
Friday, March 1, 2013

Back From the Future, Guest Post with Livia, and Celebrate the Small Things

I'm over at Leave it to Livia today for an Academy Award winning :) stop in the Champion in the Darkness blog tour! Please come visit!

However, I couldn't resist The Back to the Future Blogfest, and Celebrate the Small Things either, so look for those here

This fest is brought to us by M Pax, Nickie, and Suze.

You’re up before dawn on a Saturday when the doorbell rings. You haven’t brewed your coffee so you wonder if you imagined the sound. Plonking the half-filled carafe in the sink, you go to the front door and cautiously swing it open. No one there. As you cast your eyes to the ground, you see a parcel addressed to you … from you.
You scoop it up and haul it inside, sensing something legitimate despite the extreme oddness of the situation. Carefully, you pry it open. Inside is a shoebox — sent from ten years in the future — and it’s filled with items you have sent yourself.
What’s in it?

- a package of Vanilla Chai tea, reminding me to go throw that nasty coffee down the sink :-)

- a tiny picture frame showing rotating photo from various world family travels, and special family events

- ticket stubs for the next three Disney Star Wars movies

- e-copies of ten books that I've published, encouraging me to keep writing and dreaming

- a souvenir from Kenya, showing that I will make it there on a mission trip

- a smaller sized swimsuit - to let me know that I will lose the extra pounds I'm carrying

- a tiny box, that once opened unfolds mechanically into a futuristic ultra-light plane that I can fly (ten years might be too soon for this, but I can dream, right?)

If you could bring something back from the future, what would it be?

1. We made it through a tough week of homeschooling, and we even had some laughs over the difference between learning other languages and learning Latin. (The link takes you to my neglected homeschool blog but you don't have to go there, go to Livia's instead!)
2. My book tour is going really well, thanks to visits this week with Allison, Jamie, and Livia (today)!
3. I started reading through my first draft of Champion in Flight (2nd book in Champion trilogy) with a red pen and sticky notes.
4. I had some awesome friends and family say really nice things to me about Champion in the Darkness!
5. You can still enter to win a free copy of Champion in the Darkness, or an Amazon gift card.
What are you celebrating today?
Remember, come to Livia's place and see "If We Were a Movie . . ."

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. A super light plane? Man, I should've stuck a teleporter in my box.
    Will visit Livia's!

  2. Great list of items to send yourself. I think we can't help but imagine all the books we might have written by then. It would be awesome if we could send a few back in time to encourage us to keep going. :)

  3. Alex - a teleporter would be really cool too!!!

    LG - It's kind of fun to look forward to positive future possibilities.

  4. My box would have my own foldable TARDIS :-)

    And going over to check you out at Livia's :-)

  5. I've seen a few posts mentioned the next Star Wars movie....great choice!

    Fun entry!

  6. Sounds like you have a lot to celebrate! I'm celebrating this Small Things Hop and enjoying a beautiful sunny day!

  7. That's my kind of items, Tyrean! Thanks for the follow on my blog. I reciprocated. I like the folding plane, and yeah, I dreamed big, too.

  8. Listen, don't throw away the coffee, send it to me! Please? (Preferably, unbrewed and unused, kay? thanks!) lol

    Glad your book tour is going well ;)

  9. Yay on all the books. Keep writing! And I want one of those planes.

    You've had a great writing week. Way to go, Tyrean!

    I gave up coffee, too, and switched to green tea.

  10. Yay, another swimsuit from the future! Kewl.

    My champion is my college swim coach. He's taught so much and inspired me.

  11. Congratulations on Champion!! Very exciting.

    Vanilla Chai Latte, mmmmm...

    Thanks for participating in the fest even with all else you have going on.

  12. Angela I would love one of those too!

    Annalisa - glad you agree!

    Mark - Thanks!

    C. Lee - glad you have a sunny day!

    D.G. - Dreaming big is the only way to dream!

    Joy - Thanks!

    Suze - sorry. :) I drink tea and not coffee.

    S.K. - Ok, you can have all my coffee! :)

    M Pax - Thanks!!!

    Jennifer - Love your Champion!

    Nicki - Thank you!!! And glad you like the tea!

  13. Great list! Vanilla chai tea? Yum. I love to travel and the idea of the light plane sounded great until Alex mentioned the teleporter. I hate flying. Ten books in ten years? Boggles the mind. I must learn to write faster.

    Congratulations on the release of Champion in the Darkness!

    ~VR Barkowski

  14. I'd love a foldable ultra light plane! Cool gifts from future self!


  15. That's a great list. I especially appreciate the desire to be skinny in the future. Skinny people have more fun.

  16. Congrats on the blog tour! Champions in my life would be my fam.

    Thanks for celebrating.

