
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

IWSG - Face Your Fears

This month for Insecure Writer's Support Group, I would like to challenge everyone to face your fears.

On vacation with my family, I often get a chance to face my fears.

In April 2011 I swam in the ocean with huge manta rays, sharks, and green sea turtles. (I've always been afraid of swimming with little fish in any open water)

At the end of June (this year), I walked the rim trail at the Grand Canyon to Hermit's Rest and saw condors flying below us. The trail felt way too narrow at some points and too close to the edge. (my fear of heights was definitely challenged)

On July 1st, even though we're still on vacation, I submitted one of my poems for publication with a magazine.

Maybe that doesn't seem to be a big "fear-facer" type situation, but when I have those moments when I'm doubting my writing, submitting my work is all about facing my writing insecurities.

True, I've had some short stuff like stories and poems published before, but that doesn't seem to mean that I've lost all my fear of rejection.

Have you faced any fears lately? With your writing? Your life?

I highly encourage you to face your fears because I think you'll find that when you do, you'll be rewarded with renewed confidence.


  1. You've had quite a year so far! Good luck with that poem.

  2. Wow! You've definitely done some great things to face your fears.

    I've had to face my fears over insects and the like. Our new kitten had worms and ear mites, so I didn't want to touch her for a while (was fine petting her and stuff before I knew she had them), so I'm facing it and getting over it because it's not her fault she's all wormy.

  3. I think it's great that you faced your fears! I have finally admitted to myself recently that I am a fearful person and have resolved to do exactly what you have done, face my fears head on.

  4. Well, you're braver than I am. There's NO WAY I'd go swimming with sharks. Turtles yes, sharks no.

    Fingers crossed for your poem. Rejection sucks, but not trying sucks more. :)

  5. Well, those things took guts! Way to go.

    Allison (Geek Banter)

  6. I think it's possible we're swimming with sharks whenever we dip our toes in the ocean water. They might be there. You never know. Very risky.

    I agree with you. It's incredibly liberating to face your fears (especially if it goes well).

    Good luck with the submission!

  7. you faced fears i have no interest in attempting to face. you are braver than me!

    after getting thru my first major round of rejections in my life (not being able to get a teaching job for 3 years after college), i can handle most rejection. i guess i have matured, plus writing is subjective, not gonna please everyone...

    good luck!

  8. Tyrean, that is dynamite. Considering I can't swim that would take even more guts for me. "Do something you fear every day."
    - Maurice Mitchell

    The Geek Twins | Film Sketchr

  9. Alex - Thanks!

    Cherie - ew, bugs! I get that one.

    Sherry - that's the best way!

    L.G. - well, the sharks were there even when we swam with turtles - I just didn't see them, but another snorkeler did.

    Allison - Thanks!!!

    Tonja - I agree. And thanks!

    Tara - I spent 3 years looking for a teaching job too, but my writing feels far more personal.

    Maurice - Thanks! - I think you need to go wading, at least.

  10. I'd love to go to the Grand Canyon again. I haven't been since I was young. I very much fear sending my writing out to the market, petrified since my WIP is almost done. But each time is slightly less. Best of luck with your submission!

  11. Glad you met the challenge and faced some of your fears! I can relate, seems like there is often something popping up that I need to overcome in that way. But it helps us get stronger and build character, right? :) Hope you do well with the poem!

    Have a great week,


Thanks for taking time to share your awesomeness!