
Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Time and Writing

“I didn't have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.” Mark Twain

This quote reminds me on days like today and yesterday and all the days when life is busy and full, that sometimes when I give myself ten minutes to write, it can turn into twenty or thirty or an hour, and during that time, the world didn't end and chaos didn't take over the day. The idea that I don't have enough time is more threatening than the clock itself.


  1. Very true! We can make time if we want to.

  2. You know, I understand that. Sometimes the thought of being busy makes me anxious enough that I can't start on something else that needs to be done.

  3. Even 10-20 minutes helps. That's how I write most of my fiction - in little chunks of time. Don't stress it.

  4. Sometimes we think, "Oh, I only have ten minutes so I don't have time to do [fill in the blank]" But I'm learning how we don't necessarily need big chunks of time and we really can do a lot in short bursts, especially if we work on purpose.

  5. Twain always made the best quotes Tyrean. Prioritizing time is essential for success.

  6. So true!

    I panic about time every so often, only to realize how much I get done if I only start doing stuff instead of worrying about doing them. ;-)

  7. I think more time is wasted thinking about time passing, instead of utilising it... did that make sense...?
    Writer In Transit

  8. So, so true. It's easy for me to stress about time, but even snagging just five minutes to work on art and the like is always more productive than nothing...

  9. Alex - true

    M Pax - I know how you feel

    Diane - little chunks of time are life-savers

    Madeline - yes, working with purpose makes a difference

    Maurice - priorities definitely make a difference

    Misha - True!

    Michelle - it made sense to me. :)

    Heather - You're right!

  10. I feel you on this one! I really need to *make sure* I find a little bit of time...even if it's only 500 words per day...better than nothing! :)


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!