
Monday, February 10, 2014

Moonless Book Release Blogfest

Crystal Collier cid:image001.jpg@01CF094E.83FDC860 ❀Unleashing the dream world, one book at a time ❀ Blog | Twitter | Goodreads | Facebook | Website LINKY LIST CODE: RAFFLECOPTER CODE: a Rafflecopter giveaway RAFFLECOPTER WEB LINK: POST IN HTML:

In the English society of 1768 where women are bred to marry, unattractive Alexia, just sixteen, believes she will end up alone. But on the county doorstep of a neighbor’s estate, she meets a man straight out of her nightmares, one whose blue eyes threaten to consume her whole world—especially when she discovers him standing over her murdered host in the middle of the night.

Her nightmares become reality: a dead baron, red-eyed wraiths, and forbidden love with a man hunted by these creatures. After an attack close to home, Alexia realizes she cannot keep one foot in her old life and one in this new world. To protect her family she must either be sold into a loveless marriage, or escape with her beloved and risk becoming one of the Soulless.

So here's the question: If you lived in a society where arranged marriages were a la mode, who would you beg your parents to set you up with? Why? (Literary characters and celebrities welcomed.) 

My Husband, John. Why? Because he's the best guy for me, the one and only guy for me. And although our parents didn't know each other way back when, they get along great, so I could see them arranging a marriage between us.
John, on his snowboard, on a black diamond run in Whistler, B.C. in 2010.

Find the rest of the hop below!

And while you're at it, enter to win one of these great prizes!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Perfect answer! So happy for Crystal - I've had her book on my TBR list and really need to move it up.

  2. How sweet! My parents never would have set me up with my hubby. He's boisterous and loud-spoken, and my dad was totally the quite gentlemanly type. He would have tried to set me up with someone more like him, but as it turns out, my hubby's loudness completely compliments my family's "proper" dynamic, and the two of us together? It's like chocolate sauce on ice cream. Here's to amazing marriages!

  3. I ultimately had to go with my spouse, too, Tyrean. And not because I felt I had to. Actually, I was doing it intentionally trying to exclude her. But after I ran through a list of celebrities and fake ladies, I was like, "Nope, can't touch her." :)

  4. I love it when people chose their spouse. :) I hope the two of you have a romantic Valentine's Day!

  5. Sweet choice. My husband is my hero, so I'd take him, too. I wouldn't turn down Hugh Jackman though.

  6. It's nice to find people who choose their own spouses.

    Janie Junebug

  7. Julie - Thanks! I'm happy for Crystal too!

    Crystal - Amazing marriages rock!

    Alex - Actually, he hasn't read this post . . . but I think he would. :)

    Heather - thanks! :)

    EJ - love that!!! I tried to think of celebs too, but when it comes to matching up with someone, my hubs is the only one.

    Chrys - Thank you! We're actually celebrating on Saturday since on Friday he'll be teaching snowboarding lessons all day.

    L. Diane - Sweet! And yes, your secondary choice is really good too. :) Not sure many of us would turn down Hugh.

    Heather - Thank you.

    Janie - well, I'm with EJ - there just aren't many other people I would actually want to be with.

  8. You people who picked your husbands keep making me feel like a bad spouse! ;)

  9. Great choice!! Love that you picked your hubby! Kind of wishing I had picked mine now! : )

  10. did you just stay in the "safe zone" with that answer? yes! but...with a great reason :)

  11. Great answer. So sweet you picked your husband. So excited for Crystal!

  12. I noticed a lot of people picked their spouses. I did, too. :)

  13. Nice to see that you'd pick your hubby, Tryrean!

    A few other people had picked their spouses, too.

    All the best to Crystal!

  14. Erica - no, don't feel bad.

    Kristin - Thanks! I just thought about it for a while and my hubs seemed like the best choice.

    Tammy - safe, but happy. :)

    Natalie - Thanks!

    Madeline - Sweet!

    Michael - Couldn't help it. He really is the best guy for me.

  15. Nice to know you would have survived an arranged marriage.


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!