
Monday, October 29, 2012

Big News!!!

As I prepare to plunge into this year's NaNoWriMo craziness, I have some exciting news to share:

I'm releasing my book, Champion in the Darkness, on February 11th, 2013! See the new page on my blog for news about the release party and the blog tour! I don't have all the details for the release party yet but they will be coming soon. I'm still in need of a few awesome hosts for the blog tour, so please let me know if you're available.

And, if you look at the follower list on the left side . . .I'm at 300!!!
 Celebrations in the blogging world:

Rachel Morgan recently released An A to Z of Creepy Hollow Fae. Congrats Rachel!

Ciara Knight recently released Ascension of Evil, the last book in her fallen angel trilogy, Battle for Souls.

Any news I missed? Are you ready for NaNo? Willing to help out with my release?

My Halloween Hop post will be up on Wednesday.

And . . .M Pax and I will be announcing details for Hobbit Fest on November 2nd . . .so come back Friday and sign up!


  1. Congratulations on three hundred followers! Looking forward to your book next year.

  2. Excited for you, Tyrean! I'd be happy to help with the tour.

  3. Congratulations on all your followers and the release of your book!

  4. Excellent news, Tyrean - congratulations!

  5. Laurel - Thanks!!!

    Summer - Thank you!!!

    Susan - Thanks!

    L.G. - Thanks! It is!

  6. Huge congrats, Tyrean. Good for you!

  7. Double congrats on your new book and 300 followers!!

  8. i thought this was gonna be your news, or is it a secret?

    congrats, rachel & ciara!!!

    and hobbit?! count me there!!

  9. Woot on a set release, Tyrean! Be sure to include me in your launch plans. :D I'm all set for Hobbit Fest.

  10. Congratulations on your new book coming out. Yippeee on getting 300 followers.

  11. Congratulations on your 300 followers! I would love to help out with your blog tour! I will email you when I have chance :)

  12. Congrats on your book release and 300 followers! Awesome.

  13. Congrats! We'll have a release party month then, as my next book comes out on Feb. 5. Three hundred followers is really good, too.

  14. Bish - Thanks!

    Emily - Thank you!

    michelle - Double Thanks!

    M Pax - Thanks, and Thanks again for helping me out with Hobbit Fest!

    quietspirit - Thank you.

    Livia - Thanks!!!

    Angie - Thank you!

    mshatch - Thanks!

    Diane - Great!!! February is going to be a great month!

  15. Congratulations on the 300 followers!!!

    I would be willing to help in your blog party. And double congratulations on the upcoming book!! That is very exciting!

  16. Brinda - Thanks!!!

    Jack - Thanks, and thanks again!!! It is exciting!

  17. Hey! Thanks for looking me up. I love making contact with local authors! I'm not doing NaNoWriMo this year (did it last year and got an awesome first draft out of it). I have too much other work to do to get my books, and book covers done. But good luck with it. Now to browse your blog!


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!