
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

IWSG: Don't be Scared

Don't Be Scared

Why not?

Because the Scared is scared of things we like. Where did I learn this wisdom? From this quirky, sweet video:

the Scared is scared from Bianca Giaever on Vimeo.

And on a more personal note, my big "scared" insecurity this last month: What if no one buys my book, and what if no one likes it?

Well, I admit my sales numbers aren't as high as I would like them to be, but many of the people who have read my book have taken the time to tell me and show me that they like it so I'm holding onto those kind of moments. I have a list of them to pull out when I'm scared. It goes a little like this:

 My uncle wrote me a note on facebook saying "Good Job." Some of my students have stopped me at our homeschool co-op and told me they liked it, or wanted my signature. A friend of mine posted a picture of her daughters "fighting" over my book. Another friend told me that she was reading the book aloud to her kids, and the two oldest couldn't wait for her to finish it aloud, and read the rest on their own. I have three awesome reviews at amazon, and one is written by someone I don't know. Friends and acquaintances have cheered me on in public places. Just yesterday, an independent bookseller agreed to carry my book and then proceeded to sell one of my books on the spot to one of her regular customers who shook my hand.

So, the scared has been scared away by moments that I really like.

What are you feeling scared or insecure about today? How do you scare the scare away? Do you defy it? Deny it attention? Scare it away with things you like or with joy?

And if you haven't already, enter to win a copy of Champion in the Darkness here or at Laurel's Leaves:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I can't imagine birthing my book baby and then putting it out there for all the world to love or .. not. It must be so difficult to not constantly look at the numbers and evaluate self-worth based on those silly things. You wrote a BOOK-- and it's out there for people to read-- wow.. that's a heck of an accomplishment.

  2. What an awesome reaction to your book! Sales are nice, of course, but those human interactions are pretty special too.

  3. Excellent post on how to deal with the scared.

  4. That is some great feedback and to get your book into an independent bookstore is so exciting. That's my dream, too, to see my book on shelves one day.

  5. That was a wonderful video, and he's so right. Scared is scared of the things I like :)

  6. You finished a book and that's something to be very proud of...regardless of whether other's like it or not.

    When doubt rears it's ugly head, you take that book and smack it upside the head with it! *whap!* :)

  7. Thanks for sharing that cute video. It reminds me of stuff I've seen on soulpancake

  8. Actually it sounds like you have nothing to b scared abut. Good luck.

  9. Oh, that kid is cuter than cute. I'm scared of my TO DO pile. But somehow no matter how much I think of llamas and sunshine, it doesn't shrink.

  10. Those are the perfect reactions to your book! Congratulations!!! =)

  11. Congrats Tyrean! I'm scared I will never get to where you are. And like Hart my TO DO Pile!
    Great post :D

  12. Sounds like you're doing everything right! Congrats on your book. And to me, it's the marketing that's scary!

  13. Yes, definitely hold onto the sweet positive moments. I think we're all scared of not selling enough books (or getting bad reviews). Not sure how else to handle it other than what you're doing.

  14. You have done so well so definitely hold onto the sweet comments. My champion is a non writing friend of mine who never fails to show an interest in what I do and tells me time and time again to send out positive thoughts and good things will happen.

  15. I can only imagine what would it be like to publish my book and wait to see if others will like it. One thing I can say is you're handling it very well.

    When something scares me or concerns me, I try to convince myself things will be as they should be... and meditate. I try to meditate a lot.

  16. I downloaded your book for my husband, who loves fantasy and will appreciate the Christian aspect.

  17. I just think of that line by Doc from Back to the Future - "What the hell?" Meaning whenever we're scared, just think that and go for it!

  18. Julie - Thank you for your words of support and encouragement! It's tough not to look at the numbers.

    LG - the human interactions are definitely special!

    Joy - Thank you!

    Michael - keep dreaming and keep writing! You'll be there someday soon! And it is awesome to have nice feedback!

    JA - I agree. It's a wonderful video.

    Mark - "take the book and whack the fear upside the head" - Love that! - Thank you.

    JM - Glad you liked it!

    farawayeyes - Thank you!

    Hart - To Do piles don't seem to get that they need to back away . . .:) Hope your To Do pile gets under control soon!

    Elsie - Thanks!

    Ella - You will!

    Jess - I agree, marketing it scary!

    Natalie - Thanks! I just keep holding on to the good moments.

    Suzanne - It sounds like you have an awesome champion!

    Al - Thank you. I'm handling it well sometimes, and others . . .well, I have to pray a lot too.

    Diane - Thank you! I hope he likes it!

  19. You're doing great! Those little moments really are the big ones too. They make all the difference. I'm feeling frustrated myself, but with the wonderful writing community's encouragement, I'm feeling better at the end of the day.

  20. Alex - I'll remember Doc's line with a new Ninja twist now! Thanks! :)

    Christine - Thanks! I agree they are big ones!!! I hope your day goes really well today and then tomorrow and the next days too!

  21. I have a Pinterest board where I pin all the best reviews I get. Then when I need encouragement I visit the board! And that is SO exciting that a bookseller is carrying your book! Congratulations :-)

  22. Hi Tyrean, I am scared that the stakes are not high enough in my story. I keep worrying that my first chapter may not intrigue the agents.

  23. I'm scared sometimes that my book won't be a huge success, but then I stop and say, "But I wrote it to share the story." I'm not all that worried about the reviews. Not everyone will like my book. I just want to share the story that has been in my head for years.

  24. thats why you have to keep writing, have more release boosts & those boost your other book sales!

  25. You go, Tyrean! This is just the start. Those boulders are hard to push, but we keep writing and keep going at it and they eventually budge! Congrats!

  26. What a great video. Thank you for sharing it.

    Also, I think your mindset about dealing with what scares you is perfect. Besides, you did it, you wrote your book and the reviews are wonderful.

    So, sit back and enjoy. You deserve it. :)

  27. I'm not there yet, but I bet it just takes time to build up the sales.

  28. It's all very scary, but the good moments like you listed really do make it worth it!

  29. Lovely video. From the mouth of that sweet little voice....
    scared is scared of the things I like!
    I wish you everything of the best with Champion. I'm sure things will go well, but it takes a little time.


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!