. I hope your creaky laptop keeps going strong!

  15. Michelle's Ubuntu hope is fantastic!

    Glad you have so many things to celebrate. Can't wait to see the cover when its nice and ready ;)

    1. Yes, it is!
      I'm thankful too! It's been a really good week.

  16. Hi Tyrean. I made it here... finally!
    I love your random, spontaneous thoughts... they capture the essence of ubuntu in action!
    And your celebration list is amazing... you have so many wonderful things to celebrate!

    Here's a quote from a TED video clip... if you ever get an opportunity to watch it, then do so...
    "What I've come to learn is that the world is never saved in grand messianic gestures, but in the simple accumulation of gentle, soft, almost invisible acts of compassion--everyday acts of compassion. In South Africa they have a phrase called ubuntu. Ubuntu comes out of a philosophy that says, the only way for me to be human is for you to reflect my humanity back at me." - Chris Abani on TED

    ...and your post also brought this to mind: “We cannot live only for ourselves. A thousand fibers connect us with our fellow men; and among those fibers, as sympathetic threads, our actions run as causes, and they come back to us as effects.”
    ― Herman Melville

    Thank you for reaching out across cyberspace to share in the spirit of Ubuntu!

    1. Thank you, Michelle, for sharing Ubuntu with all of us!

  17. Some weeks it is hard to find the celebrations, but you sound like you're on top of things. What a wonderful post.

    1. Yes, this is a week when everything seemed to come together in an amazing way. Next week - it will probably be a sock matching kind of celebration. . . .
      Thank you!

  18. This was such a great summation of why the blogging community is so awesome. Thanks for putting it perfectly into words :)

    1. Thank you, Trisha! I think the blogging community is great!

  19. Not braggy at all. It makes a very important point; that both the giver and receiver benefit from the process. Helping others builds community, but it doesn't leave you out of pocket.

    1. Yes. Givers and receivers both benefit, and usually after we've received, we can give. :)

  20. It sounds like you embrace the concept of Ubuntu in everything you do. We all can learn so much from this. Congrats on all of your accomplishments, Tyrean!


    1. I don't know if I embrace it in everything, but I hope to do so. Thanks!!!

  21. Wow, Tyrean, you REALLY get it. That was so perfectly said. I commend you. Well done!

  22. I didn't think this was bragging at all. Giving means receiving in ways we never dreamed of, and we do need each other!

  23. Hi Tyrean,

    Your words do most certainly not speak of bragging, Indeed, my kind friend, the embrace the ethos that inspiration breeds inspiration. Better to be surrounded with the "yaysayers" than the naysayers :)

    Such a wonderful posting. And here's to the lovely Michelle's third blogging anniversary.

    In kindness,

    Gary :)

    1. Inspiration definitely breeds inspiration. Now, let's go inspire!

  24. Lots of things to celebrate! Rejoicing with you. :) You are an inspiration!

  25. I notice the same thing. I love blogging, being in a critique group, and going to conferences. I've given and as a result I've received so much.

    1. It's amazing to me how much the blog world and the writing world can offer encouragement. :)


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!