
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Alex's Wednesday Movie Quote and a few ideas

 Alex J. Cavanaugh is hosting a weekly Wednesday movie quote, and this week's theme/grouping is light fantasy.
I had a tough time choosing just one quote so I'm going to go with my favorite three, all from the same movie:

"Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

"Why are you smiling?"
"Because I know something you don't know. I am not left-handed."

"As you wish."

And it's hard for me to stop there. I love, love, love this particular movie, and can mostly quote it from beginning to end. The rhyming section on board the ship is tempting . . . but I'll stop now.

If you don't know this movie . . .well, you haven't lived yet. Really. It has one of the best choreographed sword fight scenes in a movie and they had a fencing master teach the actors. The only other movie I know with sword work that excellent is Pirates of the Caribbean. (the first one)

Long pause, while I think/daydream through various fight scenes from various movies . . .I feel an idea for a blogfest coming on, but there's no time now . . .maybe in late May? Would anyone be up for a Favorite Fight Scene Fest in late May? Or is that too violent? Or should I write a series of fight scene blog posts?

Have I mentioned I like sword fight scenes before this, and that a long time ago, in this galaxy, I used to fence foil and sabre?

So, do you know the movie? Are you taking part in Alex's ongoing quote fest? Do you like sword fight scenes? Do you fence?

A fun, upcoming blogfest that I couldn't resist adding into my February blog tour craziness:
Level Up Blogfest brought to you by Allison of Geek Banter and Jamie of Mithril Wisdom invites us to share our favorite games. Check it out! I'm so excited, I already wrote my post. 


  1. "Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line!"

    I love that movie, for all the reasons you mentioned plus the frame storytelling ("Is this a kissing book?").

  2. Princess Bride is a classic. Most quotable movie ever. Also, my husband's last name is Montoya, so we have a lot of fun with that particular line from Inigo. :D

  3. Nickie - I love the frame storytelling too. It's a great movie!

  4. L.G. - it is the most quotable movie ever! And your husband's last name is Montoya? That hasto be fun! :D

  5. I don't know if there's any movie more fun to quote than Princess Bride. One of my favorite was 'Good work. Sleep well. I'll mostly likely kill you in the morning.' I have NO idea why.

  6. We love this movie in our house! We went to the coolest Valentine's event last year hosted by our local dine-in movie theater.

    It was a PB quote along feast. They gave us little props to use when certain quotes came up in the film. (Like every time they say, "True love" we rang a little bell, and we had inflatable swords to brandish during the fight scenes!)

    They also had their own branded wine made up (the "As You Wish Cabernet" was a hit), and themed food courses (the main dish was R.O.U.S. fillet lol).

    It was truly special.

    "Never go against a Sicilian when death is on the line! hahahahahaha"

  7. T. Drecker - I agree. I think Princess Bride is one of the most fun movies to quote, and I like that line too.

    EJ - That sounds like an awesome Valentine's event! Very cool!

  8. I'm hopeless when it comes to movie trivia, so I can't take part in any movie blogfests.
    Sword fight scenes... the ones in the epic movies.
    Fencing looks awesome... and very technical... am I correct?

  9. Michelle - sorry to hear that - I thought my trivia was pretty easy this time. And fencing is awesome, and becomes technical the more you learn as you go.

  10. I love what you shared! Wow, you are on point, lol ;D
    I have to go watch it...okay, not now! Friday perhaps...I have always wanted to test my Zorro moves, lol

    PB jams! Okay, that sounds odd, but it works on two levels :D
    It is wacky Wednesday, for me~

  11. That movie is so quotable!
    I'd do a favorite fight scene blogfest. Sign me up now. Third week in May would be good - then you can announce it during the Challenge, but it will fall just far enough after the Challenge but before Memorial Day weekend.

  12. Ella - PB jams!!! Love wacky Wednesday!

    Alex - it is! and that's an awesome idea for timing. I'll get to work on it right away!

  13. I definitely didn't know you used to fence. Fun! I have a friend who has all of her 8 (yes, 8) kids go through fencing.

    And of course I know Princess Bride! Was that rhetorical?

    Shannon at The Warrior Muse

  14. Shannon - 8 kids in fencing! Wow! That sounds like fun! And yes, it was rhetorical . . .or at least I hope so.

  15. This is one movie I revisit over and over. Great choice Tyrean :)

  16. You already wrote your post?? I'm so impressed! Can I give points? Cause you get double points. Thanks for announcing it! I'm pretty excited myself :) I also love the Princess Bride. Are there rocks ahead?

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  17. Trisha - Glad you liked it. :-)

    Allison - If they are, we'll all be dead. :-) And yes, I already wrote it . . .not sure it's any good, but it's written.

  18. I remember seeing Princess Bride in the theater. Awesome!

  19. I love The Princess Bride. I lost count of how many times I've watched it.

  20. "Have you ever considered piracy? You'd make a great Dread Pirate Roberts."

    I'd participate in that blogfest.

  21. Joy - it's a great movie!

    Medeia - Glad I'm not the only one!

    L. Diane - Great quote! And Thanks!

  22. would love to see this as a musical!
    such a beloved movie, princess bride!
    could say every line.

    as you wish!

  23. I enjoyed Princess Bride very much. I find difficult to quote anything because I use to watch them subtitled and not pay much attention to English dialogues, but I guess I'll have to change that soon.

  24. To tell you the truth, I know the movie.

  25. I think I know but I'm not sure...

    These movie quotes are fun!

  26. Tara - it would be really fun as a musical

    Al - I think I would tough to quote from subtitles

    Leovi - good!

    LIz - Yes, they are!

  27. I'm signed up for the Level Up! Blogfest. And I did know the movie. :)


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