
Friday, April 19, 2013

A to Z Challenge: Quinte and Celebrate the Small Things!

This awesome challenge is hosted by founder Arlee Bird at Tossing It Out, Damyanti Biswas at Amlokiblogs, Alex J. Cavanaugh, Tina Downey at Life is Good, DL Hammons at Cruising Altitude 2.0, Jeremy Hawkins at Retro-Zombie, Shannon Lawrence at The Warrior Muse, Matthew MacNish at The QQQE, Konstanz Silverbow at No Thought 2 Small, Stephen Tremp at Breakthrough Blogs, Livia Peterson at Leave it to Livia, L. Diane Wolfe at Spunk on a Stick, and Nicole at The Madlab Post

My A to Z theme is fencing and swordplay, focusing mainly on fencing terminology, but with a few favorite movie fencing moments thrown into the mix too.

Today's word: Quinte, or parry 5.

Didn't we just cover parries yesterday?


However, in saber, Quinte is a bit different. Check out the diagram:
In saber fencing, the head is one of the main targets. Sure, it's target area in epee fencing too, but it seems like epee fencers like hitting hands, wrists, feet, and elbows. while saber fencers are far more likely to whack each other in the head, maybe because saber fencers can score points with both the point and the edge of the blade. (point and edge being relative, considering that they are dull edged)
That's it for today!
Happy A to Z!
Tomorrow I'll hit Right-of-Way and Ripostes.
Celebrate the Small Things
1. I'm surviving A to Z, although for a day or so there, I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. There are so many awesome posts, and my blog time is running out each day.
2. I started writing poetry again after a long hiatus. It's bad stuff so far, but it just makes me more determined to write more because I know I can write better poetry than that stuff I've produced in the last few days.
3. My crit partner for Champion in the Darkness has agreed to help crit Champion in Flight. Yay for awesome crit partners!
4. My book is on Kindle Select, on sale, after a bit of fuss with Nook not taking it off sale even after I pushed the "take off sale" button.
5. I cleaned up the two front garden beds. We have two trees that produce massive amounts of gorgeous flowers in the early spring, and then they proceed to dump all those blossoms on the ground in the front garden beds. The flowers are beautiful, and I know the hard work is good for me.
What are you celebrating today?


  1. Some great celebrations. Today I finally feel as if spring is in the air!

  2. Looking forward to Champion of Flight!

  3. Yay for poetry writing. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad; it all can be edited and worked on. You just need to get those words down on paper. Keep up with that determination :)

  4. interesting post! and yes I am celebrating spring by getting my veggie beds ready for planting. Living at 3500 feet does shorten the growing season. Have a great weekend!En Garde!

  5. Boo for Nook creating a fuss for you :-/

    Glad you are getting back into writin poems and surviving A-Z challenge.

    And yes, big YAY for great crit partners ;)

  6. Suzanne - me too :)!

    Alex - Thanks! I'm looking forward to CassaStorm!

    Rebecca - Thanks for the encouragement! I really appreciate it!

    Kathie - Living at 3500 feet definitely shortens the growing season! That must be an exciting place to live.

    SK - Thanks! and Congrats on your awesome book blurb - very impressive writing!

  7. So you write poetry too? Multi-talented Tyrean! Way to go with the second Champion. :)

  8. Nice to hear you're taking poetry back up and, as always, I'm finding your fencing theme very interesting.

    It makes me want to, somehow, incorporate it into my next project :)

  9. Mark - I'm glad you're enjoying it. I would love to read your next project, especially if it includes swordplay!

  10. Great celebrations. Yay to writing poetry again! Agree re A to Z am enjoying but it is at times overwhelming.

  11. I studied fencing for a while and really enjoyed it. It's wonderful exercise.
    Congrats on getting to "Q," writing poetry, having awesome CPs, gardening - and having your book on KS! Great! :-)

  12. I totally forgot about the Celebrations this week! You have some great things to celebrate. Hope your book gets tons and tons of sales. :)

  13. You must be gearing up to write the next book then. Great! I forgot it's Friday... blushinng.

  14. Surviving A to Z is quite an achievement all by itself if you ask me :)

    Also, yay to awesome crit partners! :)

  15. Nice to read that you are writing poetry again. Have a great weekend.


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!