  17. Loved the items in your package. I saw another author have an ebook with ten of their books in there, too.

    Isn't it wonderful when people say nice things about your book?

  18. Love the plane idea, how fun. And your trip to Kenya sounds awesome, you will make it there, I'm sure.

    Congrats on such a successful blog tour! Will be at Livia's later. :)

  19. Congrats on all your achievements and the successful book tour!

  20. Wow, you sure have a lot going on right now. It's cool that you were still able to participate in the blog hop. You packed some pretty cool stuff in that box of yours. (Musta been a basketball player's shoe box!)Like everyone else, I'm most intrigued with that plane.

    Thanks for signing onto my blog as a new follower. I do appreciate it, and it's my pleasure to return the favor. Count me in as your newest groupie.

  21. A smaller size swimsuit from the future - great idea! Congrats on all your celebrations and achievements.

  22. At the very least, that small swimsuit would be motivation.

  23. Congratulations on your book tour! That is great. And I know how good it is to get honest and positive feedback on your book.

  24. Awesome list! Everything a girl could want and more. :)

  25. I should've stuck something futuristic and cool in my box like that plane! Great list. Have a wonderful weekend.

  26. Great List! I hope they all come true for you!
    ~Just Jill

  27. Great list Tyrean.
    Ten books within the next decade sounds fantastic!
    Congratulations on the blog tour!

  28. you are living the life!
    cool future items & mementos!
    and way to get right into your next book!

  29. Kenya is going to be a better place after you visit!! :)

  30. I'm going to go for the lame--but obvious-- choice and say I'd bring back future lotto numbers so I can stop working & write to my heart's content! And today (3/1/13), I celebrated my youngest's 6th birthday. :)

  31. I love the list of your future things,and chuckled over the little swimsuit!
    You're teaching Latin? Go you! :-)

  32. I refuse to dream of being skinny; puts too much pressure on me :) But, traveling and having my own portable jet, now that is something I can wish for.


  33. Congrats on your celebrations for the week!
    And I like your list of items from the future. :)
    Have a super weekend!

  34. What a great list and you have plenty to celebrate! Awesome giveaway!

  35. VR - Thanks! Teleportation would be awesome, but I love to fly too . . . I would have a tough time choosing between the two if both were available.

    nutshcell - Thanks! I dream big.

    Michael - LOL. I don't think that's true, but I think I might have more energy at least.

    Viklit - Love the Champions in your life!

    Gwen - it's amazing!

    Julie - Thanks for your vote of confidence!

    Jen - Thank you!

    Susan - Thank you. I didn't think about the size of the box . . .and I don't wear basketball shoes - maybe it was a box from rollerblades?

    Suzanne - Thanks!!!

    L. Diane - That's what I think too!

    Nancy - Thanks! Yes, the feedback has been good, and I've really appreciated it!

    Pk Hrezo - Thanks! I think so too!

    Christine - Have a great weekend!

    Jill - Thanks! Now I just have to put foundations under those dreams . . must get back to work.

    michelle - Not sure I can write that many, but I'm going to try!

    Tara - Life is just meant to be lived! And Thanks!!!

    DL - I hope so!

    tueremorton - Happy 6th Birthday to your youngest!!!

    Lexa - the swimsuit was mean for a chuckle and a motivator, and teaching Latin . . .well, not really. One of my kids has a Latin class at a homechool co-op and the other has a class online. I just listen and try to help.

    Donna - Glad you liked the portable jet!

    Jackie - Thanks! Have a great week!

    Dani - Thank you!!!

  36. You must be buying the wrong coffee! :-)

  37. Vanilla chai sounds great to me! And am I the only one who tastes a little bile at the idea of Disney Star Wars? Hey, if it's as good as John Carter, count me in.

  38. Your future sounds pretty darn rich! Lots of stuff to look forward to :)

  39. I just started drinking coffee again, someone said it was good for you! :)

    Love the future!

  40. Hi, Tyrean,

    Glad you made it to Kenya and CONGRATS on the TEN ebooks... And nothing like getting into a smaller size.

    I sent myself coffee, chocolate, the jeans the same size I wear now .. LOL. I was happy especially since I was able to eat chocolate and remain the same size.

    This was such a fun Bloghop.

    I also wanted to thank you again for the sweet and supportive comments you had left on my blog this week. THEY MEANT so much...

  41. You've got some good things in store for your future. I'd like that ultralight plane as well so long as it was also crashproof.

    Writers Workshop
    An A to Z Co-host blog


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