
Friday, August 23, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things

Many thanks to Viklit for hosting this weekly celebration of small things!

My small celebrations:

1. Getting up at least three days a week to bike ride with my hubby for 12.8 miles or more. We're planning an early morning Saturday ride too. If you read this early, I'm probably riding my bike.

2. My oldest daughter went to her very first camp away from mom. In the past, I was asked to be a last minute emergency chaperone, or we weren't able to get her the right kind of food because of her food allergies and so I ended up going with her. (Plus, I like helping out with youth group camps). So, after I cooked several meals, packed them in a cooler to go with her, and had a good conversation with the camp cook, she's finally off on a solo teen adventure!

3. I made homemade graham crackers and marshmallows . . . yum! (We'll be eating s'mores at home too.)

4. My youngest got braces and sadly decided she couldn't go to camp if she couldn't chew anything other than soup and she had pain in her mouth 24/7. The pain was intense the night before camp, and we weren't sure what to do . . . so we decided to have camp at home for her, during the best hours of the day. We went to a ceramics shop yesterday, and today we're going to a water park. Tomorrow, she's going to a birthday party. Sunday . . . well, I think we're going for a more mellow day . . . like art in the afternoon at home or something. Or maybe we'll pull out my old fencing gear and have a go. And when we eat, we stop and have soup, or bananas, or popsicles. (And she decided she could melt those marshmallows over chocolate and crumbled up graham crackers.)

5. 1,000 words yesterday of revision. It isn't where I thought I would be this week, but it's something done.

6. Planning for my co-op classes is limping along. I might be able to finish my syllabi before the deadline on the 31st without having  mad crazy 24 hour last minute push. (might)

Oh, BTW, the home camp activities mirror the youth group activities (except the birthday party and the mellow day).

What are you celebrating this week?


  1. That's a challenge when you have a kid with allergies. Sorry braces kept your daughter from going to camp, but sounds like you've more than made up for it.
    Congratulations on the revisions.
    Now, where do I sign up for YOUR camp?

  2. Sorry your daughter had to miss out. But what an awesome parent are you for planning all those things?! Wow. She's a lucky girl. :)

  3. Bike riding must have been fun (I wish I could do that). 1000 words of revision is good.

  4. Yay for the bike riding, keep it up!
    S'mores? I want O_O

    Glad you got some revision done, maybe not as much as you wanted but its good to start ;) And hope your oldest have fun, tell your youngest it doesn't last too long with the pain! Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Getting something done is better than doing nothing at all :)
    Home camp sounds awesome to me!

  6. My husband and I ride our bikes in the morning sometimes - it's the coolest part of the day and there's the least amount of traffic.

    And your "camp" sounds like fun! :)

  7. Great work with the revisions, and I'm sorry to hear about your youngest. Poor kid. Hope you have a good weekend!

  8. Homemade graham crackers sound awesome! Writing progress is still progress even when it's slower than we may want. Congrats on getting some in!

  9. Sounds like a pretty good week, except for the braces /camp pain. I am really impressed with the bike riding.

    (I am visiting from the blog hop.)

  10. I've never made homemade marshmallows! And yum to those graham crackers. The ones you buy in the store these days only have a slim memory of what graham tastes like.

  11. I think the mellow day sounds good to me. I'd love to make homemade graham crackers so I could reduce the fat content.

  12. Allergies are the worst. Braces really stink! Kids are resilient they will adjust. Good luck with your writing.

  13. Hmmm! so you enjoyed and learnt lot of things..Ah!..great.Allergies are embracing...but managed all stuff..

  14. Alex - Thanks! LOL - I'm not taking sign ups at the moment, but maybe next year! (It might be fun to do a writer's camp that included some outdoor and arts activities.)

    Rachel -Wow! Thanks! I get to have fun too, so it worked out well for both of us. :)

    Rachna - bike riding has been really fun! And Thanks!

    S.K. - I might post the recipe one of these weeks! S'mores are yummy. And the pain is getting better already! Yay!

    Laura - very true! And thanks! We've been having fun!

    Madeline - Bike riding in the morning is the best! And our camp has been really fun!

    Christine - Thanks! She's doing much better now.

    Sarah - yes, it's been interesting getting the writing in when things are super busy.

    Rhonda - it has turned out to be a pretty good week.

    C.Lee - Homemade is the best! I might post the recipes next week.

    Diane - yes, there is less fat in the homemade ones . . .but we use a ton of sugar so I'm not sure they are any better for us.

    Catherina - very true. Resilience is a good thing.

    Sakib - definitely! and we managed well! :)

  15. Biking is great exercise; I need to hit the trails more often. Way to go on the revisions -- that's what I've been working on too: 3rd round edits.

  16. What lucky daughters you have! I'm sure both your daughters will have a wonderful time. I love your celebrations. Biking is fun - hopefully an activity I'll get back into at retirement. (I tell you, my retirement activity list is getting quite long!)

    (requesting FB likes) Nancy’s Facebook page

  17. Camp at home sounds like a huge amount of fun to me. Particularly the fencing, but that might just be me. ;-P

  18. Oh how lovely to run a camp at home ;) Sounds fun, I wanna come!

  19. A 12 mile bike ride with the one you love is no small thing Tyrean. Great list.


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