
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Something Big for my Kids and Celebrate the Small Things Early

So, I've hinted around a bit, and maybe had too many proud mama moments on facebook, but I'm finally ready to reveal a bit more here on my blog.

My daughters are going to New York City for a five day International Modeling and Talent Association competition/conference!

They auditioned and were accepted a few months ago, and since then we've been calling Seattle Talent our second home, where our daughters are taking acting and modeling classes (again, something they had to audition and interview for back in February and March).

In addition to classes that are sometimes three days a week (specifically for the competition), we've had to shop.

Now, I know what you are most of you are thinking: yay shopping, right?

Ew. I only like bookstores for shopping. My daughters know this well.

However, we did manage to have a bit of fun, and with some professional help (one of the former models who works for Seattle Talent), we did find some "high fashion" outfits for a fairly inexpensive price.

My girls also had their hair cut, styled (and in one case, highlighted) by a hair artist . . . and watching him work on my kids' hair was definitely like watching a highly trained artist/sculptor at work.

This is a foreign world to me. I'm more of a jeans, t-shirts, and cheap hair cut kind of woman. Of course, I own a number of hats (note: cheap hair cuts sometimes look bad). I wear sneakers for every day wear. I don't wear makeup, and seem to be mildly allergic to most make up and hair care products (burned scalp and major rashes, anyone?).

So . . . when my kids begged me to take them to a modeling and acting place, I wasn't super enthusiastic. It took two years for me to think about the idea, and a lot of research done my oldest daughter, to get me to bring them to their audition.

But now, several months, and several memorized monologues, scripts, and commercials later, plus learning the "model walk," and I find I'm super excited for both of them.

Oh, my kids also got me to buy a fancy(ish) dress for me for the banquet, and a few outfits that don't include jeans, so I'm ready to cheer them on from the audience.
(And I survived the shopping experience, except for some tears at an overly fancy dress shop one day - those places should be outlawed and replaced by book stores).

New York City, here we come! Countdown: 3 days.

We decided to turn our trip to New York into a big family vacation, and extend our time there. So, I won't be here for a few weeks. I might visit your blogs, but I'm not sure if I'll be able to do that, so I won't be posting. And prior to our departure, I'm going to be scrambling with last minute preparations.

Celebrate the Small Things (a little early):

1. Suitcases, and small toothpaste tubes. :)

2. I took my books on a mini road trip on Tuesday to deliver it to a store in the tiny town of Port Gamble where my mom-in-law grew up, and to two bookstores in Sequim, a smallish town. (pronounced "squim" - just ignored the "e" in that name and you'll fit in on the Olympic Peninsula in Washington). According to the book shop owners, they expect that they'll need to re-order from me within a month - that would be awesome, but I'm not counting on it.

3. My youngest celebrated her 12th birthday early with a wonderful group of friends at the park, and they all liked my allergy free chocolate cake, and even the melting "slushicles" that we had. Plus, they played lots of games and wore themselves out.

4. The trip we've been looking forward to for months is just around the corner.

So, what are you celebrating? And have you ever let your kids participate in something that's way outside your background and comfort zone, and then found out that it's not so bad?


  1. You are obviously a great Mom, supporting and encouraging your daughters at something they have a passion for even if you don't quite "get it" yourself. :)

    Congrats on the book order! Have a wonderful trip!

  2. Sounds both awesome and completely alien to me! Have a great time in New York.

  3. Tyrean, that's awesome! I would've approached it with caution as well. But if it's something they love, let they try it.
    Now, get packing and then go have a great time in New York. I hope your daughters do well.

  4. Annalisa - yes, it's definitely an alien thing. Thanks!

    Alex - Thanks! I think the show biz world is a bit odd, but since they are gung ho and we've had a good experience so far, we're on our way to the Big Apple.

  5. Congrats to your daughters! And enjoy New York City. I've never been there.

  6. Oh how fun!!! Keep us posted on how this all goes. Wow-- I bet they're beyond excited. It's so fun to watch our kids find a dream and go for it.

  7. Congrats to your daughters! Have a fantastic time!

  8. That is wonderful! Your daughters will have such and adventure. That is wise to make it a family affair.

  9. I agree it's pretty cool you're supporting your girls even though modeling's not your thing. Good luck to them :)

  10. Wow, congrats to your daughters--that's so exciting! Hope you all have fun in New York. :) (Also, bookstores are usually the only kind of shopping I enjoy, too, so I know how you feel!)

  11. Natalie - Thanks! I've been one other time, as a prospective college student, and this trip feels way different for me, but I'm excited.

    Julie - Thanks! I'm excited too!

    M Pax - Thanks!

    Diane - One of the reasons that I have been pleasantly surprised the last several months with the modeling and acting place is that they have encouraged and expected parents to be involved and I appreciate that.

    Marcy - Thanks! It is so not my thing, but I've seen them grow in confidence and their ability to present themselves in auditions and interviews and so I can support that positive part of it wholeheartedly.

    Heather - Thanks! Glad you know how I feel about shopping - I'm looking forward to seeing a few of the bookstores in NYC.

  12. Excellent news! Have a wonderful time in New York with your family.

  13. Sounds very glamorous and exciting! At the moment, I celebrate getting a day with no deadlines (next Tuesday I have no obligations - yay!).

  14. I hope your trip is wonderful for everyone. Best of luck to your girls.

  15. Wow, how exciting!! Have a wonderful time and best of luck to your girls. Awesome!

  16. That's exciting Tyrean. Hope your daughter's have a great time in New York.

  17. What an exciting adventure for your family! Here's to wishing y'all a great time in New York. May it be all your daughters want it to be.

  18. Wow! Very exciting. I hope you all have a great trip. I'm a lot like you, jeans and t shirts, little to no makeup and I cut my own hair half the time...
    Enjoy your adventure!

  19. How exciting for your daughters! They are lucky to have your support ;)

    Really awesome that you are going to be here in NY, if you see a crazy girl waving, don't run away.. that is me lol

    You girls have fun!

  20. That is so exciting! Congratulations to your daughters! (Also, I think it is cool you are supporting them in something which is so completely different than what you like. Not many parents are so willing to do that.)

    I hope you all have fun on your holiday. New York looks like it would be a fun place to visit.

  21. Wow, how exciting, all of you on a trip to New York, that's an excitement to celebrate! Enjoy!

  22. Tyrean--that is SO super awesome!! Congratulations to both of your girls--that's great :D

  23. Congrats to your daughters. You are such a supportive mom!
    And enjoy your family trip to New York! Now that's a great reason to celebrate!
    Writer In Transit

  24. Wow! What excitement! Hope you all have a wonderful time! :)

  25. That's fantastic! Always good to stretch ourselves outside the ol' comfort zone. Have a great time in NYC.

  26. How about deciding to teach 7th grade L.A. after teaching elem for the past 12 yrs--does that count as out of my comfort zone :-) Good for you for letting your daughters try something new. My 13yo and 9yo are also interested in stuff like this and I'll admit I haven't signed up for the modeling part. They continue to take acting camps, voice & guitar lessons. Maybe your journey will change my mind . . . enjoy your NY trip!!


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!