
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

IWSG August 2012

August is Awesome! It just is. It's my birthday month and my anniversary month. Plus, it's actual summertime here in the Northwest United States . . .it's just getting into the 80s this week. I know that much of the states are sweltering, but here we are just getting warm.

So what in the world does that have to do with IWSG?

 I'm in an unstoppable, amazing mood so I can't really get into insecurities right now. I have them. They suck. I'm not interested in giving them the time of day. I'm just too happy to let them pull me down right now.

So, my advice and encouragement today is:

Be Happy.

Write and Be Happy. Live and Be Happy. Just Be Happy.
Love every word you write. Love your life. Love yourself.
Know Joy.

Then go by Alex J. Cavanaugh's site and give him a giant virtual hug!
And go hug other writers and their blogs!

"Rejoice in the Lord always. Again, I say, Rejoice!" Philippians 4:4


  1. Love it!! Great advice to start the day!! I may post it to my screen. Thanks.

  2. I'm happy and I definitely have joy! Excellent message for today. I think a lot of people need this right now.

  3. Stay happy! Forget about the niggles. And because you're such a positive person - here's a virtual HUG for you.

  4. Christine - You're welcome!!! Hugs!!

    Alex - Thanks! Hope you have an awesome, hugged and happy day!

    Susan - HUGS to you too!

  5. Great post! Enjoy the sunshine. :)

  6. Wonderful advice!

    And I'm envious of your "just warming up" temperatures. :)

  7. Perfect post! Nice to meet you at Emily's blog.

    Happy Birthday!
    Happy Anniversary!!

  8. YAY! Birthdays are great! Being happy is great! So is the sun. Enjoy yourself :)

  9. Cherie - Thanks! I'm not sure it's enviable when we have only about six weeks of true summer and the rest is rainy.

    Carol - Nice to meet you too! And Thanks!

    Ravena - Thanks! I plan to!

  10. Awww what a positive IWSG post, Tyrean! Hearing how happy you are makes me happy too! Enjoy the sunshine... it's pouring down here in Glasgow (as always!).

    Thank you for your lovely comment on my blog, too! :)

  11. Thank you. Great advice. I have been pretty happy lately. It's been really hot here in PA, but I love it!

  12. The good news is that there is no rule that says we are required to be unhappy. Yay for you and your happy day!

  13. Tonja - Great!!!

    Catherine - Thanks! Hope you get some sunshine soon.

    Susan - glad you are enjoying life!

    Liza - I agree!

  14. I remember Pacific NW summers.

    Ready to live happy.

  15. This is my favorite IWSG post of the day!!! I believe in it wholeheartedly. I have insecurities, but I try not to ever give in to them. Thanks for the inspiring lift!

  16. Fantastic message! I love it. Yes, I'm happy and I'm thankful for everything in my life, especially my family.

  17. Have an awesome August! Virtual hugs all the way around :)

  18. Ha! We're in the same (it seems to me, anyhow) great place this IWSG check-in! Go with it!

    'I can do all things through him who gives me power.' ~ Philippians 4:13

  19. L. Diane - Go for it! Hugs!

    Nancy - Wow! Thanks!!!

    Ciara - Thank you! Glad you have happiness!!!

    Heather - Virtual Hugs to you too!

    Nadj - Glad to hear it! Great Quote!

  20. I need to drop by frequently and often. You'll keep me smiling.

    Thanks for visiting, Tyrean. It's great to meet you through the IWSG.

    Stay happy.

  21. Happy Birthday and anniversary, Tyrean!

  22. Hooray! I think this is my favorite post of the day. :)

  23. Wonderful post! Hope you have an incredible month. :)

  24. Happy birthday and anniversary! Keep that joy contagious!

  25. (((hugs)))What a great month you are going to have, so much happy!

  26. Very positive thoughts that I need to repeat to myself every day as I tend to get caught up in the every day stresses. Thank you!

  27. Phil. 4:4 is one of our favorite verses. We will rejoice regardless of the circumstances life throws at us.

  28. What a great sentiment to start the day with. You've put me in a great mood! Thank you. Definitely following :-)

  29. Happy..happy...This group is made for encouragement as well and a happy smile is always welcome. Have a great day!

  30. This is really great advice. I definitely needed it. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. It was nice meeting you.

  31. Love it! Such great advice. And Happy Birthday to you, whenever that is!

  32. Great words for me this morning! Thank you.

  33. Great advice for us all. Nice contribution to IWSG.

    Wrote By Rote

  34. I know you are right. Just. Be Happy. There's enough to grumble and complain about, so why night give your face a rest and smile.
    Thanks to grins and giggles today!
    I'm Talynn, a new follower from IWSG!

  35. You know, with all the (over) thinking I do, this is probably the advice I needed to hear most. :)


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!