
Monday, January 7, 2013

Crossing i's and dotting t's

It's a new year, and I find myself trying to stuff new habits into old shoes . . .or something like that.

Up early, I rode the family exercise bike, did some strength and stretching exercises, read my Bible, prayed, and now I'm here . . .for a few minutes. Then I'm off to do some last minute, morning-of, prep for one of my classes that I teach today, and then . . .well, it will be time for breakfast and then running out the door . . .

Sometime this afternoon I'll be back in blogland for a bit, then onto my last month's worth of prep for Champion in the Darkness . . . only 35 days left until the official release. Aah! I mean, Woohoo!!!

I am excited, I just have to dot my t's and cross my i's before I get there. No, wait, scratch that . . . I need to dot my i's and cross my t's.  :-)

My new, better work ethic, habits aren't quite fitting into my old time patterns, but I'll figure it out, eventually.

How are your resolutions/goals working out so far this year?

Does anyone else have a family tradition of turning the "dotting my i's and crossing my t's" saying upside down and saying it backwards?


  1. Hate to ask what you do to your Q's!
    One more month - get excited.

  2. I can see me saying that all wrong. I did come up with 'greefy leans' and 'dramastically.'

  3. You actually get in your excercise? I'm impressed. Enjoy the upcoming weeks to their fullest!

  4. Considering we're only a week into it, my goals are doing really well! I just can hope I can keep it up.

  5. Exciting countdown!

  6. I like your work ethics. Wifey and I start our day out with some form of Bible reading, TV preacher guy, and prayers. Sometimes its nothing fancy, but by the time the day is over we've covered some good work habits and ethics.

  7. Very exciting and best of luck with your upcoming release :)

    As for my 'year goals' (I try to stay away from 'resolutions') I'm off to a great start. I wrote a small, flash fic, hit the weights and ellipitcal, and then ate breakfast.

    Everything I wanted to do today...done by noon :)

    Now...if I can just keep at it!

  8. You do all that before breakfast? Wow, I'm lucky to put my slippers on the right feet before breakfast. :P

    And, woot! Release is getting close!

  9. OK, I asked yesterday, what is outside, but I'm exhausted reading about your morning.

    Woot on your release! I'm excited to read it.

  10. Wow. That was all before breakfast too :P

    I started classes today, so once I get this week out of the way I'll have some kind of life routine down.

  11. I'm tired just from reading your post! It sounds like you've found some sort of way to bend time. Hope you can keep it up.

    And now I feel like a slob. It's about time I did some more exercise!

  12. Alex - LOL - I am!

    L. Diane - greefy leans! I like that.

    T. Drecker - I try. These days exercise is going well . . .but that's this week.

    J.A. - Great!!!

    Julie - Yes!

    Stephen - That sounds like a great way to start the day!

    Mark - Way to Go!!!

    Luanne - LOL . . .I have days like that . . .but I can't eat breakfast when I first wake up so it's best if I sit on the exercise bike and spin the wheel.

    M Pax - don't be exhausted. I take it all in small doses on Monday . . .

    Nick - haven't bent time yet - I just try to get in at least 20-30 minutes of everything . . .that way I can get in a little bit of all of it.

  13. Finished reading a book, started a new one. A class I'm taking started on Saturday and it's already shaping up to be so much fun.

  14. It's awesome to be that excited!

    I'm taking it slow and steady so far, keeping to my goals with the bare minimum requirements. :)

  15. Trisha - I think that's a good way to get goals done - step by step! :-)

  16. Good luck leading up to your release. I'm excited!

    My family didn't flip the 'dotting i's' expression. My dad was in the Marines, so the expressions tended to be a bit more colorful. The one I really remember was "Keep your head screwed on straight!"

  17. Nickie - Keep your head screwed on straight - I like that, and I think I've heard it before.


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!