
Monday, March 11, 2013

Interview at Here's The Story, A Winner, and Last Chance for Giveaway!

Today or Wednesday will be my last stop on my long book blog tour for Champion in the Darkness. Today is also one of the last two days to enter to win the Champion in the Darkness blog book tour giveaway.

Either today or Wednesday, come by Here's the Story for an in-depth interview about Champion in the Darkness and a few other things! (I thought it was today, then realized it might be Wednesday, we had a flurry of e-mails and now I'm not sure yet . . .sorry for mix-up).

Meanwhile, Michael DiGesu won the ebook Giveaway at Laurel's Leaves. Hope you enjoy Michael!

And enter below for the ongoing blog tour giveaway, which includes prizes like amazon gift cards, and copies of Champion in the Darkness.

Winners will be announced on Wednesday. (the same day as the Wormhole Blog Hop Day!)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Glad you made it through the tour Tyrean! Congrats to Michael for the W.

  2. Whew-- I bet you're exhausted. But the book looks oh-so-good! ALl the best to you.

  3. Congrats on making it through your blog tour.

  4. Congratulations Tyrean! The blog tour is almost over. You can rest after this. For a short while anyway, then it's back to the drawing board.

  5. Good luck making it through the home stretch of your blog tour. I've enjoyed reading the posts I was able to catch.

    Hooray for Michael!

  6. The interview's on Wednesday! I have your review posted today. Thanks for stopping by and answering some more questions about your book. I really enjoyed it :)


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!