
Friday, January 25, 2013

Celebrate the Small Things: Rejoice in All Circumstances

I'm celebrating some awesome things this week, although I don't think they're small.

1. My oldest daughter turns 14 today! I'm celebrating her life, and being her mom today! I've been so blessed to have her in my life!

2. I saw an "almost done" version of my cover design. My niece wondered what was missing on it . . .we looked and looked with the whole family around us, and finally my mom shouted out from across the room, "your name. You need Tyrean's name." This is the reason that having a supportive family is so important to me. So, soon, I'll have a cover, with my name on it!

3. My kids and my students did an awesome job at our home-school co-op open house. My youngest had a solo Latin recitation, and displayed her jewelry for her beading class. My oldest sang with the worship leadership class, announced another class for her speech class, and performed as Jumping Josephine in a Western Melodrama. My students let me display their stories and essays.  

4. In the midst of trying circumstances, I kept my calm. (Well, I did pray, count to ten, and breathe deeply). The trying circumstances: I lost the last editing changes to my book from the last three weeks. The automatic, wireless back up didn't work. My knight in shining tech armor husband panicked. For some reason, this word popped into my head when I prayed: joy.
Joy? Yeah. Joy.
I have faith in an awesome Savior. I have three other back up copies of my novel. They may not be up to date, but I'm fixing that, and I have time to fix it.
I have an awesome family, a good home, and wonderful friends. I love to write, and I get to do that. A year from now, this will be a funny story.

What are you celebrating today?

It doesn't have to be big. It can be small, like a finished load of laundry, a sentence of writing, anything.

And do you ever come across circumstances that stop you in your tracks and force you to think of the things that bring you joy? (if nothing else, this can be a temper saver, or sanity saver)


  1. That's quite a list. The least expected word, though. Thinking on it had to be a good signal. Go Tyrean! Congratulations!

  2. Always pray for joy and give joy in all things.
    Yes, your name is important!! Funny how no one caught that at first.

    1. It was pretty funny that no one caught it but we could all tell that something was missing. And Amen for joy!

  3. Happy birthday to your daughter...and big celebrations to you for loving her so much! Sounds like you have a wonderful family...truly something to celebrate!

    1. It is truly wonderful to have such a wonderful family! Have a great weekend MJ!

  4. The first book is the hardest to launch because you're learning so much as you go. I like the wisdom "A year from now, this will be a funny story." A great perspective to help you find joy in the now!

    1. I am learning more than I expected to and mostly that's a good thing. The wisdom actually is from my daughters' dance coach from the years they competed - he always said to look at a stressful situation and ask yourself "will this matter a year from now?

  5. Hi Tyrean -

    Congrats on the coming book launch.

    I'm thankful for a book contract and an agent. Like you, I'm in the midst of the book launch craziness, and loving it.

    Susan :)

    1. Congrats on your book contract, agent and the craziness! Blessings!

  6. It is wonderful serve a God who allows us to find joy in the challenging times. As C.S. Lewis said: “Joy is the serious business of Heaven.”

    1. Thank you for sharing that wonderful quote from C.S. Lewis!

  7. Great post!

    Yep, your name on the cover is something you -can't- do without...good call by mom :)

    Have a great weekend!

  8. I'm celebrating a day at home without having to get into the car and driving anywhere!

  9. This is a great list and no small things either as you say. Keeping Calm and being almost done on your cover design - I love that you had to think 'oh yes my name'! And happy birthday to your daughter. What a great list and thank you so for joining in.

    1. Thank you for hosting this wonderful celebration each week!

  10. Happy birthday to your daughter!

    What am I celebrating today?

    1. That we have beautiful snow. After spending a week in Florida, it’s nice being back in the cold snowy weather. =)

    2. That I had the energy to make lunch today (something I normally do all the time, but often don’t feel up to it).

    3. That we might have found a new way to treat the Lyme Disease that I’ve been battling for almost six years.

    4. That even when I don’t feel up to doing anything, I can still look back on a year of little accomplishments to help me press on.

    5. That I can drink tea which makes me feel better.

    6. That I’m a writer, and therefore I don’t get bored. =)

    1. These are all awesome things to celebrate! I'm praying that you will win that battle with lyme disease soon.
      And I love being a writer for that reason too.

  11. Happy birthday to your daughter. Can't wait to see your cover.

    I email my WIP's and ms's to a friend everyday when I finish them. That way, I have a back up in my out box and in her inbox.

    Have a great weekend!

  12. Happy Birthday to your daughter! :)

    I admire you for not totally panicking when you found out three weeks' of edits had disappeared. That must have been trying!

  13. Beautiful list, Tyrean. And loved the story about your name on your book cover. So much something I would do. How long did it take me to realize I spelled "Foreword" wrong (I spelled it "foreward")? After ordering 10 copies of my book! Joy is the right word. Things can me fixed, and thanks to God, we have time to do it.

  14. Wow great list! Happy birthday to your daughter and YAY for cover designs - one of my favorite things about books I think :)

  15. Ouch - sorry you lost your editing changes. I am so paranoid about stuff like that.

    I am celebrating the beauty outside, as we've have freezing rain all day and the trees are covered. It's not snow, but it might be the best thing we get all winter.

  16. What a wonderful perspective-- I would probably blow a fuse if I lost that much work. :-)

  17. Sometimes I inexplicably lose changes I make to docs. I'll save and close, but the next time I open it up - the changes weren't saved. Things like that happen to all of us. Congrats on all your accomplishments and have a great weekend! :-)

  18. Count it all joy when we fall into various trials, right? Sometimes easier said than done, but I think there's always something to be joyful about. Thanks for sharing your joys!

  19. Golden Eagle - Thanks! It was trying . . .and a minor miracle.

    Nancy - Thanks for sharing your story about your book. Thank God we have time to fix things!

    J.A. - Thanks! Covers are really cool!

    L. Diane - sounds like a beautiful day!

    Rebecca - I almost did!

    Lexa - Thanks! Have a great weekend!!!

    Milo - Amen. Thanks for stopping by!

  20. I love your blog so I followed it. I am celebrating ten years as a cancer survivor. Nice to meet you. Sorry for not commenting sooner. I lost my internet for a long time.
    Thanks for commenting on my blog as well. I hope you like my new stuff.

    Hugs, Crystal AKA Imogen

  21. Imogen - Congrats on being a cancer survivor!


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!